Thursday, February 28, 2019
Cold Case Investigation
Abstract parky episode investigating is a growing concern receivable to increased numbers of undecided character references and pop culture appeal. This paper testament walk you through what a heatless theatrical role investigating is, how one begins, and factors such as the mathematical function of volunteers hindquarters effect the outcome of a cold case investigation. all(prenominal) year the number of open cases in the U. S. goes up, but with limiting support and lose of manning something has to be done to keep the numbers down. A consecrate cold case unit is the best answer to this hassle. Cold part InvestigationApproximately one-third of all homicides in the United States be not exculpated within the first year of being committed. These cases ar dubbed cold cases subsequently active investigation has been terminated for all of several(prenominal) reasons. If investigators lose the label or cannot come up with enough take the stand, witnesses, or a fis hy the case whitethorn be closed. More important or gritty publicity cases whitethorn become a priority and with lack of a trail a case is closed. These cases can be placed on a back burner until time and manning is available to conduct a more thorough investigation and continue where previous investigation left off.The number 1 clearance rate has also been attributed to the number of becomed detectives, changes in resources, declination of quality of investigation, and escalation of former(a) related crimes. The means of conducting a cold case investigation vary greatly from that of an ongoing investigation and whitethorn point be conducted by people not employed by the skipper agency handling the case. Resurrecting a Cold Case Investigation afterwards a case has been dubbed a cold case, it may take several months to even years before it is re-opened for investigation.Some times the original investigator may feel a desire to re-open the case or new evidence or witnesses may come to light offering up a direction for investigators to follow. Other times it requires others not involved in the sign investigation to take initiative to gather closure for victims or other reasons. If the primary investigator in the initial case is not involved in the cold case investigation, the current investigators need to be brought up to speed on the background and prior evidence or facts of the case.Investigators may then contact any prior witnesses and re-entertain questions antecedently asked or pad on the subject. Some witnesses may provide further information. If there were no witnesses or suspects, current technology that was not available during the initial investigation could provide evidence not previously available such as DNA. Personnel previously interviewed may also be feeling vice by the time a cold case is re-opened and need an opportunity to vent or even confess their guilt.If little or no further information is found for investigators to go off of the case may become frustrating and be given up on again. Re-opening a cold case also creates some turmoil such as opening old wounds with the victims of these crimes due to the suspect not being caught initially, and because the victims are forced to relive the past. Cold Case Investigation Units Cold case investigation investigations units have been formed to combat the growing trend of un decided cases. They usually consist of one or more dedicated homicide investigators with the fix purpose of solving the cases.The structure and management of these units are not clear defined at this time and there is little evidence to confirm that they are effective at reducing the numbers of unsolved cases. Cold case units have gained popular appeal in the last straddle of years through various television shows related to that of solving cold cases. thither are two perspectives as to why certain cases take a breather unsolved. The first is based on conflict theory and behavior of faith fulness theory. This theory shows that the polices discretion leads to differences in investigative endeavour and shows bias.The biggest thing to note on this theory is that a case will have more time and safari put into it if the victim is from a more favorable social position. The entropy theory is the opposite. It states that everyone receives maximum effort regardless of victim characteristics and cases remain unsolved due to a lack of situational characteristics such as evidence, witnesses, and use of a weapon that can be found and fingerprinted. (Napolean, 2009, pg n/a) The cold case unit concept was created by the Miami police department in the 80s to handle al well-nigh 1,400 unsolved cases.This unit had much success and cold case investigation units became popular nationwide. To date there are still some concerns on how a cold case unit should operate, but prioritizing cases is the biggest concern. As a standard the highest priority cases are those, which the victim or a second victim has been identified, the death was ruled a homicide, suspects were previously named by rhetorical means, an arrest warrant was previously issued, significant physical evidence can be further processed, or new leads have arisen where critical witnesses are willing to cooperate.Cold cases are generally broken into three categories, high, moderate or low. By any means, a staffed and supported cold case investigation unit is more advantageous than a temporary unit. Volunteers are inborn Cold case investigation is an extremely labor intensive process. There has been a growing desire for cold cases to be solved due to its pop culture appeal. Many police departments are feeling the squash to get their unsolved case numbers down, but due to the saving and budgets on a downward trend staffing and resources are at a premium.Agencies are now turning to a more non-traditional alternative to suffice staff voids left by budget cuts. Volunteers can play an substantial role in the assistance to detectives who solve cold cases. Retired detectives provide an bid to some agencies. These retirees do not require additional training because they were previously employed in the same line of business. They are also most likely to enjoy doing the cultivate because they retired doing it. A great attractor for retirees is that they hit from getting a chance to do what they love without being forced into the long hours that comes along with it.Other volunteers can come from only if about anywhere as long as they have a willingness and drive to solve the cases. Ex-law enforcement and civilians are vital. Having a mixed background of volunteers provides a variety of experience to draw from and a fresh set of eyes on the cases. Investigators that previously worked on the cases may feel refreshed having another opinion on the work they did and find something that was previously missed. Often times investigators are haggard into the way they were instructed to solv e a case and miss alternative approaches to problem solving.Volunteers can provide this alternate because they may not have any training in solving cases. Even if volunteers do not work specifically on solving the case, there are other just as important opportunities. Law enforcement comes with a lot of paperwork and filing. Volunteers are perfect(a) for this because by them doing the paperwork aspect of the investigation it frees up the time of the actual detectives to do the foot pounding. References Leonard, G. J. , Gerard, F. D. , & Camille, D. B. (2005) Resurrecting cold case serial homicide investigations.FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, 74(8), 1-7. Retrieved from https//search. proquest. com/docview/204129494? accountid=8289 Napolean, C. R. (2009) Cold case investigation units. TELEMASP Bulletin, 16(1), 1-10. Retrieved from http//search. proquest. com/docview/198013843? accountid=8289 Regensburger, D. (2011). Law enforcement volunteers An essential tool in the investigation of cold case homicides. Sheriff, 63(3), 22-24. Retrieved from http//search. proquest. com/docview/869520529? accountid=8289
Food Waste? Too valuable to waste! Essay
According to statistics from the Environmental security Department, in Hong Kong, unfluctuating foul up generated daily weighs around 17000 tones, of which around 30% is entire matter (2700 tones) which is roughly equal to 120 double-deck buses in size. Comp atomic number 18d this to the US where, revealed by the Environmental security department Agency, only 12% of muff stream was microprocessor chip of provender in 2005. Extra cargon in disposal is need for these putrescible bolts, otherwise nuisance to the environment go forth be caused. f ar molder non only causes a feculent choking smell, simply also dis impeachs a huge amount of concentrated greenhouse gases, methane and dirty water, each(prenominal) of which are leading to the global warming that we gamely implicated nearly. whole the honorariumd for thought abandons are currently disposed to landfills, however all the existing landfills will be saturated within 5 years. reflection of new-fangled lan dfill is a problem because of a lack of available property that is far away from residential areas. Therefore, seeking out alternative ways for solid forage waste interposition has become an imperative for the government. Before discussing smashing forage waste at its source, there is a nonher possible tidy sum for intemperance food besides disposal nutriment recycling. The food waste for food recycling can be categorized into two split edible (bread, vegetable and meat) and inedible (bones and eggshell).Food drive away Processor Basically, inedible food wastes are useful in that they can be recycled and reused. through with(predicate) natural biodegradation by bacteria, all the organic fertiliser waste will be converted into organic fertilizer and soil stabilizer.According to the journal of Food waste composting sustainable organic waste management (Jonathan, 2003), in some(prenominal) advanced countries in Europe, rudimentary food waste treatments has been practic ed for years. All the domestic food waste will be collected and conveyance of titleed to central composting facilities which are installed far away from the residential areas. However, this huge facility is not available to Hong Kong owing to the limited area.The Ecotech Food Waste Processor, a new technology for the same purpose is organism tested in Hong Kong, including Hong Kong foreign Airport, housing estates and universities. Due to the tiny space of Hong Kong, it is well-designed for being used in small communities such as eating houses and housing estates which are the main sources of food waste. A large processing capacity 100kg per day is supported with a small sized machine.The automatic processor is easy to operate and is furnished with self-adjustment of temperature and moisture which are decisive parameters for the speed of reaction. Also, the specially formulated microbes and materials are used in the processor to increase the rate of biodegradation. To enhance th e shipping efficiency, the volume of food waste will be reduced by about 90% in 24 hours. The composite fertilizer contains high nutrient value including nitrogen which is a major element for coiffure growth.This new technology is suitable for Hong Kong, as it has limited space. All the food waste can be recycled and become useful materials rather than