Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Levels of Taxonomy Used in Biology
Taxonomy is the practice of categorizing and naming of species. The official scientific name of an organism consists of its Genus and its Species Identifier in a naming system called binomial nomenclature. The Work of Carolus Linnaeus The current taxonomic system gets its roots from the work of Carolus Linnaeus in the early 1700s. Before Linnaeus set up the rules of the two-word naming system, species had long and unwieldy Latin polynomials that were inconsistent and inconvenient for scientists when communicating with each other or even the public. While Linnaeuss original system had many fewer levels than the modern system has today, it was still an excellent place to start to organize all of life into similar categories for easier classification. He used the structure and function of body parts, mostly, to classify the organisms. Thanks to advances in technology and understanding the evolutionary relationships among species, we have been able to update the practice to get the most accurate classification system possible. The Taxonomic Classification System The modern taxonomic classification system has eight main levels (from most inclusive to most exclusive): Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species Identifier. Every different species has a unique species identifier and the more closely a species is related to it on the evolutionary tree of life, it will be included in a more inclusive group with the species being classified. (Note: An easier way to remember the order of these levels is to use a mnemonic device to remember the first letter of each word in order. The one we use is Do Keep Pond Clean Or Fish Get Sick) Domain A domain is the most inclusive of the levels (meaning it has the most number of individuals in the group). Domains are used to distinguish between the cell types and, in the case of prokaryotes, where they are found and what the cell walls are made of. The current system recognizes three domains: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. Kingdom Domains are further broken into Kingdoms. The current system recognizes six Kingdoms: Eubacteria, Archaebacteria, Plantae, Animalia, Fungi, and Protista. Phylum The next division would be the phylum. Class Several related classes make up a phylum. Order Classes are further divided into Orders. Family The next level of classification that orders are divided into are Families. Genus A genus is a group of closely related species. The genus name is the first part of the scientific name of an organism. Species Identifier Each species has a unique identifier that describes only that species. It is the second word in the two-word naming system of the scientific name of a species.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Social Media And Social Networking - 1688 Words
Within the past decade, social media usage has increased exponentially, especially amongst adolescents (Blease, 2015). The emergence of social networking sites has provided society with a fast and convenient way to stay in contact with family, friends and even acquaintances. Major social networking sites allows individuals who in the past would have lost touch a front seat to every major life milestone with a simple click of a button. Adolescents being raised today are openly embracing this new technological age, which has never been experienced before. Adolescence is crucial point during an individual’s development that is traditionally challenging. This phase is marked by an urge for independence from the parental unit and the desire to be socially connected. As a direct result, they are highly susceptible to external influences such as peer pressure. Social networking sites have turned into a tool in which adolescents may practice identity exploration. Due to consta nt exposure, for those who partake in social media, their peers scrutinize their every action. This action serves as an innate behavioral rehearsal response to keep unfavorable and untrustworthy individuals from the pack; therefore every action is under a microscope. In an effort to identify the affects of this communication evolution, psychologists are researching the causal pathways and the effects of social media use amongst adolescents. The foundation for research is based on a study conducted byShow MoreRelatedSocial Media And Social Networking1431 Words  | 6 Pages105 Analysis 3 11-28-16 The meaning of social media is the utilization of electronic and portable advances to transform correspondence into an intuitive discourse. Social networking, then again, is a social structure with individuals who are joined by a typical intrigue. Obviously, now, the meaning of social media appears like a misrepresentation. In the most recent quite a while, innovation has brought us extremely distant from where we began and social media nearly appears as though it is a totallyRead MoreSocial Media And Social Networking966 Words  | 4 PagesSocial networking is the use of dedicated websites and applications to interact with other users, or to find people with similar interests to oneself (Oxford Dictionary). Social media includes the websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking (Oxford Dictionary). The world has seen an exponential growth in social media within the past decade that has truly transformed the way peop le interact. This originated from Compuserve in SeptemberRead MoreSocial Media And Social Networking1550 Words  | 7 PagesSeveral advantages and disadvantages of social media such as Facebook or Twitter that Kent State students are use the purpose of social media and how often students are use social media. The social networking is a tool that is used by the people of modern world. The use of social networking is common in all parts of the world. The basic idea that revolves around the social networking site revolves around the purpose to promote and help to communicate with the world. However, the technology seemsRead MoreSocial Networking And Social Media1301 Words  | 6 PagesSocial networking sites create an unspoken competition between users which will cause them to experience low self-esteem. For instance, people compete for social capital: relationships with people among a society. Jacob Silverman stated, â€Å"If I don’t get ten faves in the first three minu tes after tweeting something, I’ll probably just delete it, an amateur comedian told the wall street journal†¦What the comedian really fears is the loss of followers and social capital†(Silverman 25). When people postRead MoreSocial Media And Social Networking921 Words  | 4 PagesSocial media is the communication between individuals and groups to share and exchange their ideas through internet. The social networking is part of social media which plays the important role in today’s life. The biggest impact of the social networking is on children, youngs, and adults. Nowaday children are growing up surrounded by technology. They like to use technology such as mobile, tablets, and computers because they can connect easily to social network. We