Thursday, October 31, 2019
Health history interview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Health history interview - Essay Example The patient mentioned that he felt relief when he wears warm clothes and drinks warm water. The coughing was worst when he had to do heavy work or walk for a long distance. Kevin was disturbed by the fact that the drugs he had taken for the last one week had not caused substantial relief to his health. Kevin had a severe case of measles at the age of three. He was hospitalized for three days. He received an immunization for pneumonia six months before coming to hospital. Kevin had been diagnosed with HIV a year before and he has been on a daily dose of ARVs. The patient was in the hospital for a CD4 count on 3 Jan 2012. He was on a high vitamin diet to boot his immunity (Reeders, 2001). The mother suffered from varicose veins at the age of sixty-five. There is no history of diabetes, heart problems or tuberculosis. The skin of Kevin was moist, flexible and pink with some skin rashes near the elbow of the left arm. He bears a scar on the knee of the left leg from a fall he had when he was ten years old. The nails of the two toes on the right foot have clubbing. His hair is black and clean. It does not have scales or lice. The cornea is white and clear with no patches. The ears did not have any discharge or tenderness. The nose and sinuses do not have swellings or tenderness. The lips had cracks and there were small white wounds on the lower lip (Irwin, 2003). The lower and upper parts of the mouth were pink and it was not dry. The neck has tender lymph nodes and the lungs have fluid around them (Jamison, 2006). Kevin had a regular heart rate of 69/min. and his sexual health was normal. Kevin was full of confidence and had high expectations that the tuberculosis would be cured. He stopped his morning jog and has not done it for two weeks because he says that it worsens the cough. He sleeps more often because he is more tired than normal. He also said that he felt better after a good rest. He was
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Communication and Its Importance in Creating Conflict Essay Example for Free
Communication and Its Importance in Creating Conflict Essay Conflict is essential in all works of fiction, whether it might a simple disagreement in a marriage or internally trying to deal with guilt. The real life situations of Interpreter of Maladies connect the problems with communication with conflict that will arise. In Interpreter of Maladies, communication problems in the short stories â€Å"A Temporary Matter†, â€Å"This Blessed House†, and â€Å"Interpreter of Maladies†resulted in conflict. In â€Å"A Temporary Matter†, the conflict in was the game that Shoba and Shukamar played, referring to the revealing one truth about oneself when there were not any lights, and the game where they were hiding from each other, hoping to avoid awkward encounters. This was an internal conflict from Shukumar’s perspective because Shukumar was thinking of how to play his next move in order to effectively restore the relationship. †Now he had to struggle to say something that interested he, something that made her look up from her plate, or from proofreading files.†Shukumar thought the purpose of the game where the couple would share previously unknown facts was that it would restore their relationship. Shukumar thought the game was used in order to reconcile and reform the marriage. But he was gravely mistaken. Shoba used this game to tell him that she was moving out. â€Å"It sickened Shukumar, knowing that she had spent these past evening s preparing for a life without him.†(21). The internal conflict in Shukumar was a result of miscommunication on Shoba’s part. She rarely communicated her thoughts and feelings after the stillbirth, and Shukumar took this as a sign to not talk. This resulted in their relationship slowing fading, and finally to the point of avoidance. In â€Å"This Blessed House†Sanjeev and Twinkle had many fights throughout the story because of the Christian artifacts that were laid throughout the house. Sanjeev believed it was impractical, since both he and Twinkle were not Christian. When he kept on insisting on eradicating the religious objects, Twinkle insisted on keeping them. While Sanjeev had a practical and logical reason of why, he never effectively compromised with Twinkle, and kept on believing that he was right. And without the proper compromise and communication, it resulted in Sanjeev not understanding Twinkle’s emotions. He was quite surprised when he saw Twinkle cry in the bath. â€Å"Oh God, please, Twinkle, I didn’t mean it.†But Finally in the end, they reached a compromise and managed to continue on to the party. But the conflict arose because of Sanjeev’s inconsideration and not communicating his thoughts along with listening to Twinkle’s approach. â€Å"In the end they settled on a compromise: the statue would be placed in a recess at the side of the house, so that it wasn’t obvious to passerby, but was still clearly visible to all who came.†Even though they come to a compromise, it was after Sanjeev made Twinkle cry, which is a poor example of effective communication. In â€Å"Interpreter of Maladies†, Mr. Karpasi was under a delusion that Mrs. Das was interested in him. The conflict was Mr. Karpasi’s internal struggle interpreting Mrs. Das’s actions and determining whether she liked him or not. â€Å"As he stole glances in the rear view mirror, wrapping elastic bands around Tina’s hair, he wondered how he might make this tour a little longer.†He stated that he was an interpreter in the story. Mrs. Das inferred that he was some sort of psychologist or therapist that would cure her of her guilt that she had been holding in. However she was mistaken, Mr Karpasi essentially was a translator for a doctor. â€Å"†¦But many people do not speak Gujarati in this area, including the doctor. And so the doctor asked me to work in his office interpreting what the patients say.†He did not process any knowledge in the field of which Mrs. Das was interested in. When Mrs. Das was asked by Mr. Karpasi about why she told him about the illegitimate child, Mrs. Das said, â€Å"Well don’t you have anything to say? I thought that it as your job.†Mr. Karpasi responded with, â€Å"My job is to give tours, Mrs. Das.†Mrs. Das continued with, â€Å"Not that. Your other job. As an interpreter.†Mrs. Karpasi answered with, â€Å"But we do not face a language barrier. What need is there for an interpreter?†Mrs. Das completely misunderstood Mr. Karpasi in what he meant as an interpreter. She was only interested in Mr. Karpasi because she believed that Mr. Karpasi would cure of her guilt. On the contrary, Mr. Karpasi thought that Mrs. Das was interested in him in an attracting fashion. In Interpreter of Maladies, communication problems in the short stories â€Å"A Temporary Matter†, â€Å"This Blessed House†, and â€Å"Interpreter of Maladies†resulted in conflict. In â€Å"A Temporary Matter†, Shoba gave Shukumar the impression that she was trying to reform their marriage when her true purpose was to end it. She also is responsible for their avoidance with each other. In â€Å"This Blessed House†, Sanjeev was oblivious to Twinkle’s connections to the Mary statue, and kept on pressing his belief. This resulted in a fight in which Sanjeev finally realized his misdemeanor. In â€Å"Interpreter of Maladies†, Mr. Karpasi miscommunicated what his job was, which then resulted Mrs. Das giving him a problem that he could not solve. Mrs. Das regarded Mr. Karpasi with interest because she believed that Mr. Karpasi can help her. However this resulted in her humiliation when she told Mr. Karpasi her biggest secret that she believed he could resolve. Communication is essential to the everyday life of humans. A small mistake in communication can destroy a relationship or start an unwanted situation. It is essential that people would communicate in order to create a more stable relationship.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Technological Development In Sport Competition Sport Essay
Technological Development In Sport Competition Sport Essay Technological development is becoming more and more essential in sport competition. Technological development refers to the development of techniques or appliance which can improve the quality and magnificence of the sport competitions. However, there could be some difference between different countries; it may depend on the level of the countries development. There are three main aspects revealing that technological development has revolutionized sport competitions. Firstly, the development of telecommunications promotes the globalization of sport competition. Secondly, the use of electronic appliance helps to reduce controversy and ensure the fairness of the results in the competition, such as auto-timing system. Moreover, the improvement sport equipments and analyzing system has become necessary for enhancing the performance of athletes. One of the most dramatic revolutions in sport completion is caused by the developments in new technologies of mass communication, especially the development of Internet and satellite television, which are allowing the sport competitions to be publicized around the world much more quickly. As an example, mega-events such as the Olympic Games can be regarded as a media-events (D. Rowe, 2004, 166). According to Roche, the 1936 Berlin Olympics was the first Olympic Games to be radio broadcast to the world; and it was also the first major sport event to be televised, although it was only available in the city of Berlin at that time due to the limited local cable system. Nowadays, the universality of the Internet and television are most effective to the globalization of the sports competition, however, turning the sport competition into global event. Referring to the television, Horne and Manzenreiter indicate that the estimation of 3.9 billion television audiences had watched parts of the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, and 40 billion which are cumulative television audiences, contributing to a increase of 27% over the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games. Moreover, Horne and Manzenreiter also indicate the 2002 FIFA World Cup staged in Japan and South Korea, 41000 hours of programming were provided in 213 countries and about 28.8 television audiences of this event, even more than that in Olympic Games. From this situation, there is no doubt that the development of telecommunication provides a much larger stage for the sport competitions, and makes the sport competition become a global history. In the sport competitions, the quality of the athletes is the most important factor in determining their performance. Analysing the movements of athletes could be the effective method to increase the possibilities of championship in the sport competitions; for instance, analyzing the movement or posture of an ice-skate athlete could help the athlete to maximize the speed and overcome the shortcomings. However, the details of the movements cannot be easily seen because the unassisted eye functions at the speed of 1/340th of a second exposure time; fortunately, the
Friday, October 25, 2019
Simon Armitages Book of Matches Essay -- Simon Armitage Poems Poetry
Simon Armitage's Book of Matches Explore Armitage`s presentation of his relationship with his parents in the poems: Mother, any distance and My father thought Simon Armitage`s two poems are from a collection called Book of Matches Explore Armitage`s presentation of his relationship with his parents in the poems: â€Å"Mother, any distance†and â€Å"My father thought†Simon Armitage`s two poems are from a collection called â€Å"Book of Matches†, this is based on a party game where you have to talk about your life, in the space of time it takes for the match to burn out (hence the name). You start with facts and then go on to feelings .The moments that Simon Armitage has chosen are defined moments with his parents, he has wrote about his relationship with each of his parents and has used poetic descriptions of times with each of his parents. In the poem: â€Å"Mother, any distance†, Simon Armitage starts by describing how important his mother was to him. The first word he uses is â€Å"Mother†and he is addressing her in second person narrative and as if he was talking directly to her. After, follows â€Å"any distance greater than a single span requires a second pair of hands†, it has 2 meanings and the phrase is a metaphor, one being measuring and needing help doing it but there is a second meaning in it that measuring is going through life and needing help going through life when you can’t do it yourself. â€Å"Requires a second pair of hands†is saying that he has needed his mother lots to help him. â€Å"You†is direct address and in the second person narrative like before, backing up the fact as if he were talking to her directly and personally and the poem is a tribute to his mother. â€Å"You come to help me measure windows, pelmets,... ...e a turning point as he grows out of rebellious, casual teenage rand is turning into his father. The differences between the fathers` relationship with the son and the mothers` relationship with the son is the fathers` relationship is an old fashioned relationship where the father doesn’t show any affection to the son and criticises him and doesn’t really help him but mentally scared as this is a defined moment with his father so there mustn’t be any loving moments with his father. But with his mother, he shares a much more showing affection relationship whether his mother has helped him through his life when he needed help and she brought him into the world and in the end there is an atmosphere where no-one wants to let go without hurting the other but this is not the case with the father as nobody cares about hurting each other in this relationship.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Issues with Social Development in Adults