being disposed in landfill. Besides reducing the load of landfill, the valuable organic materials, which are transformed from the waste, are nutrients to our health and the Earth. Since vegetables grown by organic fertilizer is much healthier to human than those grown by chemical fertilizer. Therefore, this processor should be widely used in Hong Kong in instal to minimize the amount of food waste and raise common sensory faculty of this exigent problem.Surplus Food DonationThe Environmental Protection Department stated that the amount of food wasted by Hong Kongs restaurants, hotels, and food manufacturers has more than doubled in the past five years. driveway should be focused on collecting leftover food contri aloneion as a huge pile of edible food waste is created from restaurants every day. Foodlink is a nonprofit organization working on this aspect. It takes surplus food from over 40 hotels and restaurants and delivers it to charity groups such as al-Qaida of Love in Sham Shui Po and Action Care that kit and caboodle with the less privileged communities in society.Regarding to an article The food chain (Grace, 2012), about one million people in Hong Kong are suffering from hunger and struggling to fill their stomachs. Freshly cooked food is something that they cannot support on a daily basis, especially for the one million people in Hong Kong who are living below the poverty line. Actually, those government-sponsored food banks only result tin or prepackaged food which is unhealthy in the long term. On the contrary, the hot leftover food from the hotels and restaurants is nutrient rich.In fact, t his creates a threesome win situation for the landfills, charities and hotels. By examining the amount of excess food that transport to the charity, the hotel can determine the appropriate quantity of food for each day. Eventually, not only less food waste will be produced, but the cost of excess food production and food waste treatment can be reduced and eliminated. Also, less recyclable food will be wasted and disposed to landfills. Therefore sponsorship to those charities and public promotions is an obligation for the Hong Kong government.As the old saying goes Prevention is better than cure, cutting the food waste at its source is the best ways to solve this issue. However, dis reward there being less food waste being disposed to landfills, the food waste problem will continue to occur if the have habits do not change.Food waste charge Similar to the solid garbage charges being promoted in the past few months, food waste charges could be implemented in restaurants to minimize this problem commercially. According to Friends of the Earth, in the catering industry, hotel buffets and restaurants that offer all you can eat are the major sources of uneaten food, which then goes into the landfills.Many customers whose eyes are bigger than their stomachs usually order far more dishes that they are able to consume, so the surplus food eventually has to be disposed of. Some hot pot restaurants that provide all you can eat strictly charge the leftover food per kilogram in order to minimize theproblem. However, only a few hotel buffets in Hong Kong are willing to charge for the uneaten food since it may spurn its attractiveness. In foreign countries, London and America are good social function models that are attempting to use this policy to solve the food waste issue. A Chinese restaurant Kylin Buffet in London will charge a $32 wastage fee for the excess food. A guilty fee is imposed to charge the uneaten food in a Japanese restaurant located in Manhattan.In or der to enhance the popularity of food waste charges, promotion and communications with restaurants are necessary for the government. Through this policy, it arouses public awareness of food waste so that the eating habit may ultimately improve. Since the food waste fee acts as a reminder and precedent to customers to make self-adjustments to their appetite.All in all, for thousands of years, famine has continued to happen somewhere throughout human history. In fact, the current food production and terminus in the world is more than enough to support the whole populations if we are able to minimize food waste. The food waste processor, leftover food donation and fee charging are the substantive measures to minimize the food waste and reduce the load of landfills from two main aspects (usage and source of food waste). As a Chinese proverb says every grain is from hard dig, hardship is required in food growing, we should cherish food and respect the nature that nurtures us.(1261 wo rds)References1. Food Waste Management in HK. (2011). Environmental Protection Department. Retrieved from http// Municipal Solid Waste in The joined States 2009 Facts and Figures. (2010). Environmental Protection Agency. Retrieved from http// Jonathan, W. (2003, May). Food waste composting sustainable organic waste management. New Horizons, 3, 12-13. Retrieved from http// Monitoring of Solid Waste in Hong Kong Waste Statistics for 2011. (2012). Environmental Protection Department. Retrieved from https// Grace, T. (2012, April 19). The Food Chain. Retrieved from http// frame Less Waste Less. (2012). Friends of the Earth. Retrieved from http//,%2 07,%2028,%20150,%204310,%204566
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Customer service Essay
Theres room to grow the hamburger business in Siameseland, as consumption remains low compared with other fast aliment categories, and there are few players in this segment. A competitive returns exists when the firm is able to deliver the same benefits as competitors but at a lower cost or deliver benefits that exceed those of competing products. In case of Carl jr., the resources and capabilities together form its distinctive competencies. These competencies enable innovation, quality, and customer responsiveness, all of which can be leveraged to create a differentiation advantage as follow Reputation.Over the last 65 years, Carls Jr. has build a genius as Americas premier burger chain, and is know as the place to go for big, juicy, delicious charbroiled burgers. Today, there are to a enormouser extent than 1,249 Carls Jr. restaurants worldwide. Value Creation The firms make value-creating activities, the firm operates in a value system Includes partial card assistant an d an all-you-can-drink beverage bar. Sustainability of competitive advantage -Requires customer loyalty, a great location, unique merchandise, proper distribution channels, good vendor relations, a reputation for customer service, and multiple sources of advantage. Brand = Authentic pension American burger smell = Highlight the quality and volume of fresh ingredients and value in every bite of juicy, charbroiled meat. Location = Carls Jr. has been strategic with the location of to each one branch, selecting to be in the heart of cities in areas crowded by twain Thais and foreigners alike. Customer service = All burgers are made to order and the give away places a heavy emphasis on excellent guest service to enhance the overall dining experience.(Provides a quick-service experience) With their wide variety of premium burgers, all made-to-order using the freshest quality ingredients to customers which is a big digression to McDonalds or Burger King which often have burgers si tting nigh for a while. These are just some of the reasons why Carls Jr. has achieved such tremendous success around the world. With confident that the premium victuals and facilities of the Carls Jr. brand will resonate with the discerning Thai consumer.
King Sahure and A Nome God & Demedji and Hennutsen Comparative Analysis Essay
Throughout past histories weve witnessed incompatible forms of art and sculptures from different quantify periods. These changes occur for many different reasons and bump historians a taste of what life history was like people growing up in these clippings. male monarch Sahure and A Nome God and Demedji and Hennutsen were both(prenominal) two sculptures created in the same time period. These two show the comparableities and differences of life between their time period.Both statues at first coup doeil have a similar appearance to them. female monarch Sahure and A Nome God features the King Sahure, the second convention of dynasty five. It was sculpted between 2458-2466 B.C. Next to King Sahure is a small radiation diagram labeled as the god of the Coptite provence of Upper Egypt.1 At first glance this sculpture can be described as having a massive scale, with a height of about 25 inches. The god coptite is shown r each(prenominal)ing his extend out towards King Sahure, signifying the gods acceptance of King Sahure. The figures are considered high relief, in that they are protruding from the backg lash out. 2The whole statues make is rough, an indicator of antediluvian Egyptian Art. Demedji and Hennutsen was constructed during the fifth dynasty between 2465-2438 B.C. Like King Sahure and A Nome God, it shows two figures, conserve and wife. Demedji was known as Overseer of the Desert, and his wife Hennutsen was known as the priestess of the goddesses Hator and Neith. 3The maintain sitting down looks massive in structure. He is wearing what appears to be a helmet, covering his head.He is sitting on a greathearted stone, inscribed with hieroglyphics. His wife standing along side him is very much smaller in statue. She, in any case has a headdress covering her head. The statue is in the round and has a monumental scale like King Sahure and A Nome God. The statue itself is lone(prenominal) around 32 inches tall. The sculpture is a lot more trav el and smoother than the previous sculpture. Carved out of limestone, it shows a light chromatic tint. Something that really stuck out at me was the precision of space between the husbands branch and body. The bodies are sculpted with a smooth appearance.In both sculptures you could disunite who was meant to be enchanted as most significant in the sculpture. In King Sahure and A Nome God, King Sahure is larger in statue than the god of Coptite. This indicating that King Sahure reigns ultimate over the god, determining that it is not a votive statue. It can also tell us a little s something about Ancient Egyptian culture, and what their values were. If the King was considered more superior than the god, it would give us an insight to religion during that time period.In the sculpture of Demedji and Hennutsen, the husband is pose and is also larger in stature. This also indicates supremacy over his wife. A difference that I picked up on with the two sculptures were the artists us age of space. King Sahure and A Nome God shows two figures that are submerged and connected to each other within the stone. They almost look like they are connect to each other. In Demedji and Hennutsen, the statues are seated very differently. The man and cleaning woman have a significant amount of space between both of them. Not only in proximity, but the spaces between their arms and legs is much more significant than the other sculpture. Giving the pair a intelligence of distance.Although both works King Sahure and A Nome God and Demedji and Hennutsen were created during the same dynasty and time period, they do have their differences. Each statue tells a story what everyday life was for the people of their time period. They give us a inside view of what their beliefs and cultures were like.
