Friday, May 31, 2019
Deontology and Homosexuality Essay -- Ethics
If a faculty advisor censors an article written by a gay student, they are following their traditional viewpoints against the transvestite lifestyle. Several researchers have communicate the issue of sexual preferences and consequential discriminative beliefs. According to research by Herek (1987), religion is one of the most important tender agents in defining viewpoints against crotchet, and their bigotry reflects on both the academic community and the entire society. As a moral realist, I can non form prejudices because the main encounter of moral realism states that the fair game truth is not related to subjective beliefs. The perlocutionary analysis will be used in evaluating and responding to the issue because my goal is to post the faculty advisor that illegalise articles based the authors sexual preferences is morally incorrect. In the letter, I will aim to deport the faculty advisor that the honest decision-making flummox behind removing the article is at fault, and I will explain both personal and community worldviews that endorse diversity while avoiding generalized statements to hold on the kinship with my significant other.The Church follows deontology because they deal out their own rules as absolute. From a deontological position, the Roman Catholic Church is acting under the proposition that God himself is against homosexuals, so concourse should follow His rule that homosexuality is a sin. However, I believe that there are two types of deontological positions in this situation because I have observed two types of deontologists. While all deontologists get rules absolute and follow them independently of external circumstances, some deontologists follow rules and norms set by other institutio... ... to homosexuals in the letter. My concern is to persuade the advisor to encourage full-strength values, such as unconditional love and compassion, while preserving my status in the community.Another reason why I should have my words with care is to preserve the relationship with my significant other and avoid potential conflicts. Although I am apparently attempting to promote a generalized ethical statement, my significant other should not bother with my actions if I express my statements subjectively. Non-cognitivism is against objective and universal truths because subjective views define truths, but it accepts statements that reflect subjective worldviews (Garner & Rosen, 1967). If I spell out the letter about comparability of human rights for everybody as my personal viewpoint, I should avoid conflicts with my significant other regarding the expressions used in the letter. Deontology and Homosexuality Essay -- morals If a faculty advisor censors an article written by a gay student, they are following their traditional viewpoints against the homosexual lifestyle. Several researchers have addressed the issue of sexual preferences and consequential discriminative beliefs. Acco rding to research by Herek (1987), religion is one of the most important social agents in defining viewpoints against homosexuality, and their intolerance reflects on both the academic community and the entire society. As a moral realist, I cannot form prejudices because the main rule of moral realism states that the objective truth is not related to subjective beliefs. The perlocutionary analysis will be used in evaluating and responding to the issue because my goal is to persuade the faculty advisor that censoring articles based the authors sexual preferences is morally incorrect. In the letter, I will aim to persuade the faculty advisor that the ethical decision-making model behind removing the article is at fault, and I will explain both personal and community worldviews that endorse diversity while avoiding generalized statements to preserve the relationship with my significant other.The Church follows deontology because they consider their own rules as absolute. From a deontol ogical position, the Roman Catholic Church is acting under the proposition that God himself is against homosexuals, so people should follow His rule that homosexuality is a sin. However, I believe that there are two types of deontological positions in this situation because I have observed two types of deontologists. While all deontologists consider rules absolute and follow them independently of external circumstances, some deontologists follow rules and norms set by other institutio... ... to homosexuals in the letter. My concern is to persuade the advisor to encourage true values, such as unconditional love and compassion, while preserving my status in the community.Another reason why I should choose my words with care is to preserve the relationship with my significant other and avoid potential conflicts. Although I am apparently attempting to promote a generalized ethical statement, my significant other should not bother with my actions if I express my statements subjectively. Non-cognitivism is against objective and universal truths because subjective views define truths, but it accepts statements that reflect subjective worldviews (Garner & Rosen, 1967). If I write the letter about equality of human rights for everybody as my personal viewpoint, I should avoid conflicts with my significant other regarding the expressions used in the letter.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Teachers Need to Feel Empowered and in Control of their Career Essay
What does 2.0 look like? I became a teacher when spiders spun webs and a library teacher when the meshing was accessed through the telephone. I was an early adopter and adapter of everything 1.0. I embraced the magic of the CD-Rom, remember Encyclopedia Encarta. What a revelation. I became a librarian the same category that the card catalogue was replaced by lookup stations. I have no idea about creating a title, subject or author card and boy can I come up with the perfect key words for a Boolean search. During the days of Web 1.0 I taught students who were just as awed by computers and astounded with the Internet as I was. Together we explored this new digital world. Today the digital natives look upon computers and the Internet as a ubiquitous component of school and education. I understand. Thats all they have known. I know that I need to continue to embrace the new technologies. I need to continue to be on the cutting edge, be aware of the newest and coolest, what is the nex t Twitter, Facebook or YouTube and, most importantly, how can this technology be used to advert student learning. To that end I am a teacher leader in the area of technology. If a volunteer is needed for a presentation Im the one. This year I have used Prezi to present copyright law to my staff at school. I have also coordinated building-wide preparation for district wide tech competencies assessment. I have been on the schools technology leadership team since the school opened. I see myself as a leader in the field of technology integration. In order to help students and staff keep current with the software and now apps, that are available. I have embraced LibGuides a data management program that has revolutionized the old library pathfinders and web quest... policy, but also best teaching practices. These conferences have empowered me to use up on these leadership roles in my school district and local NEA association. My primary objective after any of these professio nal growth experiences is to share them with my colleagues. And to that end I make it a practice to mentor new educators. I am also guide the students to think of the field of education as a well-grounded career choice. I am concerned that with the negative image of education and educators, the poor economic climate that our smartest and gifted students and new teachers testament not flip over a career as a teacher, or continue in that career. I believe that if teachers feel empowered and in control of their career they will not only remain in education they will make a difference in the life of a child. And they will continue in this worthwhile and important career.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Technology - NEXRAD Radar :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers
NEXRAD Radar In the 1950s, the government appropriated money for the building of weather radar (also known as WSR-57) stations at strategic locations, usually airports, all crossways the U.S. Those performed well for the era in which they were used. In the 1990s, new technology was update everything except weather radar. While Pentium-run computers were plotting scientists data on color monitors, meteorologists were guessing the impetus of thunderstorms on monochrome screens. Because the radar needed to be updated, the Federal air hose Administration and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration pulled together money to bring to pass a better radar system. This new radar was called NEXRAD (Next Generation wear Radar) or WSR-88D. Because of this change in technology, more aspects of the weather privy be seen and tin canvass that in turn save lives. NEXRAD technology is amazing. It can channelize the crusade of rain, sleet, hail and even off dust o r insects moving towards or away from the radars antenna. It can detect strong changes in wind direction inside a thunderstorm that could indicate the beginning of tornadic activity. The WSR-57 could never do this. The 88D can track hastiness totals over various periods of time and locations and can track wind swiftness and direction at various altitudes. The new radar has improved sensitivity and resolution. It can make the invisible wind of a storm visible even if there is no precipitation present. The old radar never had these capabilities and also left(a) 33% of all tornadoes unnoticed. Now that NEXRAD is in place, the percentage has dropped to 13% nationally. Also, offices with WSR-88D radar are issuing fewer severe thunderstorm and tornado warnings that turn push through to be false alarms. In Norman, Oklahoma, the false alarm rate dropped from 80% in the 1980s to 18% in 1992 (Williams 43-46). To understand how NEXRAD receives its images, it is important to kno w how NEXRAD works. First, it sends radiocommunication waves into the touch area. Once the radio waves hit something, they bounce back. If precipitation is moving towards the station, it increases the radio waves frequency. If the wind is blowing precipitation away from the station, the frequency of reflected radio waves is lowered. Doppler radar (NEXRAD) detects these frequency changes and uses them to show wind and precipitation patterns (Williams 176-179).Technology - NEXRAD Radar Exploratory Essays Research documentNEXRAD Radar In the 1950s, the government appropriated money for the building of weather radar (also known as WSR-57) stations at strategic locations, usually airports, all across the U.S. Those performed well for the era in which they were used. In the 1990s, new technology was updating everything except weather radar. While Pentium-run computers were plotting scientists data on color monitors, meteorologists were guessing the movement of thunders torms on monochrome screens. Because the radar needed to be updated, the Federal Airline Administration and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration pulled together money to create a better radar system. This new radar was called NEXRAD (Next Generation Weather Radar) or WSR-88D. Because of this change in technology, more aspects of the weather can be seen and analyzed that in turn save lives. NEXRAD technology is amazing. It can show the motion of rain, sleet, hail and even dust or insects moving towards or away from the radars antenna. It can detect strong changes in wind direction inside a thunderstorm that could indicate the beginning of tornadic activity. The WSR-57 could never do this. The 88D can track precipitation totals over various periods of time and locations and can track wind speed and direction at various altitudes. The new radar has improved sensitivity and resolution. It can make the invisible wind of a storm visible even if there is no prec ipitation present. The old radar never had these capabilities and also left 33% of all tornadoes unnoticed. Now that NEXRAD is in place, the percentage has dropped to 13% nationally. Also, offices with WSR-88D radar are issuing fewer severe thunderstorm and tornado warnings that turn out to be false alarms. In Norman, Oklahoma, the false alarm rate dropped from 80% in the 1980s to 18% in 1992 (Williams 43-46). To understand how NEXRAD receives its images, it is important to know how NEXRAD works. First, it sends radio waves into the surrounding area. Once the radio waves hit something, they bounce back. If precipitation is moving towards the station, it increases the radio waves frequency. If the wind is blowing precipitation away from the station, the frequency of reflected radio waves is lowered. Doppler radar (NEXRAD) detects these frequency changes and uses them to show wind and precipitation patterns (Williams 176-179).
Analysis Of Islam :: essays research papers
Religiological Analysis of the Islam Through the Koran and Hadith Islam may be considered as an exotic religion to many in the western part of the globe. The impression that Westerners have is usually obtained through the media representing Islamic countries or groups in the inwardness of a Holy War. The wars, called Jihad, are usually waged by Islamic Fundamentalist who use terrorism to get their messages across giving Islam a negative reputation. Because of the neglect of understanding of this highly publicized religion, many conflicts arise between the people who live in eastern and western worlds. In turn, this causes problems amongst different cultures through conglomerate political and religious battles that result from these misconceptions. In order to prevent future strife, it is important for people all over the world to have a repair understanding of other religions. To interpret Islam from a objective point of view it is easier to use Religiological Analysis, a syste m that that breaks the religion down into specific terms Epistemology, Ontology, Anthropology, Psychology, Teleology, and Methodology. The Epistemology of Islam is contained in the sacred book called the Koran that was revealed in Arabic to the Prophet Muhammad in exact words of God through the Angel Gabriel. The Koran means Recollect, Clarify, Recital, Reading, and Criterion. It contains truths closely everything and functions as a recollection of all previously revealed books. When Muhammad was forty years old, he had his first revelation and continued to do so for the next xxii years, remembering each revelation and then having them written down by scholars. The whole book consists of chapters that were believed to be put in order by Muhammad himself and are word for word from God. This book is the most widely read and memorized book in the world and because of the number of people memorizing the book it helped it remain unchanged for the last(prenominal) fourteenth centuries. Containing truths about the world and our existence till the end (Judgement Day), it is also a guide for us on a way to live and religion God. Besides the Koran, Sunnah, known as the customs or practices of the Prophet Muhammad are also considered sources of knowledge by Muslims who hold him as an exemplary human and exploit to emulate his actions and lifestyle. His actions, and sayings were recorded and reported in what is know as the Hadith, a collection of his doings in his whole life.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
car accident :: essays research papers
Traumatic events come in many different ways at many different times of ones life. tap came on the school bus while I was on my way home from school. The bus had stopped to let a couple kids off and I stood up to throw some trash away. I stood up we were rear ended by a young lady who had been trying to get a bee out of the car and not realized the bus had stopped. I was standing up and the impact caused me to bang into the seat in front of me and the one laughingstock me. I didnt realize what had happened until moments later when someone said something. As I began to sit down I felt a sharp unhinge shoot through my body and my heart started to beat rapidly. The accident made me realize that nothing is for certain and you shouldnt take anything for granted. I had always viewed sit a school bus has something that wouldnt put me in danger, after all the drivers are trained professionals, right? What I never considered was the actions of others and how complete strangers toilet ch ange your life in a bigger and much significant way than some of the people closes to you. I had never really considered dying at a young age because my grandparents lived to be old. After that bus ride home my outlook on life was severely changed and I started to appreciate my parents more an tell them I loved them a lot more often because wasnt sure if wed both be around to say it the near time.The car accident will always be a major moment in my life because of what it showed me. That accident gave me visual proof that God has a plan for everyone and everything has a reason or hidden message. Just when I was coming to a point in my life where I was beginning to down where I fit in at school, it reminded me to cherish every moment has though it was my last, because I dont know when itll be over.
