
Thursday, March 21, 2019

Free College Admissions Essays: MIT :: College Admissions Essays

MIT Admissions Essay I may seem to be nearone with many unconnected facets and talents in one case you have read all the other essays on this application. This essay is think to slap together a few of the pieces of myself that I have displayed here. The gentlemans gentleman race is immortal ( that was a doozy wasnt it ). There is no function that forces us to decay into middle-aged age and die, this is merely our remains destroying itself once our purpose ( replication ) is complete. Evolution not only did not bother to select against genes that violent death off people past 40, but to most degree selected for such genes the faster we go through generations, the faster we evolve. If the genes that cause the changes we associate with old age were suppressed in some chemical way, we would be up to(p) of eternal life. Another way to immortality would involve the building of a biomechanical body of some sort, some issue right out of a Terminator movie, that would support t he whizz with only the chemicals necessary to survival ( if we could determine which those ar ) and thus rescind the effect of aging genes. All of this genetic, biochemical and hydraulic research would be based on knowledge gained in college. One other thing weve all heard of cults that claim they have discovered immortality in some way, which supposedly have members whove lived 200 years. If theres even a shred of the true in any of that, my guess is that these 200-year veterans have managed to order their minds in some way ( through some arcane style of thinking by chance ) that erased the biological clock. All in all, immortality is only one small thing that humans might be capable of. The strange abilities seen in ill people, like incredible number crunching speed, really are not strange to autistic people. These abilities are buried deep in everyones subconscious, and it is just a matter of our minds letting us use them or not. In fact, I think that along with those ma thematical abilities are buried many much abilities. I feel sure that among them is perfect coordination, and there might be some really strange psychic or time-related abilities as well. The subconscious is driven by its creator, evolution. It is only concerned with reproduction. Evolution has erected a roadblock between ourselves and our potential, and lets ability seep through to those who have desirable traits and are intended to reproduce.

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