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Personality, Personality Development, Spheres, Public Relations
assign someoneality The devoid dictionary the visible aspect of ones extension as it impresses others He has a pleasing soulfulnessality. the sum total of the physical, mental, emotional, and social characteristics of an individual. the organized ruler of demeanoral characteristics of the individual. the quality of macrocosm a person existence as a self-importance- conscious human being personal identity operator. the essential character of a person. http//www. thepersonalitysystem. org genius is the entire mental organization of a human being at any stage of his development.It embraces every phase of human character intellect, temperament, skill, morality, and every attitude that has beeen built up in the course of ones life. (Warren Carmichael, 1930, p. 333) (In an hold overstatement ) record is the essence of a human being. (Hall Lindzey, 1957, p. 9, characterizing statements by Gordon Allport) An individuals pattern of psychological processes arising from motives, feelings, thoughts, and other major atomic number 18as of psychological function. personality is expressed through with(predicate) its influences on the body, in conscious mental life, and through the individuals social behavior. (Mayer, 2005) 2. ) Define personality development http//www. education. com Progressive organization of the psychological traits unique to an individual, occurring as the result of maturation and learning from birth through adulthood http//www. angelfire. com Personality development is the ontogenesis a personality cult so as to create a strong positive impression about self with the tar get outed group, or in general and more pertinent aspect of such personality is to maintain and prove in a long run. http//www. healthofchildren. comPersonality development is the development of the organized pattern of behaviors and attitudes that makes a person distinctive. Personality development occurs by the ongoing interaction of temperament, character, and envir onment. 3. ) components/spheres of personality Wikianswers 1. Physical Aspect- Height, weight, size complexion. 2. Intellectual aspect-ability to analyze, synthesized or to give opinion 3. Emotional aspect- the right time,place 4. hearty aspect-capability to go other people. meet other people without necessarily withdrawing. 5.Moral Aspect- discerning right or wrong https//sites. google. com 11. 2. 1 Identity Identity is go through as being aware that one exists and that one has the right to live. The person accepts his limits and is prepared to exert his right to exist. He derives strength and courage from a basic feeling of security, from self-confidence and faith in others. He accepts state for his behaviour. A patient with weakness in the sphere of identity feels insecure, non O. K. and avoids responsibilities. This a great deal obstructs progress in therapy.Strengthening identity then has a lofty priority. 11. 2. 2 Intimacy Humans are social animals. One of the early n eeds of an individual is to relate closely to one person in particular. This produces bonding betwixt infant and mother. Later in life the engagement of lovers and close friends develops, one learns to be close to others without losing ones own identity. Intimacy develops on the edge of fusion (identification with the other) and self-assertion. The antithesis fusion versus autonomy is solved by share-out.A person who feels supported by a strong feeling of identity can reach out and become intimate with others thereby enriching their lives. The niggardliness offered in return, is a reinforcement of ones own identity. If something in the sphere of contact is lacking, a patient may experience trouble in developing adequate social coping skills. In a therapist an unrequited need for intimacy may give rise to problems the transfer of feelings by the patient to the therapist may cause confusion and elicit deficient responses. 11. 2. Drives and emotions The art of living is making the right choices and decisions. This aspect of human behaviour is studied by motivation theory. It is an important domain for the communication pathologist many disorders have their beginning in this sphere. 11. 2. 4 Relating socially In the process of self-actualisation this is the buffer-zone that people build around their identity and intimacy. Human drives and motivations are consummated in the social sphere identity is fostered, intimacy has to be actualised in a social context.Interaction takes place with members of the family and other people in the environment, in an ever widening circle. Out of early experiences with socialisation a complex scene of transactions between people will grow, which E. capital of Switzerland has aptly described as activities, pass-times and games. A fair number of games get people entangled in risky social habits of which they themselves are just aware. A life-scenario with unwholesome games may complicate some vicious speech- and interpreter neur oses.Replacing the dominating games and changing the scenario, by role-playing and practising game-free dealinghips can bring about a profound change. It will bring the person closer to a square feeling of identity (instead of a fake one) and to genuine intimate relationships. 11. 2. 5 Creative energy and the power of will Men and women are often judged by the impression of power they display in carrying out their designs and resolutions, in demanding achievements from themselves and in dominating others or, on the other hand by submitting to others.Phantasy and germinal power are important factors in peoples lives, and so are emulation and perseverance to carry out ones design. 11. 2. 6 Cognition perception, discrimination, evaluation In this sphere the person keeps his internal image of the environment and of his own procedure in this environment. Cognition has been collected from and pervades all previous levels identity, intimacy, emotional self-preservation, relating to oth ers, creativity and willpower, have their involuntary controls as well as a conscious representation.By rational thought the person tries to make sense of what is happening to him and to his environment. wise though they may seem to be, thoughts may be subject to torturing Misinterpretations and false expectations may occur as a consequence of exceptionally strong experiences dating far back in time. pic 4. ) define overt relations http//www. businessdictionary. com The profession or practice of creating and maintaining goodwill of an organizations various publics (customers, employees, investors, suppliers, etcetera , usually through publicity and other nonpaid forms of communication. These efforts may also include support of arts, charitable causes, education, sporting events, and other civic engagements. http//www. prsa. org Public relations is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics. www. answe rs. com (Britannica) Aspect of communications that involves promoting a desirable image for a person or group seeking public attention.
Burlington Norhtern- The Ares Decision Essay
The purpose of catch up withfulness in sectors of an economy and dominate administrations is to strike goals and objectives of an organization with ease and at least embody. The supreme purpose of both system is that it should be in control rather than tyrannical mountain (Simons 2000). Systems which atomic number 18 in perfect control anformer(a)(prenominal) than controlling them array profound differences between the two concepts and the ability to come upon their goals with ease. Both the inner and orthogonal environments opposition an organization control structure.There are quaternion ikons that marks the frame form around which the theme of understanding of controls is built (Simons 2000)In the first paradigm is one that enables organization to lodge themselves to their environment knowing what they wish and how to achieve it with ease,. When an organization decides what they want, the process is referred to as part of control system. The process would either be based towards centralization or decentralization. Purpose would be, to effectively adapt to the changing environment.When an organization is able to station and disc everywhere the top hat strategies and instruments of control, it is headed towards success. (pp 2) The booster paradigm of the control system comprehensively covers the activities and behavior of top precaution levels of the organization (described as centering controls), process ( cognitive performanceal control) and task or transactional control at the Grass-Root level (pg 3). The paradigm emphasizes on the integration at the get along levels of the trouble team (management controls)The third paradigm explores the explicitly democratic and participative styles of management due to the growth in the field of information engineering and intimacy management. This has resulted in research on management control and its relationship with strategic management. The paradigm deals with coordinating control systems with self control and designing and implementing systems for controlling the not-so-sincere people. The quartetth paradigm deals with the adaptive theory of human behavior.Simons assumes that human beings want to contribute, achieve innovate and work competently even though they do not want to claim specific external inducements to be so. extension and slaying of adaptive control strategies are quite capable by human beings. This stinkpot be achieved by means of and through mutual consolation with protrude an external force t make them fall in like and work for the organization. Everybody doing a business or government owned organization are looking for growth. Sufficient profit is thus essential to support grocery store expectations.The problem arises when the top management pushes too hard for profit and does not have the right controls in places. In such cases employees whitethorn origin to do dumb things like misusing receiptss or making unethical decisions. In r esponse to the above the telephoner should in that respectfore employ all sorts of controls. It should in all case be noted that if they go overboard in that same direction, the businesses provide risk go internally centrees loosing growth business leader. This forms the basis of our paper in which we shall discuss the variety of forces in a business and to maintain the ultimate challenge.The Burlington Federal Rail Road (BN) was created in 1970 by the merger of four rail roads, Chicago Burlington and Quincy railroad blue pacific Railway, Great Union Railway, and the Spokane Portland and Seattle Railway Co. In 1980 another railroad the ST. Louis-San Francisco Railway co. (Frisco) was acquired and merged into BN- (oligopoly watch 2003). BN decision to delay to deploy the ARES was as a result of perhaps because of the high price tag associated with the system wide application. The Amtra Ares would benefit the Burlington Northern by working an move on train control system .Passengers would benefit with on time proceeds in performance, reductions in running time and continuous communication for change magnitude services reliability. The Ares deployment would cause a vast improvement in the management on safety of trains on any apt(p) rail. It enables the railroad to determine the exact location of train. If implemented ARES bequeath abide an additional capacity on rail livestocks and wear enable trains to be dispatched faster. In addition the technology will also permit timely monitoring of the mechanical conditions of equipment. (Oligopoly watch briefs 2003)The beau monde also faces study competition form other established rails in US and therefrom the intentness profitability depends on porters five forces model for believably profitability. As porter (2005) a business has to understand the dynamics of its industries and securities industrys in revise to compete effectively in the marketplace place. He contends that the competitory environment is created by the interaction of the five contrasting forces acting on a business. (Bowman and Davviney 1997) The original emulous forces as proposed by porter, identified forces which would impact on an organizations behavior in a agonistical market.The analysis concentrate oned on the chase areas- The rivalry between actual sellers in the market The impact of the suppliers on the sellers The potential holy terror of sunrise(prenominal) sellers entering the market. The threat of substantial products becoming available in the market. The force out that is exerted by the nodes in the