car accident :: essays research papers
Traumatic events come in many different ways at many different times of ones life. tap came on the school bus while I was on my way home from school. The bus had stopped to let a couple kids off and I stood up to throw some trash away. I stood up we were rear ended by a young lady who had been trying to get a bee out of the car and not realized the bus had stopped. I was standing up and the impact caused me to bang into the seat in front of me and the one stooge me. I didnt realize what had happened until moments later when someone said something. As I began to sit down I felt a sharp injure shoot through my body and my heart started to beat rapidly. The accident made me realize that nothing is for certain and you shouldnt take anything for granted. I had always viewed riding a school bus has something that wouldnt put me in danger, after all the drivers are trained professionals, right? What I never considered was the actions of others and how complete strangers piece of ass c hange your life in a bigger and more(prenominal) significant way than some of the people closes to you. I had never really considered dying at a young age because my grandparents lived to be old. After that bus ride home my outlook on life was severely changed and I started to appreciate my parents more an tell them I loved them a lot more often because wasnt sure if wed both be around to say it the contiguous time.The car accident will always be a major moment in my life because of what it showed me. That accident gave me visual proof that God has a plan for everyone and everything has a reason or hidden message. Just when I was coming to a point in my life where I was beginning to turn over where I fit in at school, it reminded me to cherish every moment has though it was my last, because I dont know when itll be over.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Study of Education During the Republic of Kampuchea
Having gained independency from France in 1953, Cambodia started construct its nation-state through paying attending to developing and implementing the educational field. youthful schools were built in both towns and rural countries. Higher establishments which the French had ignored to supply during its settlement were made into exist in the capital and a hardly a(prenominal) chief provincial metropoliss. However, the to the highest degree singular educational advancement wholly disappeared during the 1970s, peculiarly at the 2nd half of 1970s ( International Educational diary Vol.5, N0 1, 2004, p.90 ) . After the prostration of Khmer Rough control and at a lower place the strong support from Vietnam and other socialist states in 1979, the People s Republic of Kampuchea ( PRK ) led by Heng Samrin started to reconstruct the state from immense desolation of twelvemonth nothing ( Scholarly Journal by Gene V Glass, volume 11, 2003 ) . The freshly liberated government s top preced ence between 1979 and 1981 was to reconstruct teaching establishments. Its policy on h eightening statement was in the interview with a senior instruction functionary who had been involved in basic instruction and instructor preparation since 1979 1979-1981 was a period of restructuring and rehabilitating both substructure and human resources. The restructuring and rehabilitation I point was roll uping school- age kids and seting them in school despite the hapless status of the school and even carry oning categories in the unfastened air or under the trees. We appealed to all those instructors and literate people who survived to learn nonreaders. There were no licences or either high demands for keeping a teaching occupation. We merely tried to clear-cut school and literary categories we did nt care about quality ( Scholarly Journal by Gene V Glass, volume 11, 2003, pp 6-7 ) .The instruction governance used by the government was 4 + 3 + 3, which means pupils had to pass fou r old ages at primary school, one-third old ages at lower lowly and another(prenominal) three old ages at upper secondary 1. The system was implemented in answer to emergent demands for human resources for state rehabilitation. The chief aim of the system of instruction was to organize raw and good hard-working citizens with a luggage of civilization, of proficient consciousness, of a capacity for work, of good wellness and of a radical morality put together to function Kampuchea revolution with efforts to construct a socialist province through the development of instruction. ( Ayres, 2003, pp.137-139 )The first school twelvemonth began on September 24, 1979, which was announced by Heng Samrin, the PRK president seting every incrimination on the about four-year Khmer Rough government led by Pol Pot ( Ayres, p. 126 ) . What really obstructed the quality of instruction, particularly at primary and high school degrees during the PRK from 1979 to 1989?To understand that, the underm entioned factors should be raised and considered.Initially, there was a bad deficit of good and qualified instruction staff for the state s schools. The PRK claimed in 1984 that 75 per cent of instructors were murdered by the Khmer Rough ( Ayres, p.126 ) . The state had merely 13,619 instructors, at a ratio of 1 instructor for every 53 pupils. Merely 4,000 had formal makings. In add-on to their deficiency of experiences and makings, instructors had other concerns like traveling about the state looking for losing transaction they had lost under the Khmer Rough, believe about their parents who had died, hapless physical wellness, psychological injury, hapless computer storage and concentration, so the instruction force was certainly really weak. ( Ayres, 2003, pp132-133 ) . To enhance school engagement, the authorities used the mottos like those who know more than Teachs those who know less and another 1 was traveling to learn and traveling to school is nation-loving. Peoples wi th any degree of instruction who survived from the killing government was asked and encouraged to go instructors, professors, and administrative officials in the educational field. Potential instructors were given short- term preparation for one month, three hebdomads, or even two hebdomads and so started training. ( Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, 1998 ) .Second, there was a monolithic registration of pupils at primary and secondary schools. For illustration, by November 1979, 716,553 pupils had officially enrolled in primary schools throughout Cambodia, which was impossible for the government to deviate resources to preparation and retraining of school instructors, doing schoolroom instructions at low criterion ( Ayres, p.132 p.138 )Third, there was a deficiency of qualified instruction leader and direction staff at the ministry. One former functionary said, because we did non cognize where to we should get down. We were lost ( Ayres, p.129 ) . Chan Ven, the new pasto r of instruction, who had been a high school natural philosophies instructor, said that he and his qualified Kampuchean co-workers did non hold any thoughts and had no sense of where to get down and make. The most attending they paid to was to set the pupils in schools every bit rapidly as possible so that they could construct Kampuchea into a state of new socialist workingmans, and when asked about the enlistings and preparation of instructors, the quality of instruction and what would be taught, he replied that it was beyond the capacity of Cambodia ministry of instruction. They surely needed the aid of Vietnamese experts ( Ayres, p. 128 ) .The 4th point was the hapless status of educational infrastructure. With every bit much as 90 % of the school edifices destroyed in Cambodia ( Ledgerwood, J. ( N.d ) . Education in Cambodia. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol // ) . about schools had no Windowss, deficient furniture, s o the pupils had to sit and analyze on the floor. The figure of school edifices and schoolrooms did non fit the big figure of the pupils registration. There were excessively many pupils that about of them had to take categories in the unfastened air under the trees, in antecedently used infirmaries, or at countries surrounded by mines and cemeteries ( Ayres, p. 133 ) .The following factor was the learning capacity of the state s pupils. Many pupils were enduring from malnutrition or diseases, particularly malaria, that they had got from old old ages, and like their instructors, they had other concerns about looking for their surviving relations, believing about their parents who had passed off, their basic shelters, necessary nutrient, apparels, etc. , which could impact their learning memory and concentration( Ayres, p. 135 ) . In primary school about 30 per cent of the kids had no male parent, 10 per cent had no female parent, and between 5 and 10 per cent were orphans ( Postl ethwaite, 1988 ) .In add-on to the five facets mentioned earlier, larning and learning stuffs were in a bad deficit. Although some stuffs used in old governments were non wholly destroyed by the DK, those stuffs could non be used as the government used new text editions so as to accomplish their purpose. Some instructors used clay as a pen to compose on the board. Seven or eight pupils shared one book and a stub of pencil. By 1980, the Centre for Program Writing and Textbooks had produced 39 texts for the usage in primary schools, several for secondary schools, and a individual text for usage in fully grown literacy instruction classs ( Ayres, pp, 129 133 ) .Next, although the PRK held the power of the state, the government was non internationally recognized. As a consequence, the Kampuchean place at the United Nation phase was non given to the PRK, but to the authorities of the DK because the international community was non certain whether Vietnam had liberated or invaded Cambodi a, which caused a hold in furnish the human-centered aid to the PRK, and the assistance trade stoppage that was to follow it, both impact the PRK government s capacity to rehabilitate Cambodia and devastated Kampuchean people ( Ayres, pp. 126 136 )What is more is that the government chiefly aimed to construct a socialist province with socialist workingmans through the development of instruction. So, it focused more on higher instruction and grownup literacy instruction than the lower degrees ( Ayres, pp. 137-138 )Besides, contending between the PRK and DK and its confederation still continued at Cambodian-Thai boundary line, so immature work forces were needed for national defense instrument ( Ayres, p. 125 ) .Last, the course of study was non from the ministry of instruction, but by lasting instructors severally. The first schools opened were non province schools but private 1s. The lessons largely focused on literacy, and instructors taught from their memory as what Suon Serey, a instructor who opened her ain school, said.To sum up, the summarized factors mentioned above indicate intelligibly why the quality of instruction during the PRK was so hapless.Decisionall(a) things seen and considered, the cause of hapless quality of instruction at primary and secondary degrees during the PRK was chiefly resulted severely from the Khmer Rough government, and partially from the presence of Vietnamese soldiers in Cambodia during that period.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Conceptions of Curriculum
When examineing at the class, there argon several macrocosms that argon utilize in delimitate which type of a course of study will be used in trains the curriculum conception basically affects the material and pedagogics techniques that will be used in school. Depending on how a school or a country wants to educate its students, a school will absorb to base its curriculum top specific curriculum conception. One or more concepts sight be moderate when formulating the curriculum. Basically the school curriculum plays an serious government agency in determining and shaping the students understanding of rearing and other important issues.The curriculum Print (1993), in his book discusses the musical mode in which curriculum is understood in terms conceptions. To Print (1993) there are five primary(prenominal) curriculum conceptions, these includes Academic rationalist conception humanist conception Cognitive progression conception Social Reconstructionist conceptio n Different school and undertake to use one or more than one of the to a higher place outlined concepts in developing their curriculum. The choosing of the concepts will depend on the outcome that the school and the instilling professional want to hurt from students.Let us briefly attend each one of these conception is some details (Print 1993) The faculty member rationalist concept The concept puts a lot of emphasis on hold outledge, values and skills that are found in opposite pedantic fields. Academic rationalism conception curriculum has a distinctive sketch which is different from other concepts. Many curriculum developers today, use this conception. The concept originates from seven liberal arts that are in the classical curriculum. (Eisner, 1979)According to Eisner & Vallance, (1974) academic rationalism, is among the oldest conceptions, the conception puts a lot of emphasis on the business of the school to enable the students to share the academic benefits of thos e who passed on before. The sharing is not limited to the concepts only, but it besides includes any work that has resisted the test of time. for those individuals that embrace the academic rationalism conception, being educated to them means being initiated to methods thought that are represent by the different disciplines in the conception.There fore, the significant aim of understanding the academic rationalism is to pass the knowledge and aesthetics from one generation to another generation. This is attained through education that is organized within academic disciplines that are recognized. (Eisner & Vallance, 1974) humanist conceptions This curriculum conception offers opportunities in which to improve an individuals self- concept and to attain self- actualization, this is according to Print 1993. This is the most common in main of the bread and butter material that is contained in the curriculum documents.Humanism curriculum conception is a perspective which is founded on the assumption that individuals ca-ca an inclination of developing all their abilities that maintaining them. In ecumenical humanism conception, tries to facilitate releasing of present capacity and potential in a student. In humanism the understanding is that if some beliefs and specific conditions are already present in an individual, this individual or students will gradually let their self actualizing ability to override barriers that they have created international.Roger 1961 points out that the tree main aspects in humanism are Genuineness, unconditional positive aspect and emphatic understanding. Cognitive processes conception This conception provides students with opportunity and skill or methods to assist them drive how to learn and also to kick downstairs students a chance to employ and improve the different faculties that they have (Print, 1993) Social theory This curriculum conception takes a critical look on the social aspect of education.One of the main values of the conception is the obligation in penetrating the world of objective knowledge so that one can expose the social relationships which are underlying that are in many cases hidden . social conception believes that knowledge need to apply for emancipatory political objectives. The main objective of the social conception is to nullify the impacts of ideology in that individual perceptions are free from emancipation, the individual are able to visualize beyond and know the reality. (Kemmis, et al 1994) My personal Conception Technology conceptionPersonally I will take technology concept, DeVore (1968) defines technology conception as an organization of knowledge and the use of resources in producing outcomes that respond to the human requirements and wants. Thus, this definition characterizes technology as a body of knowledge in the past this body f knowledge was being viewed as knowledge of practice. The conception goes on to explain that, the knowledge is used to gives methods of doing activities and show what is really valued through action. Technology is being viewed as a discipline in it self.The view that technology is discipline is justified by DeVore (1968) monograph that outlines technology as a discipline. DeVore (1968) articulates the points that points out that technology as an intellectual discipline which is organized body of knowledge that has got structure that unites the different parts of the technology structure. Technology have also stood the test of time thus evidence that it is durable. Technology is accumulative naturally, and also technology relates to the future and provides inspiration and stimulation for other ideas and goalsBruner (1960) describes technology curriculum conception as a curriculum which is determined by underlying principles of understanding education purposes. To Bruner (1960) the basic learning purpose is economy. The conception views such learning process as permitting generalization thus making knowledge to be use d in other considerations apart from the one that the knowledge was gotten from. It also builds the memory in allowing the student to relate what he/she would have forgotten. Thus, this education conception is important and has to be implemented in schools curricula.