In my research on issues of social development in adults, I found change and consistency in social participation plays a key role in early adulthood. I felt the need to choose and touch on this topic because I have the tendency to be a social butterfly and I also lost a dear friend that committed suicide from social isolation. I chose this article because after reading it I felt as if the information was solid and backed up with surveys and facts. I also felt as if the topic was thoroughly examined and the article gave a lot of helpful information about this particular issue with social development in adults. Social interactions and activities play a key role in the physical health and well being in adulthood. It is healthy and fun to be around friends, loved ones, and even relationship partners. Making plans, going out, and being social gives one the since of self worth. Further more, the lack of desire and absence of social contact and participation can cause one, such as in the incident of my friend, to become depressed, self-isolated, and have suicidal thoughts and/or even commit suicide. In the event that I would need to write a research paper on this topic, I would use this article. I would use the article because it has a lot of information about the topic and has many different details and survey information. This would all help my research and provide me with information to include in my paper. The authors, Harry Reis and Yi-Cheng Lin, research was to determine if age-related changes in social relationships and to see if interaction patterns would stay the same from college years to adult- hood. They researched a variety of different things like opposite-sex socializing, intimacy and satisfaction in adulthood, and implications for social development during early adulthood.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
How to Remember Dates for a Test - Memorization
How to Remember Dates for a Test - Memorization Dates are often difficult to remember because they seem so random and obscure unless we can relate them to something specific. For instance, the American Civil War started in 1861, but unless you have a strong interest in the specific timeline of the war, there is nothing special about the starting date that separates that date from any other. What makes 1861 stand apart from 1863 or 1851? Sometimes it can be as simple as leaving off the first two digits. If you are studying a particular time period, you already know what century in which the events take place. Even though it might not seem like it, breaking it down to just two numbers can make memorization much easier. You can associate those numbers with something like the number of a favorite athlete. If that doesn’t work, there are a few other tricks. When trying to memorize a date, students can really benefit from a mnemonic system (memory technique) to help them recall the right numbers in the right order. For memorizing dates it might be helpful to borrow a practice from the London Cockneys. A Cockney is an inhabitant of the East End of London, England. Cockneys have an old tradition of using rhyming slang as a secret language, of sorts. The tradition originated centuries ago, and it was used by Londons thieves, traders, entertainers, and other members from the lower strata of society. In Cockney slang, Can you believe it? becomes Can you Adam and Eve it? More examples: Whistle and flute suitWhite mice iceTom Hanks thanksTrouble and strife wife Remembering Dates We can use the same method to remember dates. Simply think of a term that rhymes with your date. Make sure your rhyme is a little silly and that it paints a strong picture in your head. You can leave off the century, so that 1861, the starting date for the Civil War, becomes 61. Example: 61 Sticky gun Imagine a Civil War soldier struggling with a gun that has been covered with honey. It may sound silly, but it works! More Examples: 1773 was the date of the Boston Tea Party. To remember this, you could think: 73 Heavenly tea You can just picture protesters sipping lovely cups of tea right before tossing them in the water. 1783 marks the end of the Revolutionary War. 83 Ladies bee For this image, think of several women sitting on a quilt and celebrating by stitching a red, white and blue quilt. The most important element of this method is to come up with a great, amusing image. The funnier it is, the more memorable it will be. If possible, come up with a little story to connect all your mental images. If you have trouble coming up with a rhyme or have a lot of connected information to remember, you could set the information to a song. If you are musically inclined, you could make up your own song. More often it is easier to replace the words to a song you already know well.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Business Culture Vietnam, New Zeland, Malaysia[1].Docx Essays
Business Culture Vietnam, New Zeland, Malaysia[1].Docx Essays Business Culture Vietnam, New Zeland, Malaysia[1].Docx Essay Business Culture Vietnam, New Zeland, Malaysia[1].Docx Essay ETIQUE CUSTOM Facts and Statistics Location: Oceania, islands in the South Pacific Ocean, southeast of Australia Capital: Wellington Population: 3,993,817 (July 2004 est. ) Ethnic Make-up: New Zealand European 74. 5%, Maori 9. 7%, other European 4. 6%, Pacific Islander 3. 8%, Asian and others 7. 4% Religions: Anglican 24%, Presbyterian 18%, Roman Catholic 15%, Methodist 5%, Baptist 2%, other Protestant 3%, unspecified or none 33% (1986) Language in New Zealand The three official languages of New Zealand are English, Maori and NZ Sign Language. English is the language of day-to-day business within New Zealand, a remnant of ties to the British Commonwealth. Maori is a Polynesian language similar to the languages of other Pacific Island cultures, such as Hawaiian, Tongan, and Samoan. Over 157,000 people in New Zealand speak Maori (2006 Census). The Maori language has been part of New Zealand and its culture since the first people came to the Islands. However, Maori has only been recognised as an official language of New Zealand since the Maori Language Act of 1987. English-Maori bilingualism and the development and use of the Maori language is encouraged by Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Maori-the Maori Language Commission. Maori and English are used throughout the country in various television and radio programs. As with other regions in the world where two cultures have been mixed, English has influenced Maori and Maori has influenced English. A number of words in each language have crossed in to the vocabulary of the other. English has introduced motuka (car) and Maori has replied with taboo (tapu). Many places in New Zealand have been christened with two names one English, one Maori (the original Maori name and the adopted English one). And, in some cases, these names are used interchangeably Kiwi Society Culture There can be marked differences between Maori and NZ European (Pakeha) societies and culture. This is particularly apparent when moving in tribal (Iwi) circles. Due to colonisation and tribal differences, there can also be subtle but important variations in protocols. The following sections outline aspects most likely to occur when doing business with tribal groups but can also equally apply to any group that includes Maori. Kiwi Demeanour . New Zealanders are friendly, outgoing, somewhat reserved initially yet polite, and enjoy extending hospitality.  They are quite easy to get to know as they say hello to strangers and will offer assistance without being asked. . Because they do not stand on ceremony and are egalitarian, they move to a first name basis quickly and shun the use of titles. . Kiwis dress casually, but neatly. . Most restaurants do not have dress codes and except in business, dress is decidedly casual. . Business dress is conservative, although jacke ts may be removed and shirtsleeves rolled up when working. Maori demeanour . Maori are generally friendly and reserved and place great value on hospitality.  They will generally offer (often to the point of going without) assistance to their guests and will attempt to hide the inconvenience as much as possible. . Maori will spontaneously launch into speech and song. Even though they may not have met each other, they will know many songs they can sing together and often use these to close or enhance speeches. . They will often call for visitors to do the same and it would be wise to have 2-3 practised songs from your own country to reply with. Environmentalism . Kiwis are environmentally concerned and have a strong desire to preserve their countrys beauty.  One of the major local issues is the importing of predators. . Border controls are very tight and there are huge fines for importing food or other natural products such as wood, cane etc. . The local attitu de towards the environment is largely influenced by the viewpoint of the indigenous population, the Maori. . They believe that all things have a mauri a life force. . Damage to this life force, or human attempts to dominate it, result in the mauri losing its energy and vitality, which affects the lives of people as well as the resilience of ecosystems.  Maintaining the mauri of the environment and ecosystem resilience are equally important for sustainable development. Egalitarianism . The country has no formal class structure. . Wealth and social status are not important to Kiwis. . They take pride in individual achievements and believe that opportunities are available to all. . As a welfare state unemployment benefits, housing and access to health is all available free of charge to those who cant afford it. . Maori have a hierarchy especially apparent in formal situations.  For example, the elder (male or female) is seated in a specific area and will be asked to open or close a meeting. Mostly they are men but not always. Etiquette and Customs Meeting and Greeting . Greetings are casual, often consisting simply of a handshake and a smile. . Never underestimate the value of the smile as it indicates pleasure at meeting the other person. . Although New Zealanders move to first names quickly, it is best to address them by their honorific title and surname until they suggest moving to a more familiar level or they call you by your first name. Maori meeting and greeting  Maori stand on ceremony and have distinct protocols regarding how visitors should be welcomed and seen off. . If the business dealings are with a tribal group (Iwi) the welcoming protocols may be practiced through the process of Powhiri – a formal welcome that takes place on a Marae. . A Powhiri can take between 30 minutes to 2-3 hours depending on the importance of the event. . It begins by calling the visitors onto the area infront of the t raditional meeting house. Visitors should walk as a group and in silence expect if they have a responding caller to reply to the home peoples’ caller (usually an older woman).  A Powhiri dictates where people sit, in what position in their group, and who speaks. . In most cases, but not all, you will notice the men are seated forward and only males speak. There is a tension between the men and women on this matter and in a few places this has been resolved and you will see both genders stand to speak. In the interests of not causing friction in your business dealings, always follow the lead of the home people. . The welcoming speeches are given by the agreed speakers of the home people and always end with the most revered speaker or elder.  