market. The analysis are well illustrate in table in Appendix I DEGREE OF RIVALRY The club faces major(ip) competition from other railway operators and means of transport. Rivalry determines the uttermost to which the value created by an industry will be dissipated through head-to-head competition.The concentration of alternative means of transport in the function seem to be a component that affecting the effectiveness of the industry. ( highschool Beam Encyclopedi) The nature of the cost of transport should be variable in order to attract ore travelers to use that means of transport. The capacity of the rail should be considered by the management to accommodate more people and goods. They should also focus of market growth to augment competition and this shows their stability. In terms of operation and customer service their mode should be different from other lines in operation. THE THREAT OF ENTRYPorters admit that both potential and existing competitors function average industry profitability. This threat is usually based on the market entry barriers. Entry barriers exist when it is difficult to economically operate for an outside in an industry already saturated with incumbents. The company faces loss threats from other competitors in terms of economics of scale. The benefits derived from such operation is worth noting and can be utilized t o keep the company making other contracts in to industry faces challenges and barriers such as cost of entry, distribution channels and may lack differentiation. THREATS OF SUBSTITUTEWhen a company is faced by the threat of substitute products that pose to its profitability it will depend on the copulation price-to-performance ratios on the different types of services or products that the customer can do work to satisfy his basic needs. The company should know that there are major alternatives to rail transport and that customers can use other means eg. form and road. The threat of switching out should also be discovered as a factor that can affect their competitiveness in that these be are incurred when retaining, retooling and redesigning when a customer switches to a different mode of transport. The company should be sensitive on their determine system which should be in tandem or cheaper with other alternatives. When designing substitutes of their own such as luxury coa ches they should consider if they can do without it other than adding extra costs. vendee tycoon Buyer power influences the appropriation of the value created by an industry/company. The concentration of customers and size determines the buyer power. Other factors depend on how the company has marketed itself to the customers and differentiation of the competitors.The company poses credible threat of backward integration form the travelers who are their frequent customers. They should focus much on their maintaining the customers base through service improvement. The declining number of customers also does not frequent the route, their bargaining power towards the company falls means of attracting them back should be developed. SUPPLIER POWER This typically focuses on the relative size and concentration of companies offering connatural services to the industry participants and degree of differentiation.The ability of a company to rout out customers different prices in line with different in the value created indicates that there is high add of services with low supply power For the supply power of Northern railway to exist the company should Maintain their dent name power in recognizable in the market. Create different values in services offered with different prices. Able to counter any increasing threat of forward integration that wills an increasing number of travelers. go out that the customer is well informed of his services. The merger of the four companies is a soused point they should maintain. Case 2Burlington industry must capitalize on the stability and management control it has instituted over the years it has been in operations. overly begin planning and reporting by business line and should identify activities and functions that led themselves to competition. This is because the company faces a serious problem when it comes to regulating the railway transport. Use of technologies such as ARES should be encouraged by this company. Th e following measures as stated above cn help them to solve this internal problems. 1. commission control They should try to reinforce what they already have accomplished over the years.Substantial structural and run changes can result in increased stability, expense control and an effective program of capital reinvestment. The restructuring effort should- restrict management levels clarify roles played by authority and enhance accountability. Should have regular reporting. Control budget Focus on its core dealings of passenger rail service. 2. Planning and reporting by business line Accountability in their financial transactions is one major factor they should consider. Transparency should be provided along the companies operating profile to facilitate management and god policy decision.In infrastructure management good technology like ARES which can help them control traffic should be deployed. such structures would bring a different dimension which not only focuses on the cost of apiece line of operation but the mission, goals and market opportunities associated with the company. The management accountability should go hand in hand with the performance for each business line and this includes on time performance and customer service. 3. advancement Competition The utimage goal of Northern rail line should be to focus on maintaining a vibrant passenger rail system with a competitive supply of service industry and delivery.This objective should be support through The development of an activity based analytical capabilities that elatify the cost of single business lines. By enhancing the carrying out a comprehensive review and implementation of operating efficiencies. 4. The company should focus on delivering services in a cost effective manner as possible. They should also identify opportunities for revenue advancement and savings. This can be achieved through Embracing innovation, marketing and pricing strategies. Creating flexible work rule t hat will enhance operational qualification while maintaining service quality. Timely scheduling of departure and reachs to reduce cost. point in technology such as ARES that will improve productivity, help solve internal problems and failures. 5. Customer service and time performance. In order for the company to have an even customer service it should focus on the following- Develop a highly skilled, service oriented men which has the capacity to interact well with customers. Create timely dispatch and arrival times which will avoid congestion. Evaluate on areas where improved customer care can be achieved at a lower cost through outsourcing of services. Case 3The future on the success of Burlington Northern rail depends upon its inputs form the high traffic volumes, higher revenues yields while ensuring operating capacity is sufficient to match demand and lowered unit costs. They therefore need or are obligated to address these issues in grater lucubrate superior performa nce will only flow if the company gets expose at managing new care competencies like pricing, capacity, networks and schedules. In addition o making improvements in general productivity the company should have better cost management by addressing this cost disparities in comparison with other transport modes.Burlington should move from a constraint driven environment to a market driven one with an aim of capturing and retaining the market share. This will be achieved if they offer excellent services to customers and ensure that resources are used properly. trouble to comply with such minor issue will push them out of business as they lose market share. Case 4 The advanced Railway electric system (ARES) is important if implemented would address traffic and increase yield through market planning and scheduling technology. The increase operating would lower operating cost.The management science techniques as they are called are being used for queuing, decision, information, statisti cs as well as stimulation, operation research and linear programming. The new approach for planning and re-configuring rail networks are opening up key opportunities and major savings. To maintain a competitive advantage the company should aim at developing high press forward rail networks and advanced scheduling though ARES a key factor in matching out to demand. The increase in demands calls for an effective system to build schedules to strike the changing demand, both constraint driven and market driven criteria.The system makes it possible to choose between all alternatives and get down best arrangements tailored to meet the organizations conditions. If Burlington does not implement ARES it is faced with and imminent threat on traffic as the railway scheduling is becoming more and more complex. They will not be able to meet the changing demand and because of this they cannot maximize profits as there will be increased operational costs. Being able to find the best technology like ARES in such a difficult cream environment is a strong competitive advantage.
Monday, February 25, 2019
Conflict Theory Essay
A. What is encounter Theory?Farley (200073) con campaigns that meshing scheme arose primarily from the work of Marx and was continued in the work of C W expert mill intimately and Ralf Dahrandorf. The general underlying assumption associated with conflict theory is that alliance is make up of collections with competing ego-inte lights. Often the competing classifys lose inadequate power. People compete for resources that be in just supply. Generally, the resources that be in short supply bring wealth and power. employment theory generally consists of the following four points.1. Conflict Built into SocietySocieties naturally tend toward conflict. This occurs be catch wealth and power ar distributed unequally on that pointfore, dissentent genial still radicals receive different and conflicting interests (Farley, 200073).2. maven sort out Be draws DominantBecause competing interest groups flip unequal power, one group usually becomes predominate. The ascendant group therefore uses its power to control approximately or all other aspects of the social structure. The prevalent group scum bag ensure that hostelry operates in a flair that serves the interests of the prevalent group. As a result the dominant group controls a vastly disproportionate shargon of scarce resources such as wealth and social placement (Farley, 200073-74).3. Consensus is ArtificialWhen a consensus appears in a society, it is usually artificial and is marvellous to persist over the long run. A Functionalist susceptibility argue that consensus is infallible and is, therefore, automatically something desired by all concerned. The conflict theorist contends that a consensus in a society is either based on coercion and/or repression by the dominant group.4. Conflict in Society is loveableConflict is desirable because it makes possible social change which may slip away to much equitable distribution of wealth and power (Farley, 200074).5. IdeologyA central a ssumption of bolshie theory is that the distribution of wealth byand large determines other aspects of society, such as the political system of rules and the char manageeristics of tillage. This includes the norms, value, and beliefs of the acculturation. The norms, determine, and beliefs of the civilisation argon such that they legitimize the control of wealth. E preciseone, the rich and scant(p) alike, get into the cultural beliefs as just and correct. A nonher term for these beliefs is IDEOLOGY. Marx, however, argued that beliefs in the dominant political orientation is not in the interest of the surmount group. Marx referred to the pattern of the subordinate groups acceptance of an ideology that goes against its own self interest as false-consciousness.a. False ConsciousnessA consensus advise likewise be bring home the bacond when a minority group accepts an ideology that is not in its self interest. This is false consciousness. It can occur because the dominant gro up exerts disproportionate control over the sources of influence and public opinion. It world power also come about because the dominant group, through sheer power and world power, can cause an atmosphere where the subordinate group feels that resistance is futile. In either case, the unvarnished consensus is fundamentally unstable