(Bruner, 1960) Shaping of education syllabus information course of instruction development is formulated for all schools and for conglomerate classes in modality that it can be taught and develop the students learning procedures. Depending on the curriculum conception/s that is being used it will shape the way the curriculum is authentic. Curriculum development goes a long way to defining the way the education system of a school or a country will be. Curriculum development incorporates all the subjects to be taught and how they will be taught in the education program. Designing of a curriculumCurriculum conception plays important role in shaping and defining the education system of a country. Much of the reforms i n the education area occur due to embracing various curriculum concepts. For instance, recommendations by the Holmes Group for teach reforms on preparations which are discipline based were based on curriculum conceptions. (Kemmis, et al1994) some of the recommendation by the groups was also to having education program for technology teachers, as technology was endorsed as a discipline in the education curriculum. That it was easy to redesign the curriculum in relations to the proposal by the Holmes group.In the same line, where school took technology has a discipline and incorporated technology in its curriculum, the discipline has gained respect and in the academic program. (Kemmis, et al 1994) A good example of how technology has shaped education system in schools is in the Maryland State Department of didactics, where high school graduation requirement have been changed. Previously, the education standards in the state required that a one semester course be offered for the prac tical arts that could be achieved by a course in technology education or any other course in vocational education, home economic or computer education.The new standards that have been proposed eliminate the practical arts subjects requirements, but, the state department of education has put a new requisite in technology education. The requirements require that a student should take one twelvemonth in learning technology education in the school before he/she graduates. Therefore technology education has to be elevated top be a main subject. This highly changes the policies and perceptions in the education system and helps to shape education system to be producing a system which embraces technology. (Maryland State Department of procreation 1991)Education system is also shaped by new disciplines that are being brought forward by the curriculum conceptions. Education is dynamic and in order to delay relevant to the requirements of the masses and to solve the daily challenges in the e ducation system it has to keep on evolving to cope up with the new challenges. In the same background newer disciplines in education curriculum have become much more appropriate than the old ones. For example, psychology has become more relevant to the education sector as it gives a good understanding of human nature.Thus, these conceptions have a direct impact in education systems as they are used in formulating the curriculum being taught in schools which determine the system of education that will be used. (Kemmis, et al 1994) Assessment In order to monitor the progress of students it is important that proper assessments methods has to be formulated and put in place, for the teachers to know the progress of their students in various discipline. Depending on the type of the curriculum conception that is being used in a particular curriculum in school it will determine the kind of assessment methods that will be used in the schools.Assessment methods are in important in ensuring t hat the learners are getting what is taught. (Kemmis, et al 1994) Global versus local issues that may impact developing curriculum Globalization plays important role in shaping the education system in the current education institutions. Today, global issues impact students strongly than never before. With the advent of television and internet opportunities to get information from other parts of the world has increased. The significant of education in assisting students in knowing their roles and responsibilities in the global society has increased.Thus, in formulating the school curriculum it is important that the curriculum should incorporate global issues. Some of the important global aspects that affects curriculum are human rights, interdependence, conflict resolution, values and perceptions, diversity sustainable development and social justice. Local issues like, culture, politics and education system will also affect the curriculum developed. (Eisner, & Vallance, 1974) Outline d below is a discussion on how pedagogics of different subjects can incorporate global dimension in a manner that can ensure that progression by the significant stages of education maturation English curriculum In developing the English curriculum, both fiction and non-fiction books from different countries in the world has to taught in schools so that students can learn different cultures in the world and get an opportunity to enhance their understanding of the world issues and them selves. (Eisner, & Vallance, 1974) Developing Technology education curriculum The curriculum will have to incorporate the current global technology trend and give students opportunities to design different products and analyze how these products work.This will give them also a chance to learn the various needs of people in various cultures and countries. At the same time the students will get an opportunity of knowing how technology can be applied in order to improve and at the same time develop the gl obal society. (Eisner, & Vallance, 1974) Developing History curriculum In formulating history curriculum in relation to global issues, the students can be given an opportunity to learn about the cultural, religious, ethnic and social diversities in the global societies. And related the information they have leant to the different societies and their own.In doing so, they can then link occurrences in different countries and make a comparison with the lives of those people currently and in the pas. This will highly developed their understanding of those countries and give them an insight on global issues. (Eisner, & Vallance, 1974) Strategic and trading trading operations After developing the curriculum it is important to have a clear scheme of how it is going to be implemented and in schools and how it is going to be affected in the learning process. The curriculum developers have to have clear administrative schema that will be used in administering the new curriculum in schools .A proper structure should be provided that reflects how schools will practice and carry out the curriculum. The schema or planning is important for educators and the practitioners in the education system. Strategies sets will ensure that the objectives of the curriculum are achieved. (DeVore, 1968) Proper analysis offers the educators with tools for planning and carrying out operations of the curriculum. Where unavoidable they can redirect the curriculum operation. In addition, operations will involve the way the curriculum will be implemented.This involves the teachers of schools and administrators who have to carry out the operations of teaching. The curriculum will only be effectively in operation if the teaching staffs are well prepared and informed about the curriculum. Other foolhardy they may be a hitch in operation of the curriculum. (DeVore, 1968) Conclusion Curriculum remains an important tool in the education system of a country. A curriculum of a school defines the t eaching material of a school. In developing the curriculum different curriculum conceptions are used in determining the type of a curriculum that will be used in schools.Curriculum conception affects curriculum development, assessments methods and curriculum alignments among other issues of the curriculum. Currently global issues also play important role in determining the kind of education curriculum that will be developed in school. In order to give students a more global approach it has become necessary that global issues have to be incorporated in the education system. However, strategic planning and operations have to be well formulated to effectively implement curriculum in schools. Reference Bruner, J. S. (1960) The process of education.Cambridge, MA Harvard University Press. Commission on Technology Education for the State of New Jersey (1987) Technology Education Learning how to live in a technical world. Aberdeen, NJ Vocational Education Resource Centre. DeVore, P. D. (196 8) social organization and content foundations for curriculum development. Washington, DC American Industrial arts Association. DeVore, P. D. (1964) Technology An intellectual discipline Bulletin Number 5. Washington, DC American Industrial Arts Association. Eisner, E W. (1979) The three curricular that all schools teach The Educational imagination.New York Macmillan, Eisner, E. W. & Vallance, E. (1974) Conflicting conceptions of curriculum. Berkeley, CA McCutch Publishing. Eriksson, T. L. (1988) The teacher education reform movement Tenets of the Holmes group. Journal of Epsilon Pi Tao, 24 Maryland State Department of Education (1991) Requirements for graduation from high school in Maryland. Baltimore, MD. Kemmis, S. , C et al (1994) Understanding Teaching Curriculum and the social context of schooling. Print, M (1993) Curriculum development and design Chapter 2. St Lenards, Australia. Unwin & Allen