Speeches are given in the Maori language and each one accompanied by traditional song. You may not understand what is being said but you can rest assured it is likely to be from the best orators in the group and often very comp limentary. . The visitors are expected to have at least one speaker reply on their behalf. . If possible, the speaker should prepare a learned opening in Maori – it is critical that he/she focus on the pronunciation. Mispronounced words often result in whispers and sniggers and is considered disrespectful. It is better to have a very short opening said well, than a long one said badly.  The speaker’s reply should never be about the detailed purpose of the visit nor should it be to self-promote as this would be considered arrogant. . The speaker should use the opportunity to briefly show respect to the place that they stand (ie. the location), to the houses (the traditional carved meeting house and dining room are named after ancestors and so are greeted accordingly), to greet the home people, and to explain where his/her group have come from (place is important to Maori). This should be followed by a song from the visitors’ country that the visitorsà ¢â‚¬â„¢ group should sing together.  The Powhiri can be daunting to visitors and can be fraught with traps that may offend. This is why most visitors seek the assistance of a Maori person to ‘guide’ them. . Once the last elder of the home people has spoken, they will gesture the visitors to come forward in a line to shake hands, kiss (once) on the cheek or hongi (touch noses) with the home people. . Following this the kitchen is ready to call people in to eat. . Following the food, the meeting proper can begin. . While this seems to be a set routine, I have been to many a Powhiri where variations of this occur. It pays to be vigilant and to follow the lead of others, or to discreetly ask questions if unsure. Gift Giving Etiquette . If invited to a Kiwis house, bring a small gift such as flowers, chocolates, or a book about your home country to the hosts. . Gifts should not be lavish. . Gifts are opened when received. Dining Etiquette . New Zealanders are casual as is reflected in their table manners. . The more formal the occasion, the more strict the protocol. . Wait to be told where to sit. . Meals are often served family-style. . Keep your elbows off the table and your hands above the table when eating.  Table manners are Continental hold the fork in the left hand and the knife in the right while eating. They will not look askance, however, if you adopt American table manners. . Indicate you have finished eating by laying your knife and fork parallel on your plate with the handles facing to the right. Maori Dining Etiquette . Following a Powhiri, the vis itors will be asked to the dining room (a separate building to the carved meeting house) to sit to eat at long tressle tables. . They should not eat until the food has been ‘blessed’ or an acknowledgement said by an elder of the home people even if the food is getting cold.  Visitors should try to enable the home people to sit amongst them to chat and get to know them while eating. . Often, younger people will be serving and older people will be working in the kitchen. . It is important to realise that in most cases they are working voluntarily and it is appropriate to formally and publicly thank them near the close of the meal before leaving the dining room to begin the meeting. As a result of this, the visitors may be light-heartedly asked to sing. . To sing a song from your home country would show respect and thanks. Business Etiquette Protocol Relationships Communication . New Zealanders can be somewhat reserved, especially with people they do not know. . Once they develop a personal relationship, they are friendly, outgoing and social. . Do not appear too forward or overly friendly. . They respect people who are honest, direct, and demonstrate a sense of humour. . They trust people until they are given a reason not to. . If this happens in business the breach will be difficult to repair and business dealings may cease or become more difficult. Business Meeting Etiquette  Appointments are usually necessary and should be made at least one week in advance by telephone, fax or email. . It is generally easy to schedule meetings with senior level managers if you are coming from another country if the meeting is planned well in advance. . It can be difficult to schedule meetings in December and January since these are the prime months for summer vacation. . Arrive at m eetings on time or even a few minutes early. . If you do not arrive on time, your behaviour may be interpreted as indicating that you are unreliable or that you think your time is more important than the person with whom you are meeting.  Meetings are generally relaxed; however, they are serious events. . Expect a brief amount of small talk before getting down to the matter at hand. . If you make a presentation, avoid hype, exaggerated claims, hyperbole, and bells and whistles. New Zealanders are interested in what people can do not what they say they can do. . Present your business case with facts and figures. Emotions and feelings are not important in the New Zealand business climate. . Maintain eye contact and a few feet of personal space. Negotiations . The negotiating process takes time.  Do not attempt high-pressure sales tactics. . Demonstrate the benefits of your services or products rather than talking about them. . Start your negotiations with a realistic figure. Since this is not a bargaining culture, New Zealanders do not expect to haggle over price. . Kiwis look for value for their money. . Do not make promises you cannot keep or offer unrealistic proposals. Kiwis do not generally trust people who have to oversell! . They are quite direct and expect the same in return. They appreciate brevity and are not impressed by more detail than is required.  Agreements and proposals must state all points clearly. All terms and conditions should be explained in detail. . Stick to the point while speaking. . Kiwis appreciate honesty and directness in business dealings. MALAYSIA Facts and Statistics Location: Southeastern Asia. Shares borders with Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore and Brunei. Capital: Kuala Lumpur Climate: tropical; annual southwest (April to October) and northeast (October to February) monsoons Population: 24,821,286 (July 2007 est. ) Ethnic Make-up: Malay 50. 4%, Chinese 23. 7%, indigenous 11%, Ind ian 7. 1%, others 7. % Religions: Muslim 60. 4%, Buddhist 19. 2%, Christian 9. 1%, Hindu 6. 3%, Confucianism, Taoism, other traditional Chinese religions 2. 6%, other or unknown 1. 5%, none 0. 8% Government: constitutional monarchy Language in Malaysia The Malay language is an Austronesian language spoken not only by Malaysians but all Malay people who reside in the Malay Peninsula, southern Thailand, the Philippines, Singapore, central eastern Sumatra, the Riau islands, parts of the coast of Borneo, Cocos and Christmas Islands in Australia. It is also very similar to Indonesian, known locally as Bahasa Indonesia. In Malaysia, the language is officially known as Bahasa Malaysia, which translates as the Malaysian language. The term, which was introduced by the National Language Act 1967, was predominant until the 1990s, when most academics and government officials reverted to Bahasa Melayu, which is used in the Malay version of the Federal Constitution. Malay Culture and Society A Multi-Cultural Society Malaysia is a multi-cultural society. The main ethnic groups are the native Malays as well as large populations of Chinese, and Indians. When visiting the country it is clear that the ethnicities retain their religions, customs and way of life. The most important festivals of each group are public holidays. Although growing up, children are educated in the same schools and will eventually work in the same offices, few marry outside their own ethnicity. Families tend to socialise within their own ethnic group – all part of retaining their individual traditions and lifestyles. Despite the ethnic differences there are commonalities culturally speaking. Group Orientation The family is considered the centre of the social structure. As a result there is a great emphasis on unity, loyalty and respect for the elderly. The family is the place where the individual can be guaranteed both emotional and financial support. When one member of the family suffers a financial setback, the rest of the family will contribute what they can to help out. Families tend to be extended, although in the larger cities this will naturally differ. The Concept of Face Malays, Chinese and Indians all strive to maintain face and avoid shame both in public and private. Face is a personal concept that embraces qualities such as a good name, good character, and being held in esteem by ones peers. Face is considered a commodity that can be given, lost, taken away, or earned. On top of this face also extends to the family, school, company, and even the nation itself. The desire to maintain face makes Malaysians strive for harmonious relationships. Face can be lost by openly criticizing, insulting, or putting someone on the spot; doing something that brings shame to the group; challenging someone in authority, especially if this is done in public; showing anger at another person; refusing a request; not keeping a promise; or disagreeing with someone publicly. Conversely, face can be saved by remaining calm and courteous; discussing errors or transgressions in private; speaking about problems without blaming anyone; using non-verbal communication to say no; and allowing the other person to get out of the situation with their pride intact. Etiquette and Customs in Malaysia Meeting and Greeting Greetings in a social context will depend upon the ethnicity of the person you are meeting. In general, most Malays are aware of Western ways so the handshake is normal. There may be slight differences though and a few things to bear in mind include:  Malay women may not shake hands with men. Women can of course shake hands with women. Men may also not shake hands with women and may bow instead while placing their hand on their heart.  The Chinese handshake is light and may be rather prolonged. Men and women may shake hands, although the woman must extend her hand first. Many older Chinese lower their eyes during the greeting as a sign of respect.  Indians shake hands with members of the same sex. When being introduced to someone of the opposite sex, nodding the head and smiling is usually sufficient. Among all cultures, there is a general tendency to introduce:  the most important person to the lower ranking person.  the older person to the younger person.  women to men. Names The way names are used also varies between ethnicities: Chinese  The Chinese traditionally have 3 names. The surname (family name) is first and is followed by two personal names.  Many Chinese adopt more Western names and may ask you to use that instead. Malays  Many Malays do not have surnames. Instead, men add their fathers name to their own name with the term bin (meaning ‘son of’). So Rosli bin Suleiman, would be Rosli the son of Suleiman.  Women use the term binti, so Aysha bint Suleiman is Aysha the daughter of Suleiman. Indian  Many Indians do not use surnames. Instead, they place the initial of their fathers name in front of their own name. The mans formal name is their name s/o (son of) and the fathers name.  Women use d/o to refer to themselves as the daughter of their father. Gift Giving Etiquette Here are some general gift giving etiquette guidelines: Gift giving to Malays:  If invited to someones home for dinner, bring the hostess pastries or good quality chocolates.  Never give alcohol.  Do not give toy dogs or pigs to children.  Do not give anything made of pigskin.  Avoid white wrapping paper as it symbolizes death and mourning.  Avoid yellow wrapping paper, as it is the color of royalty.  If y ou give food, it must be â€Å"halal†(meaning permissible for Muslims).  Offer gifts with the right hand only or both hands if the item is large.  Gifts are generally not opened when received. Gift giving to Chinese:  If invited to someones home, bring a small gift of fruit, sweets, or cakes, saying that it is for the children.  A gift is traditionally refused before it is accepted to demonstrate that the recipient is not greedy.  Do not give scissors, knives or other cutting utensils as they indicate a desire to sever the relationship.  Flowers do not make good gifts as they are given to the sick and are used at funerals.  Do not wrap gifts in mourning colours white, blue, or black.  Wrap the gifts in happy colours red, pink, or yellow.  