and is not likely to persist over eon (Farley, 200074).b. Class ConsciousnessRacism can yet be dealt with by changing the institutions that atomic number 18 the source of racism. Marx called upon the oppressed to realize how dominant ideology serves to oppress the subordinate group. Arrival at this visualizeing is called class-consciousness.B. MarxKarl Marxs belles-lettres on class conflict, differing class interests, the ownership and control of the authority of production, and the ontogeny by one class over the other were precursors to the development of conflict theory. Marx saw class and class conflict as the moving forces in history. A dom inant class owns the way of production and exploits other classes. It is then in the interests of the reign classes to overthrow those in positions of dominance and to establish a social order more favorable to their interests (Kitano, 198542) (also set Farley, 200074-75).C. C Wright mill and the Role of Intellectuals in Society Only when mind has an autonomous basis, single-handed of power, but powerfully related to it, canmind exert its force in the shaping of human affairs. This is democratically possible only when there pull rounds a free and knowledgeable public, to which mess of knowledge may manage themselves, and to which large number of power are truly responsible (C Wright Mills, 1956) V.A comparability of Functionalism and Conflict TheoryBoth perspectives can be viewed as ii faces of the aforesaid(prenominal) society. For example, one of the basic problems facing a nonwhite individual(a) in the functional model is that of high alienation and loss of identity o perator. However, racial conflict, with its ideological apparatus and action system, functions to salve alienation and to facilitate an ethnicalal identity. Group solidarity is enhanced, group boundaries are clarified, and the linkage between the individual and the group is built through personal commitment and social action. In time, the group identity can be extended to the larger system through intercourse the individual is exposed to larger social networks and to national core values (Kitano, 198543). Farley (200075-76) provides two observations regarding the nexus between conflict and functionalist theory. He contends that a deductive reasoning of the two theories is possible.A. Both Theories are Partially CorrectSociety powerfulness operate according to both perspectives. Order and stability might exist in the presence of extreme income distinction. It is possible, for example, that a given institution might serve to make society efficient while at the same time servin g the interests of the dominant elite group.B. Societies Go through Cycles of Stability and ConflictSocieties go through cycles of stability and conflict. Under different circumstances, people coiffure differently. At one point in time a society may be stable and orderly, where minorities are able to get forrad through hard work. At another point, however, society might be characterized by disorder and conflict where minorities might advance only via defy and rebellion (Farley, 200086).VI. The kind Structural Perspective and Social ProblemsFunctionalist and conflict people tend to disagree on two basic elements. Onerevolves nigh the definition of the social problem. The other is the location of the problem (Farley, 200076).A. The Definition of Social ProblemsWhat is con perspectivered a social problem? It is human reaction that makes something a problem.1. FunctionalistFor a functionalist, any thing is a problem if it threatens the smooth and efficient zip of society. Conflict of most kinds is seen as problematic because conflict threatens consensus. Conflict can potentially have serious consequences if it causes the disruption of society.2. Conflict TheoryFor a conflict theorist, on the other hand, social problems include things like privation and racism and, more generally, the inequitable distribution of wealth and other scarce resources (Farley, 200077).B. The Location of Social ProblemsWhere do the two perspectives place the source of social problems (Farley, 200077-78)?1. FunctionalistThe cause of social problems for a functionalist lies predominantly in the characteristics of the single out group. For example, functionalist might argue that a minority group lacks the requirement skills that would yield the great rewards in society. Or, perhaps the group in question has a goal that is incompatible with the dominant kitchen-gardening. In either case, the burden of change is lay mostly on the disadvantaged group.2. Conflict TheoryConflict theo rists see the source of social problems as being embedded in the exploitive behavior of the dominant group. It is assumed from the conflict perspective that if someone or some group is suffering or placed in a disadvantageous position, there must be some other group (that is more powerful) that benefits from the misery of the disadvantaged group (Farley, 200077-78).VII. The Social Structural Perspectivesand Majority-nonage dealingEthnic social stratification refers to a system that distributes scarce resources on an unequal basis according to race and ethnicity (200079).A. Functionalist Theories about Majority/Minority dealingA paradox of sorts exists for the functionalists. Inequality, they argue, is desirable in society because it ensures that the most subordinate people will get the most essential jobs in a society. On the other hand, functionalists contend that ethnic disparity has the potential to cause serious disruption of society (Farley, 200078-79).1. InequalityFuncti onalist would argue that inequality is obligatory in order to create inducings. Some jobs are more necessary than others. They also require more training. To ensure that these jobs are filled by competent individuals, they have to provide more greater rewards.2. Is Ethnic stratification Necessary?A functionalist might argue that the stratification must take some kind of societal need. The problem is that, while a society might need to be stratified (in order to ensure important jobs are filled, etc.), it is not at all clear why ethnic stratification is functional.3. Ethnocentrism The Source of Ethnic StratificationIn order to understand ethnic stratification, one has to understand ethnocentrism, according to the functionalists (Farley, 200080).a. Societys lease for ConsensusFunctionalist would argue that ethnocentrism in moderation is functional for a society. The explanation for this lies in societys need for consensus and to have a shared identity. The only way a society can cooperate is when it shares basic values. Ethnocentrism contributes to this in several ways.b. Ethnic Stratification An Unfortunate By-productAn unfortunate side effect is that aggression might be also directed against an ethnic minority within the society.4. The Elimination of Ethnic StratificationThe methods advocated by functionalists to lower the effects of ethnocentrism is to Reduce the cultural differences between the absolute majority and minority group Eliminate legal and other barriers set up by the dominant group which excludes minorities. Ensure that the minority groupsdevelop skills that would allow them to participate in a society. This approach leads to assimilation, which is the process whereby minorities are fully integrated into the system and becomes culturally similar to the majority group. (Farley, 200080).B. Conflict Theories about Majority/Minority RelationsThe conflict theories tend to see majority minority relationships as a matter of domination and exploit ation. The conflict perspective is, in essence, a critique of functionalism. Many argue that functionalism is merely a justification for inequality (Farley, 200081).1. Ethnic Stratification Not an Unfortunate By-productEthnic stratification exists because it serves the interests of the dominant elite. It occurs because of the exploitative nature of the majority group as a whole or because of the exploitative nature of a wealthy elite within the majority group (Farley, 200083).2. Inequality is Inherited, Not EarnedThe fatality of stratification for productive purposes is also called into question. Stratification cannot act as an incentive because inequality is inherited, not earned. In order for inequality to work the way the functionalist claim, there would have to be free mobility between generations. ExampleThe lady friend of a share cropper, who is very bright, should have the same chance of fair a medical doctor as anyone else.3. Planned ShortagesIt is also argued that the sho rtages establish in highly demanding jobs often exist because professional organizations restrict entering into the profession not because there is a shortage of qualified people (Farley, 200083). C. Varieties of Conflict Theory in Race and Ethnic Relations1. Marxist TheoriesFarley (200085) contends that Marxists see inequality as being based mainly on class. There are two those who own the means of production and the rest of society who works for wages. Marxist see racism as a mechanism that keeps the working class from recognizing their own interests. It divides workers.While minorities fight with from each one other, wages remain low and profits remain high. Marxists imagine that workers would be best serves by arrangeting aside their racial and ethnic differences and to act on their common class interests.2. Split Labor grocery store TheoriesSplit-Labor Market Theory argues that there are three classes There owners of the means of production, higher(prenominal) paid labo rers and lower paid laborers. The owners are kindle in acquiring the best workers for the lowest wage. The higher paid workers, on the other hand, are trying to protect their jobs from competition from lower paid workers. One means the higher-paid workers use to protect their interests is to discriminate against lower-paid ethnic workers (Farley, 200085).3. Internal ColonialismInternal colonialism theory argues that societal inequality as largely racial and ethnic (Farley, 200085). The dominant racial or ethnic group establishes a system of inequality for the benefit of the dominant racial or ethnic group. The oppressed (Blacks, Mexicans, indigen Americans) are involuntarily brought under the rule of the dominant group. Internal colonialism argues that the dominant group promotes a racist ideology, it attacks the culture of the people who are dominated. It isolates the dominated from mainstream labor markets. The dominant group rationalizes exploitation through myths of the cultur al inferiority of the oppressed.VIII. socialization of beggaryOscar Lewis, author of La Vita (1965), coined the term refinement of leanness (also see Edward C. Banfield, The Unheavenly City Revisited, 1974). The essence of market-gardening of scantiness theory holds that brusk people share deviant cultural characteristics. The pathetic have lifestyles that differ from the rest of society and that these characteristics perpetuate their life of meagreness. According to the shade of Poverty thesis (in Eitzen and Baca-Zinn, 1994173) the pitiful are qualitatively different in values and that these cultural differences explain continued scantiness. The Culture of Poverty Theory is a functionalist theory. Eitzen and Baca-Zinn (1994173) maintain that there is a strong implication embedded in the Culture of Poverty that defects in the lifestyle of the miserable cultural deprivation perpetuate want. such(prenominal) defects are passed from one generation to the next.Under these circumstances it is extremely sticky for people, once trapped by the Culture of Poverty, to escape poverty. Characteristics that typify the Culture of Poverty exist across a variety of racial and ethnic groups. While these characteristics (see below) are certainly present in poverty populations, Culture of Poverty Theory leaves the impression that they typify all poor people. THAT IS A FALLACY The following characteristics typify the culture of poverty. Some may be accurate in some settings. Some may have had instructive powers a few decades ago, but today are no longstanding accurate. Some are contradictory. They all tend to present negative connotations. any are highly stereotypical.Characteristics of the Culture of Poverty1. Parents are more bailable in raising their children. They are less verbal with their children. Family-heads display a strong disposition toward authoritarianism. 2. Children raised in poverty also have drastically different orientations in life when comp ared to middle-class children. There is an absence seizure of childhood. Children experience an early initiation to sex. 3. Families often form based upon free unions or consensual hymeneals. This partially explains the trend toward female-headed homes. 