all know how important social networkingRead MoreSocial Media And Social Networking Essay1109 Words  | 5 Pageswould you be able to explain what the definition of â€Å"social media†is? Social media is the noun used to define websites that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking. Now you may wonder, what is the difference in social media and social networking? â€Å"Social networking is the practice of expanding the number of one’s business and/or social contacts by making connections through individuals, often through social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and InstagramRead MoreSocial Media And Social Networking1459 Words  | 6 Pagesthe first email was delivered, social media has taken the world by a storm with millions of demographic groups choosing to connect through social networking platforms that facilitate a multifaceted level of online communication. As of May 2011, Facebook was named the number one social networking site with over one billion users and 864 million daily active users (Satici Uysal, 2015, p.185). The surging popularity of Facebook, which was designed to foster social interaction, is unpre cedented. ConverselyRead MoreSocial Media And Social Networking875 Words  | 4 Pagesrelationship with that person. Facebook and other social networks give us the ability to interact and keep up to date on the daily lives of our close friends and acquaintances. Fisher comments on this phenomenon: â€Å"Today, our number of weak-tie acquaintances has exploded via online social networking. ‘You couldn t maintain all of those weak ties on your own,’ says Jennifer Golbeck at the University of Maryland in College Park, who studies our use of social media. ‘Facebook gives you a way of cataloguingRead MoreSocial Media And Social Networking1253 Words  | 6 Pages Have you ever heard of the contagious disease called social networking. Once you get a glimpse of any of the social media websites, you’re pretty much creating a custom made trashcan to throw your education in, a fire to burn your job into ashes, and the list goes on. Social networking is used in a way where students’ education is second from their list next to staying updated in friends, family, and even strangers’ life. With these habits developed, they bring it into their jobs like McdonaldsRead MoreSocial Media And Social Networking Essay1437 Words  | 6 PagesNovember 2015 Social Media and Social Networking Social networking site creates a way for people to pass information and communicate with each other. People share photos, video, and so many other things. It is a very easy way to connect with others, although there are a certain risk and dangerous crimes that come with it. It also causes isolation which affects people psychologically. Some people have to understand that people still live their life in the past even if there was no social network. According
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Ways to better your presentation Free Essays
Technology has changed people’s life in many different ways but not always for the best or even to improve their life but to do badly in the world. Like they say that a person can change behind closed doors so can peoples ethics. As for example the No Electronic Theft (NET) Act in 1997, how many of us sometimes are will wait for a CD or movie to come out and when we think about going to buy it or even see it the movie n theater, especially if we have a normal size family of people. We will write a custom essay sample on Ways to better your presentation or any similar topic only for you Order Now There easy could be a hundred dollars for a trip to the movie but when there might be a place where you know they sell black market or even a website online. That where the No Electronic Theft (NET) Act in 1997 comes in place for people make or even reproduce or share copies of copyrighted work. Before this law people would sell and copied software programs, movies, games and even songs for profit gain. It carries a maximum anally of three years and a huge fine of 250,000. But if it shows that person was doing it for nonprofit gain they could face no chargers or minimum penalties but still if we sit down and realize where the ethics are. The other law that caught my eye during the homework assignment was Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCP), 1991 since right after working in a call center for two years after my high school day with all honestly I didn’t seem to know what was important that our personal honestly ND ethics is more important than the companies and if that company doesn’t have the honest ethics maybe isn’t the right place for someone. I know that sometimes be get call by telemarketer all day and sometimes we tell them we want to be on the Do Not Call Registry. Because of the problem with telemarketing that they call to early or two late they have rules and it’s where the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCP), 1991 comes in two place where if you telemarketer you want on the Do Not Call List and from there on it take 31 days from the date you asked to be on the list for it in order to be removed and it have a 5 year register . How to cite Ways to better your presentation, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
An Exciting and Enjoyable Party free essay sample
Irritably I could hardly contain my delight when I received an invitation to a Horror Party which has held in honor of Countess Drachmas birthday. The Countess was actually my best friend, Sandra, and she wanted a special party to celebrate her fourteenth birthday. The day before the party, some of us went to Sanders house to decorate the place. We paid attention to all the details, covering the lights with colored cellophane paper and even decorating the trays with tinsel. We also put up all kinds of weird corrections on the wall to give the place an eerie look.At end of the day, our efforts were rewarded for the place did look rather like Countess Drachmas home so Sanders father said. Most of the guests arrived punctually, eager to get the party going. Everyone had taken pains to come up with an appropriate costume. In fact, my costume was so good that hardly anyone recognized me. We will write a custom essay sample on An Exciting and Enjoyable Party or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It had taken me weeks to complete the black sequined gown and the painted mask. The cake in the shape of a haunted castle, complete with cobwebs made of candy loss, brought shrieks of delight from the guests. The cake was a chocolate mousse and was extremely delicious. When the music started, we were thrilled. The colorful lights and the fast music added to the lively atmosphere. We grabbed partners and danced to our hearts delight. The hours passed quickly and all too soon, the party came to an end. I was grateful not only to Sandra for Inviting me to the party, but also to her parents for being so broad-minded as to allow us teenagers such a wonderful treat. That was Indeed a party that I shall never forget.
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