Elaborate gift wrapping is imperative.  Never wrap a gift for a baby or decorate the gift in any way with a stork, as birds are the harbinger of death.  It is best to give gifts in even numbers since odd numbers are unlucky.  Gifts are generally not opened when received. Gift giving to Indians:  If you give flowers, avoid frangipani as they are used in funeral wreaths.  Money should be given in odd numbers.  Offer gifts with the right hand only or both hands if the item is large.  Do not wrap gifts in white or black.  Wrap gifts in red, yellow or green paper or other bright colors as these bring good fortune.  Do not give leather products to a Hindu.  Do not give alcohol unless you are certain the recipient drinks.  Gifts are generally not opened when received. Business Etiquette and Protocol in Malaysia Meeting and Greeting Within the business context most Malaysian businesspeople are culturally-savvy and internationally exposes. Your experience may very well depend upon the ethnicity, age, sex and status of the person you are meeting. The best approach is always friendly yet formal. A few tips include:  Initial greetings should be formal and denote proper respect.  If in a team, introduce the most important person first.  Many Malays and Indians are uncomfortable shaking hands with a member of the opposite sex.  Foreign men should always wait for a Malaysian woman to extend her hand. Foreign women should also wait for a Malaysian man to extend his hand.  To demonstrate respect Chinese may look downwards rather than at the person they are meeting.  It is important that professional titles (professor, doctor, engineer) and honorific titles are used in business. Malays and Indians use titles with their first name while Chinese use titles with their surname. Business Card Etiquette  Business cards are exchanged after the initial introductions.  If you will be meeting Chinese, have one side of your card translated into Chinese, with the Chinese characters printed in gold.  If you will be meeting government officials, have one side of your card translated into Bahasa Malaysia.  Use two hands or the right hand only to exchange business cards.  Examine any business card you receive before putting it in your business card case.  The respect you show someones business card is indicative of the respect you will show the individual in business. Act accordingly.  Never write on someones card in their presence. Communication As an extension to the need to maintain harmonious relations, Malaysians rely on non-verbal communication (i. e. facial expressions, tone of voice, body language, etc). Such a communication style tends to be su btle, indirect and. Malays may hint at a point rather than making a direct statement, since that might cause the other person to lose face. Rather than say no, they might say, I will try, or I’ll see what I can do. This allows the person making the request and the person turning it down to save face and maintain harmony in their relationship. If you are unsure about the affirmative response you received, you may want to continue the discussion, re-phrasing the question in several different ways so that you may compare responses. If the response was given because the Malaysian did not know how to respond in the negative without causing offense, this may come out. Alternatively, they may have someone else give you the bad news. Silence is an important element of Malaysian communication. Pausing before responding to a question indicates that they have given the question appropriate thought and considered their response carefully. Many Malaysians do not understand the Western propensity to respond to a question hastily and can consider such behaviour thoughtless and rude. Malaysians may laugh at what may appear to outsiders as inappropriate moments. This device is used to conceal uneasiness. Do not show anger in public as it makes Malaysians uncomfortable and creates a feeling of powerlessness. There is a greater chance of achieving a good outcome id you are calm, whereas little is resolved by shouting. Business Meetings  It is a good idea for the most senior person on your team to enter first so that he or she is the first to greet the most senior Malaysian.  This gives face to both parties as it demonstrates respect towards the Malaysian and shows that you respect hierarchy within your company.  It is customary for leaders to sit opposite each other around the table.  Many companies will have their team seated in descending rank, although this is not always the case.  Expect the most senior Malaysian to give a brief welcoming speech. You need not reciprocate.  There will be a period of small talk, which will end when the most senior Malaysian is comfortable moving to the business discussion.  Meetings may be conducted or continue over lunch and dinner.  Meetings, especially initial ones, are generally somewhat formal. Treat all Malaysian participants with respect and be cautious not to lose your temper or appear irritated.  At the first meeting between t wo companies, Malaysians will generally not get into in-depth discussions. They prefer to use the first meeting as an opportunity to get to know the other side and build a rapport, which is essential in this consensus-driven culture.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Starship Troopers - a fascist book and an anti-fascist movie essays
Starship Troopers - a fascist book and an anti-fascist movie essays Robert A. Heinlein's 1955 novelStarship Troopers? and its message could be described as fascist, provocative, irresponsible and unpalatable. Paul Verhoeven's 1997 film Starship Troopers can, however, lay claim to being the ideological polar opposite of the novel. Verhoeven achieves this anti-fascist message within a fascist framework mainly through the usually subtle use of symbolism and satire Heinlein's 22nd century earth is at war with an arachnid "bug" race from another galaxy. "They are tough and we are tough and only one of us will win and the other gets wiped out," explains our hero Johnny Rico of the rugged Mobil Infantry, illuminating well the state of mind of the war between Japan and the United States during World War II, as well as the barely restrained ferocity of the Cold War afterwards. Rico's old high school teacher Rasczak plays the stand-in for Heinlein's philosophy of animproved? future society which emerges after following the "decadence and collapse of the democracies of the 20th century" after which the surviving veterans take over. Heinlein pays unconvincing lip service to the idea of a free society where civic service is voluntary and civil liberties are respected, but the soul of his argument lies in the military and the service of the State. The formation of young men and women does not take place primarily in schools, families, churches, sporting teams, universities, or human affection. In Heinlein's idealised future, this takes place in boot camp, reminiscent of totalitarian regimes such as Nazi Germany and Maoist China. Fully half the novel takes place during Rico's basic training into the Mobil Infantry where he and his fellow recruits are humiliated, broken-down, and re-made into selfless members of an elite military unit. Potential soldiers learn that life is about duty, serving the collective, sacrifice, and punishment; perhaps echoing his own days as a midshipman at the U.S Naval Academy and ...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Disclosing Officer Untruthfulness to the Defense in Court proceedings Research Paper
Disclosing Officer Untruthfulness to the Defense in Court proceedings - Research Paper Example An officer is just as a common citizen and should be charged, convicted and punished as any other person. But what if an officer is terminated? Is that punishment enough or more punishment is needed? These big questions have put law enforcement officers in to pressure since they are unable to produce answers to these questions. Many departments in the country have been influenced by the court orders and court decisions that have significant roles when it comes to decision making, serious debates and not forgetting long court wars with the labour organizations revolving around the issue of expectations in policy and disciplinary actions. Keywords: law enforcement officer, punishment, court orders, policy, disciplinary actions This paper has an equitable chance of disclosing the right decisions on law enforcement officers who have been untruthful in the workplace. Reasons for convicting the officer are given herein while reasons for termination only are also produced. The main article revolves around how an officer should be dealt with when he/she does a wrong thing at the work place. Should he/she be terminated only or should he be terminated and punished alongside other punishment? With this questions acting as the main research questions, the paper give satisfied points and decisions on an officer who is supposed to be judged because of his/her wrong doing. The officer is charged with allegations saying that he/she misused the office computers by accessing pornographic media while at work. First he denies such allegations but with further investigation, the same officer is charged with another allegation that his password was used to access unauthorised websites. This time the officer accepts the allegation put against him and begs for forgiveness. With this criminal activity in mind, the paper gives the right decision to be imposed on the officer alleged and also it gives the reasons why the officer was put under such punishment (Maryland, 1963, 83). The U.S justice department has produced necessary instructions on the conduct of the federal law enforcement case which may have local and state police employees involved. This local and state police may have records of untruthfulness in the workplace thus subjected to the instructions provided by the U.S justice department. Several publications including magazines such as the police chief magazine and others have published articles posing discussions on such matters of breaking law. This has led to a number of enforcement departments to provide instructive procedures and rules regarding such matters. Some of these procedures have been published and posted on notice boards and work places. Such publications may include: do not watch or download pornographic movies. But with these signs around the work places, the mission of stopping such criminal activities have not stopped nor reduced at all thus court orders are employed at such situations. If such incidences are to be stopped then some m ethods should be done. The following are the revolutionary methods for stopping such criminal activities. First credibility is essential in the working place. It is noticed that dilemmas in ethical issues have led to serious problems to many professionals over a long period of time. However, those who pay attention to such issues are very few than those who do involve law enforcement officers. Law enforcement
Friday, October 18, 2019
Common Law 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Common Law 3 - Essay Example the landlord will remain as occupier for the parts of the building he has retained as a result of the letting; where a landowner gives a licence to a person to use premises and retains the right to enter premises to do repairs, the owner retains control and is the occupier; and finally where the owner employs independent contractors to do work on premises, the owner will generally retain sufficient control to be classified as an occupier, however there is a possibility that the contractors will also be found to be occupiers, depending on the amount of control they have while the work is in progress. The liability of occupiers for lawful visitors is governed by Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 and will be discussed in respect of Messrs Jones and Thompson. The issue of rights and liabilities between Sunshine Beach Holiday Park Owners and Messrs Jones and Thompson will now be discussed. The principle of common duty of care bestows a duty upon the occupier to take such care in all circumstances of the case as is reasonable to ensure that a (lawful) visitor will be reasonably safe when he uses the premises for the purposes for which he is invited or permitted to be there. (s.2(2) Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957) Further the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 goes on to state that a licensee (a person to whom a license is given) is owed a contractual duty of care (s.5(1) Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957). One of the most important defence to actions brought under the Occupiers’ Liability Act is the defence of contributory negligence, that is where a visitor fails to use reasonable care for his own safety and such failure causes him damage. The effect of this will be a reduction in damages. When the common duty of care is considered, the circumstances that are included are the degree and want of care which would ordinarily be looked for, in such a visitor. Contributory negligence may allow for a reduction in damages or may extinguish damages per
Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4
Case study - Essay Example Management and control of the economy got remodeled, monetary financial systems were introduced, private banking and hard currency system came into existance, customs regulations were relaxed and there were also attempts to promote foreign trade. All these became part of the new economy. The Revdan enterprise was no more functioning within governmental planning that ensured supply of raw materials and provided marketing facilities. Owing to the collapse of the industrial base of the Commonwealth of Independent States, demand for the products manufactured by Revda declined by upto 80 percent. When Ivan tried to introduce new products using new technologies to get over this, one hurdle he faced was that some technologies could not be handled by the visually disabled. ... 2. Information on the opportunities provided by the changes in the economy can help carry out planning at production and marketing levels. 3. Information on the scope of foreign investment in Revda can help decide upon new avenues of growth 4. Information gathered from an extensive evaluation of the company can help the future planning process. 5. Information on the most successful advertising mix in the new economy will enable effective utilization of money set aside for promotion 6. Information on new technologies and cost-reduction techniques will help redesign the product range and reduce the cost. Q3 Explain (in detail) how you would go about obtaining the information you have identified in q2 Market research is the method by which the data listed in question 2 can be gathered. The research problem will be centered on the marketing failures and challenges faced by the company. A cost-benefit analysis will determine the value of the research as against the cost that goes into it. The value will depend on the degree of newness and hence uncertainty in the environment, the degree of complexity of environment, strategic importance and cost of making wrong decisions, the degree of importance the company attaches to the decisions that have to be made and the caution that cost of research project should never rise above the value of the results. The focus of the research will be to find out consumer demand pattern, new market-savvy technologies, opportunities presented by the changed socio-politico-economic environment, and new and effective marketing strategies for Revda Enterprise. Through obtaining authentic data on these aspects, the objectives of this
Marketing plan Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Marketing plan - Coursework Example The service-profit chain is a concept introduced in the Harvard Business Review in 1994. A book describing the concept was published in 1997. According to the description, in the book, the service-profit chain serves to demonstrate the existing relationship between service excellence and a company’s financial growth and performance. According to this concept, profitability and revenue growth come because of customer loyalty. Without customer satisfaction, loyalty does not result. Therefore, organizations strive to ensure that their services exhibit a high-perceived value to the customer in a bid to increase customer satisfaction. It is impossible to achieve high levels of customer satisfaction if the employees do not exhibit high levels of commitment and outstanding competencies (Yee et al., 2009). Therefore, organizations seek to hire individuals with remarkable competencies and empower them through training programs in order to increase their productivity. Empowered employee s are more likely to serve customers in an exemplary manner. The Starbucks Company has relied on the service-profit chain in order to register the evident financial performance. The company invests in human resource development through training programs that empower employee to deliver high-quality customer service. Over the years, the company has applied service innovation in order to ensure that employees serve as a valuable link between the organization and the customers. The company regards employees as partners, a factor that triggers employee satisfaction. The satisfied employees have worked for Starbucks for a long time registering high levels of productivity. Since employees are in a position to deliver service value to customers, the company prides itself with high levels of customer satisfaction (Gold, 2010). Due to the high levels of satisfaction that customers
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Make an argument for what you believe the THEME of this short story is Essay
Make an argument for what you believe the THEME of this short story is - Essay Example In my opinion, the main theme in this short story would be the perception that Indians hold about their fellow Indian Americans, which revolves around the issue of class and acceptance, and how most of them would choose to interact with individuals who hold opposing views from what is expected by society (Johansen 347). What this means is that; Indian Americans will only accept their own if they have been accepted by the white man’s social order. It is through this story that one can see how the Indians learn to see themselves or the changes they wish to see, even if they seem impossible to attain. Countless individuals believe that the Indian Americans themselves have already labeled themselves depending on how society demands (Johansen 352). This is seen through the short story that talks about an Indian American basketball team that is going to face off against another Indian team, but has to overcome challenges in order to play. Before the start of the game, arguments and discussions ensue over the authenticity of one group of the Indian players. In order to play, it was required that the players had to have BIA enrollment cards, or have at least one-quarter of Indian blood (Forbes 225). In my opinion, it may be difficult to prove how authentic one’s race may be, especially to a group that is of the same race, who consider themselves superior due to various factors. The irony that arises in this situation is seen in the manner in which these different groups of individuals seem to accept the fact that being labeled is fine, and that it seems to divide them but they do not pay attention to it. It is funny to think of one group of individuals, all minorities, being prejudiced against each other because they do not have their names or enrollment numbers in a government database. This labeling proves that even as the white society left the Indian communities, and all other races alone, fighting and racism would still continue. The only difference
Leadership Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Leadership Theory - Essay Example According to the literature on leadership, it is necessary for every person to work out his/her personal strategy of leadership skills development and try to live and act in compliance with them. There are a lot of theories created in order to explain the peculiarities of each leadership style. If a person is acquainted with such styles, he or she can easily find the most appropriate for him/her. The knowledge of styles can help achieve the desired goals. The given paper will provide the overview of leadership and describe the theories as well as their pluses and minuses. Also the situations, where a person can use that or this theory in the best way will be described. â€Å"Leadership is diving for a loose ball, getting the crowd involved, getting other players involved. It's being able to take it as well as dish it out. That's the only way you're going to get respect from the players (Bird cited in Groves, 2006). Despite the fact that the qualification of manager is very popular i n the modern world, the demand for good managers is still growing. â€Å"Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall†(Covey cited in Groves 2006). The fast development of business demands real professionals in the field of management. The organizations with the structure that prescribes self-management are very typical nowadays. Moreover, with the fast development of computers and informational technologies any kind of information becomes accessible for people within a shorter period of time. Nevertheless, no one can underestimate the importance of good managers, people that can not only organize the work, but organize it in stressful situations, which are so common for the modern business world. The question is how to become a good manager. Many scientists claim that success in any major can be reached not due to the talent, but due to the hard work. In order to become a good manager, one has to be acquainted with the main features that a future leader has to acquire. A good manager should know about his/her capabilities. A leader should always have many ideas: â€Å"If you have ideas, you have the main asset you need, and there isn't any limit to what you can do with your business and your life. Ideas are any man's greatest asset†(Firestone cited in Rok 2009). It is necessary to improve the leadership skills and be self-assured. It is important to be sociable, but at the same time it is essential to remember that the sociability should stay somewhere between the extremes. If you cannot find common language with people or they irritate you, you can’t be a leader. It is also important to understand that your success strongly depends on the faith of your subordinates. In the modern business world the main task of a good manager is not just to control others, but rather to inform the team about the plans and goals and supervise the implementation pro cess. A good manager should possess good leadership skills and know how to apply them. The team should feel the presence of their manager even if the manager is absent. It is not easy to be a leader. According to Bushnell â€Å"Everyone who's ever taken a shower has an idea. It's the person who gets out of the shower, dries off and does something about it who makes a difference†(Bushnell cite din Graetz, 2000) The leader should be neither too
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Marketing plan Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Marketing plan - Coursework Example The service-profit chain is a concept introduced in the Harvard Business Review in 1994. A book describing the concept was published in 1997. According to the description, in the book, the service-profit chain serves to demonstrate the existing relationship between service excellence and a company’s financial growth and performance. According to this concept, profitability and revenue growth come because of customer loyalty. Without customer satisfaction, loyalty does not result. Therefore, organizations strive to ensure that their services exhibit a high-perceived value to the customer in a bid to increase customer satisfaction. It is impossible to achieve high levels of customer satisfaction if the employees do not exhibit high levels of commitment and outstanding competencies (Yee et al., 2009). Therefore, organizations seek to hire individuals with remarkable competencies and empower them through training programs in order to increase their productivity. Empowered employee s are more likely to serve customers in an exemplary manner. The Starbucks Company has relied on the service-profit chain in order to register the evident financial performance. The company invests in human resource development through training programs that empower employee to deliver high-quality customer service. Over the years, the company has applied service innovation in order to ensure that employees serve as a valuable link between the organization and the customers. The company regards employees as partners, a factor that triggers employee satisfaction. The satisfied employees have worked for Starbucks for a long time registering high levels of productivity. Since employees are in a position to deliver service value to customers, the company prides itself with high levels of customer satisfaction (Gold, 2010). Due to the high levels of satisfaction that customers