4. The poor are more fatalistic. One might expect that a poor person would believe the following idea What will be will be and I cant change it. 5. The poor are less tending(p) to defer gratification. Banfield argues that the essence of the poor subculture is its present-time orientation. He asserts that the poor do not know how to defer gratification (see Eitzen and Baca-Zinn, 1994173). 6. The poor are less interested in formal education.Source Eitzen and Baca-Zinn, 1994, and Farley, 1988The Culture of Poverty theory argues that the characteristics presented supra enable the poor to adapt to poverty. For example, the lack of childhood happens because sometimes poor children have to begin working at an early age. Moreover, poor chi ldren have to hustle to survive. There is no time to be unexampled. To act young is a sign of weakness. The absences of privacy and competition for limited goods are self-explanatory characteristics of poverty. Perhaps the strong disposition toward authoritarianism is necessarybecause of the hard choices that poverty provides.A. The Moynihan accountingThe Culture of Poverty is a functionalist approach to poverty. It assumes a right or correct culture and a deviant culture. The poor are poor and are likely to remain poor because their culture deviates from the norm. The Moynihan Report (1965) is an example of a study that (perhaps inadvertently) borrows aspects of the Culture of Poverty to explain Afro-American poverty. Its goal was to explain continued poverty in the 1960s. The Moynihan Study accurately pointed out that much of the poverty associated with the Black community was due to a history of slavery and economic oppression (unemployment). It also called attention to the i ndispensableness of altering ones lifestyle as a means to cope with poverty. Moynihan, however, ultimately came to concentrate on the characteristics of the Black family that required changing, kind of than the system of oppression that needed changing.B. A Critique of the Moynihan Report and the Culture of Poverty1. It Blames the victimThe most important criticism of the report is that it put the blame for poverty on the victim. Blaming the victim places the burden of change on the victim and removes it from society. From the Culture of Poverty perspective, poverty is viewed as the fault of the poor in that, their culture, not social injustice, causes and perpetuates poverty. The implied assumption is that until the poor changes their culture, no bill of government intervention will solve the problem of poverty.2. Negative dialect on Female-headed FamiliesAnother objection to the Culture of Poverty thesis revolves about the negative emphasis placed upon female-headed families. F emale-headed families do not ensure a life of poverty. Children of single-parent family perform well in school. They do not have greater problems with mental health. Poverty, of course, affects both. Poverty, not single-parenting, generates social problems like illiteracy and crime, not single-parenting. Furthermore, single-parent are usually women and women are placed in economically disadvantaged positions due to the structure of the economy that pays women only 68 percent the hire that it pays men. THIS IS NOTCULTURAL. Its SYSTEMIC.3. The Attack on DivorceThere appears, imbedded in culture of poverty theory, an attack on divorce. There is no try that divorce, itself, causes poverty. Sometimes divorce can lead to better social adjustment. Since 1957, as the number of divorces has risen, the percentage of people saying they are happy with their marriage has also risen from 67 percent to 80 percent (footnote deficient). People who way on the problems associated with single-paren t families also forget the positive furbish up of the extended family. The extended family supports single-parent families by providing grandparents, aunts, and even friends.4. Most Black Families are Not PoorOther problems with the Moynihan Report pertain to the implied image that the majority of Black families are typically broken homes. The poverty rate for Blacks is about 30 percent. That means that 70 percent of Black families are higher up the poverty line. Furthermore, while focusing on the characteristics of the Black family, the Moynihan Report does not attack aspects of the social structure that put one group at a disadvantage when compared to another. With the Black family, the disadvantage flows from historically based diversity (which included forced breakups of families while under slavery), high levels of unemployment, and welfare laws that win one parent families.5. Poor People Do Not concord Radically Different LifestylesFinally, the culture of poverty contains the assumption that families living in poverty have radically different outlooks than middle-class families. Elliot Liebow in road Corner Man (as referenced in Eitzen and Baca-Zinn, 1994173) suggests that most poor people, in fact, attempt to live by societys values. Their struggle is disappointed by externally imposed give wayures. Most people who are poor would prefer to escape poverty via a good job. Good jobs that poor people are eligible for are rare. Liebow suggests that the characteristics associated with the culture of poverty are those that appear when individuals try to achieve goals defined by society, but who fail to achieve societys goals because society has not provided means to achieve those goals. These are the proverbial blocked opportunities.6. One-Way Adaptation?Culture of Poverty proponents argue that the poor adapt to a lifestyle which allows them to deal with poverty. They tend to assume that one these lifestyles have been adopted, they become institutional ized with poor culture making it very difficult fort the poor to escape the culture of poverty. One might ask that if it is so easy to adopt to poverty lifestyles, that it might be just as easy to adopt to a middle class lifestyle one that lifestyle is provided. C. Concluding Observations Concerning the Culture of Poverty In short, rather than blaming the victim for his or her biology or for his or her culture, public policy planners might more appropriately focus their attention on the economic characteristics of society. The United States is one of the richest countries on earth. simultaneously it has the greatest levels of inequality in the First World. Social structure, not genetics or culture causes poverty. Solutions to poverty are political. In 1973 after LBJs War on Poverty the poverty rate fell to an all-time low. One might look to other First-World counties for inspiration. Scandinavian counties, for example, have very low levels of poverty and they are culturally diverse .IX. Culture of Poverty and wellbeing PolicyFarley (200091-92) argues that this debate is directly relevant to welfare policy in the United States. Remember your perspective of the source of the problem influences how you perceive solutionsA. The Functionalist PerspectivesFrom the functionalist court comes a positive and negative viewpoint. Both points of view see the existence of poverty as being related to family structure.1. MoynihanMoynihan argues that the existence of single parent is a major cause of poverty. He contends that government programs are necessary to alleviate poverty in these homes.2. MurrayMurray, on the other hand believes that welfare makes it possible for people to survive poverty without working. He argues that welfare support reinforces the culture of poverty.B. The Conflict PerspectiveConflict theorists are skeptical of both points of view. quite a than structure being the source of poverty, structural problems, like the concentration of the poor in inner cities, is the source of poverty. While functionalist desire to rehabilitate the individual that is poor, conflict theory advocates structural solutions like job creation in inner city neighborhoods.
Class Distinctions in George Orwell’s 1984 Essay
1984, a novel by English writer George Orwell, was a cautionary tale about the perils of a totalitarian society. Class distinctions be one of the worst dangers that were discussed in the novel. It was portrayed as a intend for Big Brother to maintain his rule over Oceania. The different aff sufficient classes in Oceania viewed each other as competitors for scotch, political and social dominance. In the process, the possibility of a political rebellion in Oceania is quelled.Oceania is composed of ternion social classes the Inner Party (about 1% of the population), the outmost Party (about 18% of the population) and the Proles (about 81% of the population). The respective lifestyles of these sectors were characterized with inequality the Inner Party enjoyed more privileges than the outermost Party, although they both made up the Party of Oceania. Members of the Inner Party were accorded draw government positions, had larger incomes and lived in luxurious homes. In sharp contra st, members of the Outer Party lived in dilapidated flats.They also had to devote even their sheer time to Party activities such as community hikes and games or risk of exposure being suspected as a traitor (K-1. com, n. pag. ). The proles are the mainstay of Oceania they are employed in industry and on farms. However, the Party accepts them as members of society only because of their capacity to produce. As a result, the proles live in extreme penury. They reside in districts where there are fewer telescreens and policemen they beart have any contact with the state as coherent as they did non commit any wrongdoing.Consequently, proles can indulge in prohibited things such as prostitution, old books, old furniture and alcohol. The Party, on the other hand, does not pay much attention to what they do the power regards proles as too uneducated and disorganized to pose as a serious threat to their rule (K-1. com, n. pag. ). Given that the ideology of the Party is Ingsoc (Engl ish collectivist Movement), it is ironic that inequality is very rampant among the citizens of Oceania.The novel provided an explanation to this phenomenon done the fictional book The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism. The latter believed to be written by a certain Emmanuel Goldstein, the leader of the dissident sort the Brotherhood. But it turned out that the Thought Police created the book in order to trap Winston Smith (SparkNotes, n. pag. ). The books first chapter, Ignorance is Strength, argued that gentleman societies are traditionally divided into three classes the lavishly, the Middle and the Low.The objective of the High is to uphold its dominance over society. The mark of the Middle, on the other hand, is to crap the status of the High. As for the Low, it is too busy trying to set about a way out of poverty to be concerned with matters that do not directly affect it. As a result, struggles throughout history dower the same pattern. The Middle overth rows the High with the help of the Low in the call down of justice and liberty. Once the Middle becomes the High, it thrusts the Low back to its original marginalized position.A new Middle group will then emerge to reverberate the cycle. The second chapter, Freedom is Slavery, was explained to Winston by OBrien. According to OBrien, the goal of attaining freedom is useless due to the inevitability of death. Thus, when Freedom is Slavery is converse to Slavery is Freedom, it is implied that complete submission to the Party will grant an soulfulness freedom in the form of experiencing the Partys immortality and omnipotence.The third chapter, entitle War is Peace, first identified the three superstates of the world Oceania (the United States and the British Empire), Eurasia (Russia and Europe) and Eastasia (China, Japan and Korea). The chapter went on to argue that these superstates waged war with one another for economic reasons they wanted to gain unlimited access to the natural resources of foreign lands and to find new markets in which they could dump their surplus goods. Furthermore, war in itself is already a possible solution to an economic slump.An outgrowth in the account of jobs in the defence sector due to war will increase economic activity by increasing the income of consumers (NewspeakDictionary. com, n. pag. ). Big Brother remained in power in Oceania through class distinctions. Class distinctions kept the commonwealth divided and fighting among themselves. As a result, Big Brother was able to manipulate them into serving his interests. The longer the people remained divided, the longer they remained enslaved.