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Food Production and Poverty Essay
Most people cost on just a few dollars a day. Whether you live in the wealthiest nations in the military man or the poorest, you will see high levels of inequality. In a world of plenty, a huge number go hungry. Hunger is more than just the resolution of food work and meeting demands. The causes of hunger are related to the causes of poverty. One of the major causes of hunger is poverty itself. The Food and Agriculture Organization maintains that the worlds agriculture produces enough food to provide every person with at least 2,720 kilocalories every day for the worlds population (Eitzen, Zinn, Smith, 2011 pg.68). Problems of hunger, malnutrition and disease fall the poorest in society. Even though the worlds agriculture produces plenty of food, the food production is unevenly distributed, resulting in about 1 billion existence malnourished which is 1 in six people, about one in every three of the worlds inhabitants being food insecure, and around 9 million people dying of mal nutrition each year (Eitzen, Zinn, Smith, 2011 pg.68).The poorest are also typically disregarded from society and have little representation or stamp in public and political debates, making it even harder to escape poverty. Food supplies are adequate, but people must have the resources to hand them. Because the poor cannot afford the available food, they go hungry. This is where the relationship between poverty and food production link together. Political and economic conditions that keep prices too high, make jobs difficult to have and poorly paid, and force too many people to compete for too few resources. The major problem with food shortages is not food production, although thats passing important, but the political economy of the world and of the individual nations. There are many inter-related issues causing hunger, which are related to economics and other factors that cause poverty.They include land rights and ownership, diversion of land use to non-productive use, incre asing emphasis on export-oriented agriculture, inefficient agricultural practices, war, famine, drought, over-fishing, poor crop yields, etc. (Eitzen, Zinn, Smith, 2011 pg.69). An example of non-productive use in farmland is using it to pasture cattle which is a tremendously wasteful use of land, water and energy but has a high demand for soaked countries. A high percentage of agricultural land in the world is used to grow commodities such as cotton, sisal, tea, tobacco, sugar cane, and cocoa, items which are non-food products or learn very little nutrition (Shah, 2010). tittle is also another important food product which is used wasteful.For example more than half the grain self-aggrandising in the United States (requiring half the water used in the U.S.) is fed to livestock, grain that would feed far more people than would the livestock to which it is fed (Shah, 2010). Grain is also is used to biofuels rather than food production. The result in that is that the prices of grain increase, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) estimates that 30% of the increase in the prices of the major grains is due to biofuels (Shah, 2010). The increasing use of biofuels also plays a huge part in food production because it diverts land away from food production and is used to grow crops for fuel such as ethanol. Biofuels have forced global food prices up by 75%, far more than previously estimated according to a World Bank report (Shah, 2010).The relationship between food production and poverty are basically because people dont have enough money to buy food and also be able to put a roof over their head. The cost of food has increase dramatically over the past years and continues to rise due but not limited to the examples stated to previously in this paper. When we think about earning a living which for most families is already below means compared to the cost of living we tend not to factor in food. More than one billion live off of less than $2.50 a day which usually needs to support your family and yourself. Food production may be threatened, but it is international trade, economic policies and the consider of land that have led to enormous poverty/hunger issues therefore leading to less access and high prices for food.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Greek Mythology and Medea Essay
Medea is a Greek tragedy which was written in 431 BC by the Greek philosopher Euripides. The story of Medea is one modify with anger, jealousy, and death. The main character, Medea, has to overcome the personal heartache of seeing her husband, Jason, marry another woman. The ensuing struggle she has with this notion is the focus of this play.In a very weighty scene, Medea palpebraches her plan to murder the princess, who is Jasons new bride, as well as Jason himself. She says that first, she will pretend to beg for Jasons forgiveness, and then she will have him tally the children back to the palace. At the palace, the children will present gifts to the princess from Medea. The gifts of a veil and bridal robe were covered with a poison that is designed to melt the skin from her clay, as well as anyone who touched her.When the children give the gifts to the princess, she cannot resist putting them on immediately. After she put them on, the gifts begin to work as Medea had hoped. T he skin begins to melt from her body and her hair begins to fall out. She also bursts into flames. Upon seeing this, a servant goes to fetch the king and Jason, and when he saw his daughter, King Creon collapses helplessly on the body, and as a result died from the same poisons. Jason returns to the place where Medea is staying and insists to see his children. But he is too late, as Medea has killed them as well.Her reasoning was that she hates Jason more than she loves her children. The sheer cruelty of this scene illustrates Euripides acid that a clever woman with enough time to hatch a plan is a very dangerous woman indeed. It also proves that hell hat no fury like a woman detest. Euripides was aiming to show, in my opinion, that when a woman is wronged in a manner such as this one, the man who has scorned her had better think twice about turning his back on the woman, especially if she is a clever one, as was Medea.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Hypothesis Testing Essay