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Leadership Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Leadership Theory - Essay Example According to the literature on leadership, it is necessary for every person to work out his/her personal strategy of leadership skills development and try to live and act in compliance with them. There are a lot of theories created in order to explain the peculiarities of each leadership style. If a person is acquainted with such styles, he or she can easily find the most appropriate for him/her. The knowledge of styles can help achieve the desired goals. The given paper will provide the overview of leadership and describe the theories as well as their pluses and minuses. Also the situations, where a person can use that or this theory in the best way will be described. â€Å"Leadership is diving for a loose ball, getting the crowd involved, getting other players involved. It's being able to take it as well as dish it out. That's the only way you're going to get respect from the players (Bird cited in Groves, 2006). Despite the fact that the qualification of manager is very popular i n the modern world, the demand for good managers is still growing. â€Å"Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall†(Covey cited in Groves 2006). The fast development of business demands real professionals in the field of management. The organizations with the structure that prescribes self-management are very typical nowadays. Moreover, with the fast development of computers and informational technologies any kind of information becomes accessible for people within a shorter period of time. Nevertheless, no one can underestimate the importance of good managers, people that can not only organize the work, but organize it in stressful situations, which are so common for the modern business world. The question is how to become a good manager. Many scientists claim that success in any major can be reached not due to the talent, but due to the hard work. In order to become a good manager, one has to be acquainted with the main features that a future leader has to acquire. A good manager should know about his/her capabilities. A leader should always have many ideas: â€Å"If you have ideas, you have the main asset you need, and there isn't any limit to what you can do with your business and your life. Ideas are any man's greatest asset†(Firestone cited in Rok 2009). It is necessary to improve the leadership skills and be self-assured. It is important to be sociable, but at the same time it is essential to remember that the sociability should stay somewhere between the extremes. If you cannot find common language with people or they irritate you, you can’t be a leader. It is also important to understand that your success strongly depends on the faith of your subordinates. In the modern business world the main task of a good manager is not just to control others, but rather to inform the team about the plans and goals and supervise the implementation pro cess. A good manager should possess good leadership skills and know how to apply them. The team should feel the presence of their manager even if the manager is absent. It is not easy to be a leader. According to Bushnell â€Å"Everyone who's ever taken a shower has an idea. It's the person who gets out of the shower, dries off and does something about it who makes a difference†(Bushnell cite din Graetz, 2000) The leader should be neither too
Rbi’s Debt Management and Monetary Policy Essay Example for Free
Rbi’s Debt Management and Monetary Policy Essay I have shown you in class, using the IS-LM model, how the above two roles of the RBI presents a conflict between the desired positions of the LM curve and therefore the equilibrium interest rate. Some of you have expressed interest in knowing more about this debate. Therefore here are the two opposing points of view. For the motion: On this side of the debate is the government which supports an independent Debt Management Office (DMO) that is separate from the RBI. The government has received support from the Report of the Internal Working Group on Debt Management which has pointed out three conflicts that arises from the present arrangement: â€Å"If the Central Bank tries to be an effective debt manager, it would lean towards selling bonds at high prices, i.e. keeping interest rates low. This leads to an inflationary bias in monetary policy.†Second â€Å"if the Central Bank tries to do a good job of discharging its responsibility of selling bonds, it has an incentive to mandate that banks hold a large amount of government paper.†Third, â€Å"if the Central Bank administers the operating systems for the government securities markets, as the RBI currently does, this creates another conflict, where the owner/ administrator of these systems is also a participant in the market.†The Percy Mistry Committee on Making Mumbai an International Financial Centre (IFC) recommended the setting up of an autonomous DMO by saying that â€Å"looking ahead, a sound public borrowing strategy for India would incorporate three elements. . . An independent Indian â€Å"debt management office†operating either as an autonomous agency or under the Ministry of Finance that regularly auctioned a large quantum of INR denominated bonds in an IFC in Mumbai. The size of these auctions would be substantial by world standards and would enhance Mumbai’s stature as an IFC.†The Raghuram Rajan committee on Financial Sector Reforms (A Hundred Small Steps) has argued against RBI providing the â€Å"investment banking†function to the government as â€Å"this involves a conflict of interest, since the government would benefit from lower interest rates, which the RBI has some control over. Investors in the bond market may also perceive the sale of bonds by RBI to be informed by a sense of how interest rates will evolve in the future. Finally, the RBI is the regulator of banks. Banking supervision could be distorted by the desire to sell bonds at an attractive price.†Media commentators have also supported the motion. See for instance Ajay Shah writing in the Business Standard,Ila Patnaik writing in the Indian Express, Shruthi Jayaram writing in the Financial Express, S. Narayan writing in the Mint. Also see what the Stanford University’s Policy Brief and the Bank for International Settlements feel about this issue. Against the motion: Predictably the RBI is opposing the above views. See this Business Standard report which quotes RBI Governor Dr Subbarao as saying that Only central banks have the requisite market pulse and instruments to aid in making contextual judgements which an independent debt agency, driven by narrow objectives, will not be able to do. The Governor further said that in order to achieve monetary and financial stability, separation of debt management from central bank seems to be a sub-optimal choice. The case for shifting debt management function out of the central bank is made on several arguments such as resolving conflict of interest, reducing the cost of debt, facilitating debt consolidation and increasing transparency. These advantages are overstated, Dr Subbarao said. He said market borrowings are the major source of deficit financing at state level and such borrowings are exceeding the absorptive capacity of the market. That makes it imperative to harmonise the market borrowing programmes of the Centre and the states. Separation of the Centres debt management from the central bank will make such harmonisation difficult, Dr Subbarao added. He said even internationally, there is closer association between the central bank with sovereign debt management for proper monetary policy and financial stability. Also see this Business Line report which quotes Dr Subbrao as saying that â€Å"the learning from the recent global crisis is that those systems where central bank manages government debt are more effective. When fiscal deficit is as high as it is in India, it is not only about debt management in the conventional sense. It has larger implications for liquidity management and monetary policy transmission. The balance of advantage would lie in the RBI continuing to manage public debt until fiscal deficit comes down to very comfortable levels.†RBI’s internal research supports the above view by demonstrating that interest rates have not been affected by the government’s borrowing programme (a point made by some of you in class). Some media commentators have also supported RBI’s view (see this article in the Economic Times). You will be amused to know that Dr Subbarao himself was an advocate of an independent DMO when he used to work for the government! The confusion over this issue was evidenced by the Rakesh Mohan Committee on India’s Financial Sector Assessment which opined in favour of an independent DMO with the chairman (an ex-deputy governor of the RBI) disagreeing with the committee’s view! Tailpiece: The RBI seems to have reconciled to the setting up of an independent DMO but is insisting that they be in charge of running the office (so much for independence)! See this report from the Financial Express. Finally you may enjoy reading this article from the Economic Times on â€Å"Chidambaram vs Subbarao: How conflicts between govt and RBI could lead to better policy-making†.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Teaching to Students of Different Learning Abilities
Teaching to Students of Different Learning Abilities Teachers in todays classrooms orchestrate instruction for students of various learning styles and ability levels. They make decisions based upon their knowledge of and experiences with the students, while incorporating theory and pedagogy as well as being cognizant of local, state and national policies and procedures. In this course, students will read, reflect and respond to information that is relevant to teaching in a mixed ability classroom. Students will design, prepare, analyze and reflect upon their instruction and upon their pupils responses to instruction. Participants will focus on understanding approaches for differentiating instruction in the classroom. Participants will: discuss the principles of Differentiated Instruction and how they apply to each individual student, learn effective strategies for managing flexible groups, and acquire ideas for providing students with a variety of options. Learning Outcomes: The student will be able to: Design lessons and materials based on differentiated instruction theory and strategies Examine his/her individual philosophy of education and incorporate principles of differentiated instruction Interpret state mandates, requirements and/or standards to develop lesson plans in accordance with these rules and regulations Prepare appropriate, differentiated assessments that correspond with explicit content areas and learning goals at various stages of instruction Analyze student learning needs to apply differentiated instruction methods when preparing lessons for Gifted and Talented students, English Language Learners, Bi-lingual students and Special Education students Describe major theories of learning that are relevant to the content of ones lesson plans and the selection of classroom materials Online Learning with Full Instructor Facilitation Our institution maintains an online platform that automatically grades student pre- and post-assessments, monitors their participation in the lecture, and awards them credit when they post in the discussion area. Instructors will monitor the progress and quality of work the students provide, including the threaded discussions, and will provide feedback and evaluate the midterm and final projects. Weekly Online Lecture Assignments: Week 1 Text Reading: Read Hall, T., Strangman, N., Meyer, A. (2003). Differentiated instruction and implications for UDL implementation. Wakefield, MA: National Center on Accessing the General Curriculum. Retrieved [insert date] from Answer Questions (Open Ended) Briefly state your philosophy of education. How is it reflected in your lesson planning and teaching? Now consider the Hall, Strangman and Meyer article. How can you incorporate that information into your philosophy of education? Watch Video Clips Clip 1: Differentiated Instruction: Some Ideas for the Classroom Clip 2: Assignment: Create a Think-Tac-Toe (T-T-T) lesson for use in your classroom. Provide a rationale for the educational choices you made in the design of your T-T-T. Discussion Board: Students must submit one unique comment each week in regards to each of the assigned text reading and reply to a fellow students comments at least twice each week. The comments should relate to the material the text reading discusses. Each comment should be at least three sentences in length. The week ends Sunday at 9:00 p.m. Week 2 Text Reading: Read read pages 1-8 of this article Title: National Education Standards: Getting beneath the Surface. Policy Information Perspective, Author(s):Barton, Paul, Parrish, P., Stodden, R. (2009). Aligning Assessment and Instruction with State Standards for Children with Significant Disabilities. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 41(4), 46-56. Retrieved from ERIC database. Answer Questions (Open Ended): What did you learn about your states mandates, requirements and/or standards and how will this information drive your lesson planning and instruction? Watch Video Clips Clip 1: Dalton Sherman makes a keynote speech about educating students Assignment: Locate your states department of education website to review the mandates, requirements and/or standards for addressing the needs of special education students, English Language Learners, bilingual students, and gifted and talented pupils within a general education setting. Why should this drive your instruction or why not? How does what Dalton speaks about in Texas apply to your students and your teaching situation? Discussion Board: Students must submit one unique comment each week in regards to each of the assigned text reading and reply to a fellow students comments at least twice each week. The comments should relate to the material the text reading discusses. Each comment should be at least three sentences in length. The week ends Sunday at 9:00 p.m. Week 3 Text Reading: Read An Interview with Rick Stiggins, by Dennis Sparks, Journal of Staff Development, Spring 1999 (Vol. 20, No. 2) Assessing Learning and Evaluating Progress By: Ann Bauer and Glenda Myree Brown (2001) Answer Questions (Open Ended) What is the relationship between pre assessment, ongoing assessment and post assessment? Watch Video Clips Clip 1: Clip 2: Office Chat with Sharon Russell Fowler regarding assessment in a mixed ability classroom Assignment: Choose a learning goal. Design three assessments, one for pre-assessment, one for ongoing assessment, and one for post- assessment of mastery of the goal. Discussion Board: Students must submit one unique comment each week in regards to each of the assigned text reading and reply to a fellow students comments at least twice each week. The comments should relate to the material the text reading discusses. Each comment should be at least three sentences in length. The week ends Sunday at 9:00 p.m. Midterm Project Due Week 4 Text Reading: Read about Gifted and Talented and ELL Differentiation Teaching Gifted Kids in the Regular Classroom, Susan Winebrenner, Brooklyn, MI What is Curriculum Compacting by Carolyn Coil, Ed.D NAGC Position Statement: Differentiation of Curriculum and Instruction Watch Video Clips Clip 1: Clip 2: Assignment: You have decided to use the Curriculum Compacting strategy in your classroom in order to meet the needs of your most able learners. Create a plan that identifies the topic to be compacted, the assessment and identification of targeted students and the alternate activities offered on the topic. Include a rationale that supports your decision to Curriculum Compact and how you will effectively infuse it into your classroom. Discussion Board: Students must submit one unique comment each week in regards to each of the assigned text reading and reply to a fellow students comments at least twice each week. The comments should relate to the material the text reading discusses. Each comment should be at least three sentences in length. The week ends Sunday at 9:00 p.m. Week 5 Text Reading: Read 1 Read about Special Education differentiation Lawrence-Brown, D. (2004). Differentiated Instruction: Inclusive Strategies for Standards-Based Learning that Benefit the Whole Class. American Secondary Education, 32(3), 34-63. Retrieved from ERIC database. Text Reading: Read 2 Select the Differentiation Strategies Chart Watch Video Clips Clip 1: Answer Questions (Open Ended) Goldilocks and the Three Bears can be used as a metaphor for guiding differentiated instruction. If instruction is too simple, students become bored. If instruction is too difficult, students become frustrated. How do you determine what materials and instructional methods are just right for each student in an inclusive classroom? Assignment: Select Differentiation Scenario Using the strategies described and insight gained while reviewing the Differentiation Strategies Chart complete the task described on the Differentiation Scenario page. Discussion Board: Students must submit one unique comment each week in regards to each of the assigned text reading and reply to a fellow students comments at least twice each week. The comments should relate to the material the text reading discusses. Each comment should be at least three sentences in length. The week ends Sunday at 9:00 p.m. Week 6 Text Reading: Read about Maslow, Dunn and Dunn, and Rimm: Read 1 A Theory of Human Motivation H. Maslow (1943), Originally Published in Psychological Review, 50, 370-396. Read 2 Dunn and Dunn Read 3 Read Rimms Laws and select one article from the Parenting Articles tab to read Watch Video Clips Clip 1: Answer Questions (Open Ended) After watching the video, describe the courage you needed to muster to become an educator? Think of one of your students and draw his/her circle of courage or circle of fear. List at least 2 factors in each quarter of the circle to support your selection of elements. Assignment: Create a three circle Venn Diagram in which you compare and contrast the Hierarchy of Needs, Dunn and Dunns Learning Styles, and Rimms Laws. Then select two points from each article that you recognize as being present or absent from your classroom. Cite evidence from your classes to support your ah-ha moment. Discussion Board: Students must submit one unique comment each week in regards to each of the assigned text reading and reply to a fellow students comments at least twice each week. The comments should relate to the material the text reading discusses. Each comment should be at least three sentences in length. The week ends Sunday at 9:00 p.m. Final Project Due Discussion Board: Students must submit one unique comment each week in regards to each of the assigned text reading and reply to a fellow students comments at least twice each week. The comments should relate to the material the text reading discusses. Each comment should be at least three sentences in length. The week ends Sunday at 9:00 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time If a student works ahead during the six week course they should still post every week for the automatic scoring software to count the postings. Students are reminded to check the announcement section of the discussion board frequently for items of interest from the faculty. Students are also reminded to use the email, not the discussion board, to ask questions or make comments directed to their facilitator. Methods of instruction: Percentage of Course Credit Video Lectures 20% Textbook/Articles Readings 10% Midterm project 25% Final project 30% Discussion Board interaction (weekly submissions) 10% Participation 5% Grading criteria/system and evaluation activities: A faculty member will be reviewing students answers and providing feedback. Students will be evaluated on their creativity and ability to incorporate techniques from the lecture into the discussion board, research papers, examples, lesson plans and teacher work samples. University Grading Criteria Grade Equivalent 97-100% A+ 93-96% A 90-92% A- 87-89% B+ 83-86% B 80-82% B- 77-79% C+ 73-76% C 70-72% C- 69% or below U Attendance/Participation It is expected that students will attend all instructional sessions, complete all required activities, and field assignments. Students who do not post in the discussion area during the first week of class AND do not notify the instructor in advance will be dropped from the course and may be charged a course drop fee. University Computer Lab/Library Services Please refer to Section VI in the Student Handbook. Disability Services Please refer to Section VII in the Student Handbook. Due dates of major assignments and projects: Midterm Project Due Date: TBA Final Project Due Date: TBA Midterm Project 1: Lesson Plan Activity Using the strategies, concepts and rubrics presented in the course, design a lesson to be taught in an elementary, secondary, or high school classroom. The lesson plan should include the following: Lesson Objectives Correlation with the most recently adopted version of your states content standards Prior Knowledge/ Understandings of Students: Explicitly note the differentiated instruction based upon the varying population in your classroom. Clearly state the basis of your differentiated approach i.e. ability, interests, language acquisition, reading levels, learning styles (or other) Activities: Explicitly note in the lesson plan how the activities connect to the approach you used to customize instruction Materials and Equipment (including technology) Assessment Method (for example, Rubric, Checklist, Anecdotal Notes, etc.) Prior to teaching the lesson, write a reflective statement that focuses on your lesson planning. You may choose to audio or video tape the lesson to assist you in your post teaching lesson analysis. Also, using the Peer Review Checklist template, select criteria to guide a colleague in analyzing your lesson plan. After teaching the lesson, write a reflective statement on your strengths, weaknesses and how you might modify the lesson plan to maximize student success the next time you teach it. An audiotape, if available, of the lesson should be made to assist you in your self-analysis. Using the Self-Peer Review checklist, have a colleague review your lesson plan and provide you with written feedback. You are also to complete the checklist. Discuss the feedback with the peer reviewer. Compare your self-analysis of your strengths and weaknesses with those of the peer reviewer and include your reactions to this comparison in your final reflective statements. Submit a copy of your lesson plan, your reflective statements, the Self-Peer completed checklist, and the comparison of the self analysis to the peer review, to the course instructor. The assignment should be a total of 9-12 pages in length and include 3-5 references. Use APA format: Use the standard Cover Page and submit to your course facilitator. All assignments are done in 12 pt. Times New Roman font and in APA, 5th Edition format. Add a Reference page that lists items of the authors works cited in your document. Use APA format for the items. INSERT Self and Peer Reviewer Lesson Plan Critique Checklist Scoring Rubric for Assignment Total Value: 100 Points Content of Paper Value: 70 points Copy of your lesson plan, your reflections, and the self and peer reviewer lesson plan critique checklist, and the analysis. Quality of Writing Value: 20 points Written work shows superior graduate quality in verbal expression, attention to detail, and correct application of the conventions of the English language. In students written work, paragraphing is appropriate with clear thesis statements and supporting details. Sentences are clear and concise. Students vary sentence structure making use of subordinate clauses. Transitional words and phrases are used effectively. Points and ideas are well organized. Word choice is effective. English language conventions are applied correctly (i.e. spelling, capitalization, punctuation, agreement, pronoun usage, sentence structure). Format Value: 10 points Cover Page, Reference Page and where applicable, citations and references are used correctly and consistently, with clear efforts made to include a wide range of relevant works. For any work requiring citations, students refer to a wide range of suitable sources. All non original ideas are cited correctly and referenced in a reference list. All works in the reference list are cited in the text. Students should follow the Writing Format and Style as required by their institution. Should the student not have a home institution, they will follow the APA Format and Style Manual, 5th Edition. Final: Assignment: Critical Issues Report The purpose of the assignment is to increase the knowledge base, add to the repertoire of reading theories, and increase skills of reflection and problem solving through research and reading on topics that are current, controversial, or significant in understanding the theories behind why some students do not achieve at a satisfactory level and why some students surpass the standards set. Select a topic that is personally intriguing and is addressed in the content of the course: Critical issues in special education theory and learning Maslows hierarchy of needs Sylvia Rimms approach to underachievers Opportunities for gifted students to be engaged in appropriately differentiated learning experiences Modified Dunn and Dunn model of learning styles Reasons for pre-testing Knowing how to choose appropriate assessments