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Genetic engineering †Maize Essay
presentment catching each(prenominal)y modify, by definition, is a term denoting or derived from an organism whose desoxyribonucleic acid has been changeed for the purpose of improvement or correction of defects. (dictionary. com) transmissible in ally circumscribed foods ar foods that overhear been altered to deepen trusted traits for the purpose of making them more than desir subject to consumers. Since the breeding of this influence, change foods surrender be keep down more customary through come out the historic period, and with their increase in mathematical product there has a standardized been enceinte parameter.History of brokertically change Foods In 1994, the first familialally modified food the Food and Drug Administration deemed safe enough for humanity consumption was a tomato imbed called the Flavr Savr, produced in California. The purpose of repair the tomato was for it to be resistant to rotting and decaying as quickly as tomatoes usually do .They were not labeled as being genetically modified and they were amid two and five cadence more expensive than median(a) tomatoes, but consumers still purchased them. However, due to competition, brought on by a tomato made conventionally and with a longer shelf life, the Flavr Savr tomatoes were not profitable. genetically modified tomatoes were consequently made into a tomato puree and change in Europe in the mid-1990s, but a couple years later controversy arose over the concept of genetically modifying food.In 1998, a doctor from Aberdeen, in Scotland, published results from a research contain he conducted suggesting that genetically modified potatoes, injected with an bird louseicide gene from the snowdrop plant, were toxic to rats. A year later it was announced that beginning in 1999, there were to be trials of genetically modified crops engineered to be resistant to herbicides. The purpose of the trials was to uncover the cause of these crops on farmland wildlife.How ever, this was criticized to be potentially dangerous to nearby crops, as well as honey that could be affected by cross-pollination. genuine enough, later that year pollen from genetically modified oilseed rape, a plant that is used to produce batchola oil, was found at beehives almost three miles amodal value. ii out of nine samples of honey being sold in supermarkets were colly in May 2000. At this point in time, nine out of ten bulk were against the idea of genetically modifying foods. (dailymail. co. uk) Despite the controversy border genetically modified plants and foods in earlier years, technologies have advanced, and in 2006, 10.3 million farmers planted 252 million acres of transgenic crops in 22 countries. The coupled States, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, India, China, Paraguay, and South Africa grew 97% of these crops. Soybeans, clavus, cotton, butt jointola, and alfalfa were modified to be herbicide and louse resistant, whereas other crops, manage sweet potatoes for instance were modified to be able to survive harsh weather conditions. (Ornl. gov) The process of genetic modification genetically modifying foods changes their genetic makeup in some musical mode. The purpose of doing this is to enhance certain aspects of the food, for example, change magnitude its resistance to herbicides or its nutritional value.Traditionally, this has been done by way of selectively breeding plants or animals for specific genetic traits, however this method has proved to be potentially inaccurate and actually time consuming. Genetic modification on the other hand can physically seclude a particular gene and insert it into another substance, enabling it to then posses that fictional character. This is done truly quickly and accurately. Plants can be made dirt ball resistant, virus resistant, or more tolerant to herbicides. Bacillus thuringiensis is a bacteria that produces a gene for toxin production that is safe for human production.To achieve insec t resistance, the gene is injected into the crops that will then be able to produce this toxin on their own, leading to a decreased need for insecticides. To achieve virus resistance, crops mustiness be introduced to the gene from that particular disease- make virus. This results in less susceptibility to the disease and higher crop yields. Similarly, to achieve herbicide tolerance, a gene from a bacterium that will transmit resistance to some herbicides must be injected into the crops, in rise reducing the amount of herbicides used. Purpose of genetically modifying foods. at that place argon legion(predicate) reasons for producing and selling genetically modified foods over those that are traditionally produced. Originally, the intent was increase protection of crops. This is still one of the process objectives, however there are many concomitantal benefits recognized today. some(prenominal) consumers and producers who feel that genetically modified foods are advantageous bel ieve that these foods can be cheaper, more durable, and more nutritional. genetically modifying foods is besides a way to ensure that with a world population that is predicted to double in the future, a food shortage will not be encountered.In addition to increased protection from diseases, pests and herbicides, there are other key reasons for genetic modification. Many crops are destroyed due to troubling weather conditions. hoarfrost can come at unexpected times causing end to sensitive crops. Cold water fish have an antifreeze gene which, when introduced to plants like tobacco and potatoes, can lead to a higher tolerance to insentient temperatures. Similarly, plants can similarly better the force to withstand droughts. A real important quality of food is the nutritional value that is possesses.Malnutrition is quite prevalent, curiously in third world countries where people tend to rely on only one crop to fulfill their dietary needs. If however, these crops could be genet ically modified to invert the amount of vitamins and nutrients necessary to sustain a sound diet, it would be a swell advantage. For example, in third world countries blindness caused by a vitamin A deficiency is in truth common, so researchers at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Institute for Plant Sciences have developed what they call, golden rice, which contains uniquely high levels of vitamin A.The hope in this development is that this rice, funded by the non-profit organization Rockefeller Foundation, can be sent to any countries that implore it. Vaccinations and medicines can be very difficult to produce, and they can in addition be very costly. Through genetic modification there is hope that the ability to produce foods with edible vaccinations in them will become a possibility. communal Genetically Modified Foods According to a WebMD article, experts say that about cardinal to seventy percent of processed foods sold in the unite States contain genetically m odified ingredients.Soybeans, , corn whiskey, cotton, and rapeseed oil are the most commonly genetically modified foods. In other words, any foods that contain field corn, high-fructose corn syrup, soybeans, cottonseed oil, or canola oil all contain genetically modified ingredients. These ingredients are extremely common in most foods, oft more so than most people are conscious of. According to a study funded by the United States Department of Agriculture, only 52% of Americans are aware that genetically modified foods are even sold in grocery store stores.The United States is the largest producer of corn in the world, and in 2000 it was estimated that 25% of corn crops growing in the United States were genetically modified. Corn is an ingredient in beer, salad dressing, margarine, flour, and anything containing corn syrup. The corn sold in stores is not necessarily think to be genetically modified, however the concern for cross contamination between crops is there, since corn is wind-pollinated. Soy is the most heavily modified crop, and more than half(prenominal) the soy in the world was made up of genetically modified strains in 2007.There are different reasons for the modification of soy, including an added resistance to insects, and increasing its vitamin or fat and protein content in order to be commensurate for animal feed. Soy is also used for creating chemicals used in pharmaceuticals. The likelihood of products in the United States containing genetically modified materials if they contain soy is very high, despite the lack of any labeling stating so. Tofu and soy draw are obviously effected products, however soy is also present in bread, cereal, ice cream and chocolate.Milk can be made from a genetically modified endocrine called the recombinant bovine growth endocrine gland. The function of this hormone is to produce more milk by keeping cells to produce milk alive in cows for longer periods of time.There is no proven difference between mil k produced with the hormone versus that produced without it, however cows injected with the hormone are more prone to disease which can in turn have negative effects on the milk. Rapeseed oil, or canola oil, is one of the most genetically modified crops used. 80% of canola crops in Western Canada have been genetically modified. It is modified in the stadium of herbicide resistance. Also, modified rapeseed crops produce the briny pollen used in the making of honey, suggesting that most honey from Canada could likely chuck out as genetically modified. Advantages of Genetically Modified Foods Genetically modified foods walk several advantages.As already mentioned, an increased resistance to pests and diseases, the tolerance against unskilled weather conditions, and an increase in food supply are all obviously positive aspects. Crops have a better taste and quality when they are modified and they also have increased nutrients, yields, and stress tolerance. The time it takes for crop s to mature is reduced as well. As far as the advantages for animals, they develop an increased resistance, productivity, and feed efficiency. They also produce more food, and their health can improve.The purlieu can benefit from genetically modifying foods as well. Firstly, the bioherbicides and bioinsecticides are environmentally friendly. Because genetic modification improves the resistance of plants and reduces their maturation time, soil, water, and energy can also be conserved. There is better inhering waste management associated with genetic modification, and food processing is more efficient. Disadvantages of Genetically Modified Foods Despite the advantages of genetically modifying foods, the disadvantages of doing so seem to greatly outweigh the positive aspects of it.The most common criticisms against GM foods are in regards to the environment, health risks, and economic worries. Firstly, there have been several harmful, yet unintended effects on organisms in the enviro nment. monarch butterfly caterpillars have suffered an increased mortality rate due to the gene injected in corn crops. Though the caterpillars do not consume corn crops, they consume milkweed plants in neighboring fields, where the wind could easily raptus the pollen. There was a study done to test this theory, and the study did in fact support it.Another environmental concern is that the genes used to enhance certain crops will be transferred over to species unintended to contain the gene. For instance, in the case of crops that are introduced to a gene enabling them to develop an increased resistance to herbicides, the gene can potentially spread into the widows weeds themselves, causing them too to develop a higher herbicide resistance. This could cause problems because the weeds would then become very difficult to combat which could possibly conk out the crops. The concern for human health risks in regards to genetically modified foods is very high as well.Firstly, food alle rgies are very common among people in Europe and the United States, and in some cases these allergies can be fatal. The possibility that adding genes to plants could cause allergic reactions in susceptible people is there, and it is a very threatening possibility. Secondly, genetically modified foods pose an unknown boilers suit threat to human health. Despite the lack of proof that foods made of genetically modified materials can be harmful to people, there have been studies present that certain GM foods are in fact harmful to the digestive tract of rats. Just the fact that the effects of GM food on people are still not completely known also poses a huge threat in itself.From an economic perspective, genetically modifying foods is very costly. With new technologies that are continuously surfacing, companies are starting to trust to indubitable their ideas, and this raises the concern that with patents will come a raise in legal injury of seeds, making business very difficult f or farmers who will not be able to afford them. This would result in the domination of food production throughout the world by only a few companies if GM foods reached such(prenominal) a high existence. It would also increase the dependence of create countries on industrialized nations.Lastly, it could also result in biopiracy, or hostile exploitation of natural resources. There are ethical issues surrounding genetic modification as well. Many people question if it is unethical to alter nature by taking the genes of one species and mixing it with another. There is also the question of whether or not it is ethically wrong to violate the inwrought values of organisms. This process can stress animals as well, as their natural ways of life and food production are being compromised in ways that are having essentially unknown effects on the animal. The ethicality of labeling foods as genetically modified is a very controversial issue.In the United States, labeling foods is not mandator y and to the many people who do not fatality to consume these foods, this is viewed as very unethical. Laws of Genetically Modified Foods The laws and governmental mandates of genetically modifying food varies throughout the world, yet a common factor is that all of these different governments are in fact working towards establishing regulatory processes. In Japan, as of April 2001, testing GM foods was made mandatory. In the United States, regulation is achieved by several different governmental agencies, such as the US Environmental Protection.Agency, the US Department of Agriculture, and the US Food and Drug Administration. The EPA is answerable for regulating the substances used that may cause possible harm to the environment and human health, pesticides for example. Farmers need to obtain licenses in order to use such chemicals, and the amount they are permitted ot use is regulated. The factory farm includes different divisions each answerable for their own branch of asses sment. Among these divisions are APHIS, the Animal Health and Plant recapitulation Service, which conducts field tests and issues permits to grow GM crops, the Agricultural Research Service which performs in-house GM food research, and the Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service which oversees the USDA risk assessment program. (Csa. com) The FDA is involved when companies producing GM foods have issues they feel they want to consult with them about.They are not required to go to the FDA though. The future of Genetically Modified Foods Currently, genetically modified ingredients are present in many foods, however the process is mostly limited to altering the ingredients in the area of improved sustainability. In the future, there are plans to genetically modify much more.For example, there are plans to try to produce foods with the ability to produce human vaccinations. There are also plans to genetically alter food animals, like pigs, cows, and most recently sa lmon. Conclusion Genetically modified foods have come a long way since their first introduction into the market. They have great potential to solve many problems and improve upon many conditions. However, there are many challenges facing governments as far as the advancement of genetically modified foods is concerned.Regulations, food testing, and uncovering more of the possible effects on both human health and the environment are all great issues involved. The concept of genetic modification is also very controversial. However, regardless of the obstacles and controversy surrounding this phenomenon, it is becoming much more widespread throughout the world. full treatment Cited Genetically Modified Foods Harmful or Helpful? CSA. Web. 24 Oct. 2010. . Genetically Modified Foods and Organisms HGP Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues. Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Web. 24 Oct. 2010. . ontogenesis and History of GM Foods Genetically Modified Foods (UK). Comphrensive Advice on Geneticall y Modified Foods at Genetically Modified Foods (UK). Web. 24 Oct. 2010. . Chapman, By James. History of Genetically Modified Food Mail Online. Home Mail Online. Web. 24 Oct. 2010. . Jibrin, By Janis. Genetically Modified Foods (Biotech Foods) Pros and Cons. WebMD Better Information. Better Health. Web. 1 Nov. 2010. . dictionary. com.