The intent of possibleness testing is to let an person to interpret between two diametrical hypotheses refering to the value of a population parametric quantity. Learning squad C has conducted a opening running play environing the plaza of clip spent on readying by males and females. and will turn to if there is a coefficient of correlation between the multivariates. Additionally. larning squad C will name if there is a positive or negative correlativity. and how strong that correlativity is between both variables. Overall. statistics basis be really ambitious and we will portion some of the most enigmatic constructs experient in Quantitative Analysis for Business therefore far. When carry oning a hypothesis trial. it is imperative that a void hypothesis is identified. The void hypothesis is the hypothesis that is assumed to be true unless there is sufficient plenty grounds to turn out that it is false ( McClave. 2011 ) . The void hypothesis for this look into Is the ave rage sum of clip spent on prep by females equal to the sum of clip spent on prep by males? The ascertained significance head is. 05. which means that there is a five per centum opportunity that we will reject the void hypothesis. even when it is true. The activity informations set provided were eight informations points for freehanded females and six informations points for body of work forces.Because of the little sample size. we have conducted a t-test for this experiment. The storys of freedom equal 12. which we assign a critical value of 2. 179 from a t-table. If the trial statistic ( t-statistic ) is less than -2. 179. or great than 2. 179 we will reject the void hypothesis in favour of the option. The t-statistic for the clip spent on prep by work forces and adult females is . 4899. This figure does non come to pass into the rejection part. so we fail to reject the void hypothesis. In other words. the average sum of clip spent on prep by work forces and adult females a re equal with a 95 per centum assurance degree. We have at any rate determined the correlativity coefficient. The correlativity coefficient ( denoted by the missive R ) is the step of the grade of additive relationship between two variables ( Webster. edu. n. d. ) . The correlativity coefficient can be any value between negative one and one. If the correlativity coefficient mark is negative. it means that as one variable decreases the other variable additions. The opposite is true for a positive correlativity coefficient. if the value of one variable increases the other variable lessenings. It is of import to observe that correlativity does non needfully intend causing we can non presume a right decision based on correlativity entirely.For this experiment. the correlativity between work forces and adult females was 0. 346102651. When informations with values of R are close to zero. they show small to no straight-line relationship ( Taylor. 2015 ) . Even though the correlativity fo r this experiment was positive. it is non a strong correlativity. The closer the value of R to zero agencies that there is a greater fluctuation around the line of best tantrum ( Laerd Statistics. 2015 ) . Statisticss can be a really dashing topic. and there have been some constructs that have proven to be hard for each member of larning squad C. galore(postnominal) squad members struggle with the proper choice of expressions in Microsoft Excel. while others struggle to replace values into the many equations involved in statistics. There are besides legion symbols to retrieve. and decently place when calculating an equation.From a conceptual point of view. chance is tough subject to hold on. The construct itself seems unintuitive. and is hard to understand an nonphysical construct that is based on guesswork and the best opportunity that an person has to see one event or another is random ( chance ) . When you take that construct and seek to do it touchable by seting it into an equ ation. things get rather confounding. Hypothesis proving can be good when an person is seeking make up ones mind on what hypothesis to take refering to the value of a population parametric quantity. When make up ones minding to carry on hypothesis proving it is of import to activate through the five stairss of the hypothesis proving process that include making premises. saying the nothing and alternate hypothesis. finding the right trial statistic and trying distribution. calculating the trial consequences. and construing the determination ( Boston University. n. d. ) .Interpreting the determination can include comparing the agencies for each of the convocations can give a better apprehension of where each group falls as an norm. Interpreting the determination besides includes finding whether there is a correlativity between the two variables and finding whether the correlativity is positive or negative. For this experiment. the end was to find if there was a important difference for clip spent making prep by males and females. Hypothesis testing is used to find if there is adequate statistical grounds to back up a certain belief about a parametric quantity.MentionsBoston University. ( n. d. ) . The 5 stairss in hypothesis testing. Retrieved from Boston University. web site. Laerd Statistics. ( 2015 ) . Pearson-product minute correlativity. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol //statistics. laerd. com/statistical-guides/pearson-correlation-coefficient-statistical-guide. php McClave. J. T. ( 2011 ) . Statistics for concern and economic sciences ( 11th ed. ) . Boston. MA Pearson Education. Taylor. C. ( 2015 ) . How to cipher the correlativity coefficient. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol //statistics. about. com/od/Descriptive-Statistics/a/How-To-Calculate-The-Correlation-Coefficient. htm Webster. edu. ( n. d. ) . Correlation. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol //www2. Webster. edu/woolflm/correlation/correlation. hypertext markup langu age
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Potential Market Segmentation
Since the raw materials are very much available in our country, I have decided to give the produce an indigenous image. Sandwood is a signifier of talcum powder that provides the consumers with processed sandal mixed talcum powder in bottles. For the marketing purpose of the product I have decided to launch leash product lines. The Sandwood would be launched in the market at 150 gms. 100 gms. and 50 gms bottle. I have set a reasonable price for the product so that all in all kinds of people can afford to buy this talcum powder. I have targeted a huge market segment for the product.Bangladesh s a large populated country. Lots of people are looking for such a product. Sandal mixed Talcum Powder are not available all the time. My target market includes health conscious people, women, children & many other consumers, which I have segmented from the Demographical, Geographical, Psychographical & Behavioral point of view. production Potrayal I am a Brand managers of a consumer product in a domestic company. The top management asked me to favor a product to segment the potential market and we choose Talcum Powder. The description of the product is given below.Product Talcum Powder Brand Name Sandwood Plastic Bottle Container Size Price 1 50 Grams Taka 100. Product Features Its Total skin comfort. Feel better than regular talcum powder. Keep the body fresh for a long time. It has a classic scent. Product Ingredients pictorial sandal, Talc, hydrated magnesium silicate, Scent We choose this very product because normally there are much talcum powder produced for women and many of them have been produced for some(prenominal) male and female but there are very few company that produce women talcum powder and most of them are produced outside Bangladesh.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
On Making Friends
As a human being, one can hardly do without a fighter, for life without friends will be a only(a) voyage in the vast dark sea or one in the barren desert. Traly, a friend gives out light and mania kindred a lamp. For this reason, I have always felt it a blessing if a friend comes to console me in my sadness, cheer me up in my blue spirits, or eyeedly share with me my happiness. It is wonderful, too, to feel that someone is standing by me and ready to provide help and encouragement in my pursuit of a majestic and brilliant cause. For millions of years, people have heaped beautiful verses and essays upon friendship.Yet, they, too, have mercilessly accused false friendship, for there are always some mean char personationers who approach you and act as dear friends when you are wealthy or influential, but desert or until now betray you the instant you come down in the military man or are entrapped by unfortunate things. Therefore, people all attach great importance to the reco gnition of true friendship. And a nigh friend is considered even more precious than a priceless pearl or a precious stone. The old saying A friend in need is a friend indeed has become the teaching and standard for true friends.Still, it is natural that different people observe different principles in making friends. Some moot it distinguished to make friends with whom they may share similar interests or hobbies with. Others are liable to befriend VIPs so as to gain some favors or privileges. And I am of those who think very little of similarity or position or power. So long as a person has a heart of gold, being warm-hearted, selfless, honest, open-minded, but not brutal, cold, shortsighted nor narrowminded, I am willing to make friends with him or her, give my due support and help, and remain faithful to him or her all my life.On Making FriendsAs a human being, one can hardly do without a friend, for life without friends will be a lonely voyage in the vast dark sea or one in t he barren desert. Traly, a friend gives out light and warmth like a lamp. For this reason, I have always felt it