for evaluation and planning for instruction The Name Card Method for working in pairs Understanding how to work with Gifted Children Understanding how to work with special education children Read a minimum of three (3) reference sources on the selected topic. Write a 8  ½ page report that includes:  · Cover Page  · Introduction: Background Information (1 page)  · Body of Report (6  ½ pages) General review and summary of the articles content Personal reaction to the information that has been summarized with specific attention to synthesizing the ideas found in the research with course concepts and personal background experiences (personal reaction/critique/reflections) Complete responses to each of the following questions: (Elementary Education Competencies and Skills) How did the information in the selected readings or online lectures increase your knowledge of emergent special education techniques specific to the identification of concepts in the course thus far? How did the information in the selected readings or online lectures increase your knowledge of the Maslow Hierarchy of needs, specific to the developmental stages and the syntactic, semantic, and graphophonemic cueing of the hierarchy? How did the information in the selected readings or online lectures increase your knowledge of the process of constructing meaning from a variety of texts, specific to essential comprehension skills? How did the information in the selected readings or online lectures increase your knowledge of gifted children? How did the information in the selected readings or online lectures increase your knowledge of effective listening and viewing strategies? How did the information in the selected readings or online lectures increase your knowledge of the nature of assessing? How did the information in the selected readings or online lectures increase your knowledge of developing different learning experiences for each student? How did the information in the selected readings or online lectures increase your knowledge and improve your understanding of how to set up a classroom that will effectively meet the needs of all students? Conclusion (1 page): Recommendations for using your research and knowledge base gain from the course to this point.  · Reference Page: List of cited references, following APA format or format required of your institution. Scoring Rubric for Assignment Total Value: 100 Points Content of Report Value: 70 points Introduction, content review and summary, personal reaction/critique, responses to questions related to Elementary Education Competencies and Skills, conclusion (recommendations for using research in the classroom). Quality of Writing Value: 20 points Written work shows superior graduate quality in verbal expression, attention to detail, and correct application of the conventions of the English language. In students written work, paragraphing is appropriate with clear thesis statements and supporting details. Sentences are clear and concise. Students vary sentence structure making use of subordinate clauses. Transitional words and phrases are used effectively. Points and ideas are well organized. Word choice is effective. English language conventions are applied correctly (i.e. spelling, capitalization, punctuation, agreement, pronoun usage, sentence structure). Format Value: 10 points Cover Page, Reference Page and where applicable, citations and references are used correctly and consistently, with clear efforts made to include a wide range of relevant works. For any work requiring citations, students refer to a wide range of suitable sources. All non original ideas are cited correctly and referenced in a reference list. All works in the reference list are cited in the text. Students should follow the Writing Format and Style as required by their institution. Should the student not have a home institution, they will follow the APA Format and Style Manual, 5th Edition.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Bankruptcy :: essays research papers
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy vs. Chapter 13 Bankruptcy      Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcies are full of advantages and disadvantages. But at the same time they are very different. Without knowing these differences a person could lose many things from money to possessions. Chapter 7 bankruptcy can wipe out most of ones debts but certainly not all of them. Certain kinds of debt are not covered by the terms of Chapter 7. Some examples of debts that must be paid after filing for bankruptcy would include child support, alimony, income taxes and penalties, student loans, and court ordered damages due to unfair and unrightous acts. Bankruptcy courts handle your financial problems until the case ends. A court assumes control of all ones debts that are owed and all property that is not exempted. A person, trustee, is appointed to be in charge of your debt. The trustee collects property that can be taken and sells it to repay some creditors. That property can be surrendered to the trustee, one may pay the market value of it or one also may choose to trade exempt property with nonexempt property. A small number of people actually lose property when filing bankruptcy. If a person changes their mind about filing for bankruptcy they may ask the court to dismiss the case. At the end of the process the court would discharge most of the debts and one is unable to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy again for at least another six years.      Chapter 13 bankruptcy us mostly used to make up any type of debt payments and pay things off and in some cases it can be used to stop a foreclosure on a house. Chapter 13 bankruptcy cases usually last up to 5 years. During that time one would have to live under a strict budget that would require discipline. Most debtors that file for chapter 13 bankruptcy never pay back all their creditors all that they owe. That can ruin your credit because it stays on file for at least 10 years. Money management seminars are available to those that have paid 75% or more of their debt. Chapter 13 bankruptcy allows creditors to get at least some of their money back. Debtors keep all of their property and would out a compulsory, court-enforced plan to repay a portion of their debts over a certain period of time. With Chapter 13 bankruptcy some debts may be discharged but alimony and child support continue to be an obligation that must be fulfilled.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Essay on Shirley Jacksons The Lottery - Inhumanity Exposed
Inhumanity Exposed in The Lottery The story entitled "The Lottery," written by Shirley Jackson is an intriguing and shocking parable. "The Lottery" is set in a small village on a clear summer day. Written in objective third person point of view, "The Lottery" keeps the reader in suspense as the story progresses. The story begins June 27th on a "clear and sunnyfull-summer day." From the very beginning, irony occurs in the story. The author describes the day as "clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full-summer day; the flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green." To describe such a beautiful day when the ending is so ill fated, is very ironic. The villagers, all three hundred of them, gather in the square. There is a feeling of excitement and relative normalcy as the people talk of their everyday happenings. The lottery is conducted by Mr. Summers, as he is the one that directs the "civic activities" of the town. The night before the lottery, all of the families have their names placed in a black box. The day of the lottery, Mr. Summers has each head of family draw a slip of paper from the box. When each family has selected a slip, they all open the papers together. The Hutchinson's are the "winners." The process then repeats but this time, ... ...lso to show the dark side of American society and what it is capable of. This is similar to other points in history, such as: slavery, the Salem witch trials, and the extermination of the American Indians. All three of those examples involve inhumanity without the usual American apathy. Though inhumanity does exist, it is usually without active support. However in the examples mentioned before, people acted on their ordinarily latent barbarity. The Holocaust is another parallel to "The Lottery." The senseless genocide of the Jewish populace is very much similar to the ridiculousness of the lottery. In essence, "The Lottery," is a mirror of the human subconscious.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Pros and Cons of Attending School Online or on Campus
My Pros and Cons of Attending College Online or On Campus Lavesha Dailey Eng 121 Elizabeth Hoyle July 10 ,2011 Throughout America people often tend to compare things. Some of the things that are being compared are more important to some peoples than the other. I love to compared thing like online schools or on campus schools. These two schools are often compared by the time consuming, less work and may even by the time being able to spend at home. But first the most important thing about these two schools would first be the time consuming. Time consuming is very important when going to school. Going to school online you don't have to work about getting up and getting dress or even finding something to wear. You can simply go to school in your pjs because you are in the privacy of your own home. And you don't even have to worry about being late for class. But on the other hand when attending an on campus college you have worry about all types of things like to get up and get ready for school and also worrying about things such as finding something to wear, combing your hair or making sure that you are on time for school before getting count absent. In other words going to school on campus really takes more effort and time then just simply just going to school online. But another way going to school online is better than going on campus is that there seems to be less work in class to do. Ok, I have notice a lot of things about going to school online and going to school on campus. I personally prefer going to school online mostly because there is less work to be done. I remember when I use to attend Alabama Southern Community College, I was always pack with more things then I can handle. I would start my day off by getting up, finding clothes, combing my hair, showering ect†¦ Then after that I would have to go gas up my car because it was costing me twenty dollars a day to drive to school from where I lived. Gas is another factor when attending an campus college because it can get to be really expensive. But when attending I would always have a lot of books for different classes that I was taking. And when you are a full time student in school you have to have at least twelve credits or more so that like three to four or more classes a week in order to get all of your credits. Even after all of this homework tend to be giving in some of the classes. Also tests in different classes on the same day are giving too. When on the other hand I notice now that I am currently attending Ashford University Online, I have one class and I am consider to be full time. The school work is aslo spaced out and I am not all giving piles of work at one time and only one test is given a week instead of a lot of test in different classes at one time. But the best thing of all about college online is being able to spend time at home. Being able to spend time at home is the important factor about attending school online. In fact this is one of the main reason for a lot of people not finishing college. Most people when are ask while they are not in school or still attending school they tend to say that they can't find the to or If they have kids they say that they don't have anyone to keep them. Well this is all true and by attending a college on campus this is bad process to worry about but by attending college online you don't have to worry about any of these things because you can do your online course any where, as long as you have your laptop or a desktop computer and internet service. You can also take your kids along where ever you go. When on the other hand when you attend college on campus you have different times to be in a class and you can't bring your kids, that means than know you would have to worry about finding someone to keep the kid and that also going to cost extra money. In other words no matter what people seems to compare in life everything is going to have there own pros and cons. Even if it something you like or dislike. But whatever you compare just make sure the answer you come up with is something you are sure to enjoy.
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