Netw240 Week 2 Lab
NETW240 Week 2 testing ground Basic Linux Commands and Directories Lab Scenario establish Your Lab The status of your science laboratoryoratory is displayed at the top of the left glide column. Click the Start Lab Now furtherton. A progress shut displays while the lab is being initialized. During this time you poop view items chthonic the Content argona of the left navigation bar. When initialization is accomplish, the status changes to In Progress. The clock starts and a lab diagram displays in the main matter area. Click on the diagram that appears, and your virtual lab experience bequeath begin.If your connection isnt working, verify connectivity by clicking say-so Connection in the Tools section on the left navigation bar. Assignment * Identify the difference between a casual substance abuser and the superuser (or root) by examining the blare instigate. * Illustrate the subordination used to switch from a casual user to the superuser. * Diagram, label, and desc ribe the major(ip) system directories beneath root (/). * Illustrate the use of basic Linux shell commands to move around in the hierarchical file system. Diagram Lab Tasks See Chapter 3, The Linux File System.Note about text editors in Element K All text editor tasks in this lab are shown development the nano text editor, but you are also free to use the vi text editor as an option if you k presently the more(prenominal) obscure command hierarchy. If you are apply nano as your text editor and net income Explorer or chrome as your browser, you basinnot use Ctrl-O to salvage your file. This zealous key is used by IE and plate to open files. You get out gravel to exit and go on as follows Press Ctrl-X (Exit) at the prompt Save Modified Buffer, wedge Y accordingly land. This will save the file and exit the text editor.Mozilla Firefox does not have this issue with Ctrl-O. spirit 1 Procedures If you are not already logged in, please log in as a standard user. Your login name will be disciple or vlab with the password password. 1. Click on Applications System Tools Terminal. This will represent up a Terminal screen for you so you can check the commands in this lab. 2. Using the switch user (su) command, switch from standard user mode to the superuser (root) user mode. The root password is the same as the student password. 3. During the lab, you will be asked to enter declaration to questions asked in your lab activities.You hold to enter the fares to these labs at the bottom of this lab page and submit that to your campaign shell Dropbox in order to receive credit for it. Step 2 File System Navigation 1 unwrap a hanker listing of the filesystem root ( ? ). register ls l. manipulate the yield is in a coherent list format. 2 scupper a large listing of the ? etc directory. Enter ls -l ? etc. Verify that the output is from the ? etc directory and is a long list. What typesetters casewrite of files may you muster up in this director y? Write your declaration in the resolvent sheet at the bottom of this lab. 3 Display a long listing of the ? in directory. Enter ls -l ? bin. Verify that the output is from the ? bin directory and is a long list. What type of files may you come up in this directory? Write your answer in the answer sheet at the bottom of this lab. 4 Display a long listing of the ? sbin directory. Enter ls -l ? sbin. Verify that the output is from the ? sbin directory and is a long list. What type of files may you prevail in this directory? Write your answer in the lab opus document. 5 Display a long listing of the ? dev directory. Enter ls -l ? dev. Verify that the output is from the ? dev directory and is a long list.What type of files may you find in this directory? What is this directory used for? Write your answers in the lab report document. 6 Display a long listing of the ? usr directory. Enter ls -l ? usr. Verify that the output is from the ? usr directory and is a long list. What type o f files may you find in this directory? Write your answer in the lab report document. 7 Display a long listing of the ? home directory. Enter ls -l ? home. Verify that the output is from the ? home directory and is a long list. What type of files may you find in this directory? Write your answer in the lab report document. Display a long listing of the ? root directory and its hidden files. Enter ls -al ? root. Verify that the output is from the ? root directory and is a long list. What type of files may you find in this directory? What is this directory used for? Write your answers in the lab report document. 9 Return to your home directory. Enter cd ?. Enter pwd. What does the acronym pwd stand for? What is the output of the pwd command? Character ? represents your home directory, regardless of who you are logged in as. What is a home directory used for? Write your answers in the lab report document. 0 Create files. Enter touch example1. Enter cp example1 example2. 11 Create a d irectory. Enter mkdir file-cabinet. Enter ls. You should see files example1 and example2 and a directory called file-cabinet. 12 Change directory. Enter cd file-cabinet. Enter ls. Enter pwd. What directory are you in? Write your answer in the lab report document. Enter cd Enter pwd. keep an eye on that the command cd .. took you back to the higher level directory. 13 edit out the directory. Enter ls. Enter rmdir file-cabinet. Enter ls. Was the directory file-cabinet deleted? Write your answer in the lab report document. 4 Delete the files. Enter ls. You should still be fitted to see both the example1 and example2 files. Enter rm example* (* represents zero or more characters). Enter ls. Were the example1 and example2 files deleted? Write your answer in the lab report document. 15 Get help on the ls command. Enter man ls less. Now you can use your up and down arrow keys to scroll through the culture on the ls command. You will notice that there are m each options that can be us ed with this command. Remember that in order to use any of these commands you have to use a space between the command and the option.For example, ls -l works, but ls-l will not work. Result N/A Step 3 Use the nano command line editor to create and modify files. work on 1 Navigate to your home directory. Enter cd . Enter pwd. What directory are you in currently? Write your answer in the lab report document. 2 Use nano to create a file. Enter nano myfile1. You are now in Editor Mode for the file myfile1. 3 Add meaning to the file. At this point, you can type in some text. Type in your full name, address, and phone number on different lines. 4 correspond Keys for nano. Note the control menu at the bottom of the nano text editor.The () image refers to the Ctrl key, so X (Exit) refers to simultaneously pressing the Ctrl and X keys. Other jet control keys are K and U for cut and paste trading operations and R for opening a new file. W is a control key for finding text in a file. If you are using nano as your text editor and Internet Explorer or Chrome as your browser, you cannot use Ctrl-O to save your file. This hotkey is used by IE and Chrome to open files. You will have to exit and save as follows press Ctrl-X (Exit) and at the prompt Save Modified Buffer, press Y then Enter.This will save the file and exit the text editor. Mozilla Firefox does not have this issue with Ctrl-O. 5 Save your modifications and exit. Press Ctrl-O and press Enter to save your myfile1 file. Press Ctrl-X to exit the nano command line text editor. 6 break down the content of your file. Enter cat myfile1. You now can see your circumscribe of the myfile1 file. This concludes your lab. Download the lab report document for week 2. Please complete all questions on the answer page and submit the answers in the lab report template in the iLab section of the course shell.
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Learning Team Collaboration Worksheet Essay
1. What are the advantages of having diversity in a collaborative learning environment? The point of any collaboration is to bring unneurotic different ideas for one solution. By exchanging opinions, everyone flush toilet decide what works surpass for the crowd. When too many like minded people come to narkher, they pogey out the same product. If a classify contains all organizers or thinkers, they capacity have a 10 page paper of all conflicting ideas because they couldnt agree on one topic. Historys bloodiest events unremarkably started with one group of likeminded people pushing their ideas onto the rest of the world.2. How might factors such(prenominal) as learning and work styles affect your teams collaboration? Having a diverse set of people in a group can only improve it. Thinkers can look at a topic from all sides, which can help a team lodge arguments and have an answer ready. Givers can be the voice of reason, helping the group stay on task when an organizer or th inker is stuck on a non consequential detail. Adventurers think outside the box, they may come up with the topic itself or can be counted on to liven up a stale presentation. Organizers are decisive choosing what information stays, what gets tossed, where it fits, and how to best combine a paper. Like Henry Fords assembly line, distributively person has a role that has to be met for the product to be finished.3. How can critical thinking improve your teams collaboration? beingness in a team can generate original and originative ideas, making for an interesting project. Critical thinking is the research and facts to uphold those ideas. This involves decision credible sources with valid facts. This question is kicking my butt Ill get it eventually. 4. What are methods for improving team writing?Prewriting is the longest step in the writing process, involving the overall topic of a project and all the research. This is where a team can contribute ideas and opinions, and a rough dra ft is formed. afterwards this process is finished, the actual writing should be simple. The second draft could be written by one person to ensure that it stays in one voice throughout the paper. Then the team can study the draft and make changes as needed.
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