a blessing if a friend comes to console me in my sadness, cheer me up in my low spirits, or heartedly share with me my happiness. It is wonderful, too, to feel that someone is standing by me and ready to provide help and encouragement in my pursuit of a noble and glorious cause. For millions of years, people have heaped beautiful verses and essays upon friendship.Yet, they, too, have mercilessly accused false friendship, for there are always some mean characters who approach you and act as dear friends when you are wealthy or influential, but desert or even betray you the instant you come down in the world or are entrapped by unfortunate things. Therefore, people all attach great importance to the recognition of true friendship. And a faithful friend is considered even more precious than a priceless pearl or a precious stone. The old saying A friend in need is a friend in deed has become the teaching and standard for true friends.Still, it is natural that different people observe different principles in making friends. Some view it important to make friends with whom they may share similar interests or hobbies with. Others are liable to befriend VIPs so as to gain some favors or privileges. And I am of those who think very little of similarity or position or power. So long as a person has a heart of gold, being warm-hearted, selfless, honest, open-minded, but not brutal, cold, shortsighted nor narrowminded, I am willing to make friends with him or her, give my due support and help, and remain faithful to him or her all my life.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Respond To Pupils’ Use Of Home Language
Karen is working with a small group of children who have brought a toy in from bag and have been asked to talk about it to the rest of the group. Ben is from Wales and has a very broad accent which is different from another(prenominal) children in the group, who are from London. When Ben stands and starts to talk a girl in the group starts laughing with her friend and tries to pursue him. What should Karen do? Why is it important not to ignore the pupils who laugh? Karen should talk to the girls who were laughing and explain that all(prenominal) person is a unique individual and we all have differences.They may not have pretend to upset Ben or realise the impact their behaviour could have on him. She should ask the girls how they would feel if person laughed at them because of their accent or their appearance or other factor that is beyond their control. Considering the feelings of other masses should always be encouraged. It is extremely important not to ignore this behaviou r as pupils may think that it is acceptable to do this. Ben could aim upset and feel isolated, which could have a serious impact on his self-confidence.His work may also be affected, he may not want to attend school, become withdrawn or even start to display unacceptable behaviour himself. To help promote diversity, Ben should be encouraged to talk to his peers about where he is from. If Ben speaks Welsh, he could teach a few basic wrangling to the class. At Meadow View, some teachers encourage children to answer the register in a different language. A situation like this would be ideal to educate students about Bens background and hopefully let him feel included and accepted amongst his classmates.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Entertainment Is Something Which Distracts Our Daily Life Routine Essay
What is diversion? There are umpteen definitions of entertainment that I look at it as something which diverts or whitethorn distract us from our daily invigoration routine. It helps us relax for periods of time and then forget our worries and cares our habits and thoughts are interrupted, it rests our minds and nerves, though it derriere also conk out our energies thus exhaust our bodies (Herbert, 2012). There are multiple holds of entertainment that are in play directly that people consider a good way to release themselves from the daily life routines.Entertainment has many forms that are endless but the main yearsnda is to divulge us from the daily patterns of life .In the resent generation people fool been looking for better and easier ways to forge a living in a simpler manner, therefore making recreation or entertainment the most available solution to let go of them from never-ending stress and responsibilities in their daily lives (Herbert, 1946). Entertainment d iverts our thoughts to moments of inanition and less care to our worries and anxieties.Our worries can either bring our heart and mind to a low or bring us to a high, in a sense that it brings an immeasurable amount of adrenaline or a low to mean laxity of mind and less activity of body. And this immense adrenaline definitely is brought about by sporting activities. card-playing activities make most of the body parts to actively participate therefore making us have the feeling of our exis cardinalce within. Again in the present times technology has greatly originated forcing humans to evolve with it. With this aspect involved, we are now encircled by smart phones, internet and all kinds of similar gadgets a want television sets and iPods which have a considerable amount of our daily working life and entertainment of which we cant imagine our entertainment or leisure time without.Everything that we are involved with at this age in time is all about entertainment as Tony Robbins puts it (Herbert, 2012) . Reading and writing has been a form of entertainment for many people. This is by books, magazines, blogs reading and writing in internet or paper. To the children reading of comics of heroes like Bat man, Super man and many others makes the happy and entertained. Also children as opposed to the adults who write they find it entertaining to draw patterns and characters on paper.All this is educative and entertaining at the same time because it moves us from daily patterns of life while we are adding knowledge. Marshall McLuhan say that anyone who tries to make a distinction amidst education and entertainment doesnt know a thing about either dance symphony and films have found their way into peoples definition of entertainment and recreation (Herbert, 1946). A gigantic number of entertainment gadgets presently have to have music or visual images to be considered as items of entertainment. This is the other good way that recreation time can be well utilized . This is found in social joint like pubs, bars, disco etc.From my perception, our personalities can be defined by how we pack our entertainment activities e.g. If you are into parachuting you might be quite crazy, courageous and also an energetic person. except one who spends hours drawing, he or she might be a shy person, maybe calm and may also you be a patient person. Some entertainment forms may prove illogical e.g. ten people chasing after one ball but all in all each of us is unique in his or her own way thus we have what we like more us compared to other things.In conclusion entertainment does distract us from daily life routine because it soothes our feelings thus making us happy for we create our own worlds and forget about the rest of the world. Different entertainment activities create a longer period of happiness in turn causing continuous distraction.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Pinnacle Manufacturing Essay
1. External users reliance on financial statementsExternal users hope heavily on the financial statement of Pinnacle Manufacturing. Although, Pinnacle manufacturing is a privately held company it incurs a large amount of debt. As a result potential users rely heavily on financial statements.Pinnacle is selling the machine tech division to focus on engine manufacturing, the companys core operations. This causes buyers to also rely heavily on financial statements.In No. 6 the board chooses to finance the construction project mentioned in No. 4 by raising more debt. Again bringing focus to the Financial statements.Likelihood of financial difficultiesThe Solar index finger engine business is focused on habitual transformation of technology, which makes the business riskier than other business and brings astir(predicate) a greater chance of bankruptcy. In No. 1, concerns be expressed about Pinnacles Solar-Electro Division.No. 9 identifies restrictive covenants. The requirements are to keep the period ratio above 2.0 and the debt-to-equity be paltry 1.0. In Part I, the calculation of the current ratio fell below the requirement and thus the need for the loan. anxiety IntegrityIn No. 8 there is a significant turnover amongst higher-level positions. This turnover is perchance intentional and thus a greater chance for fraudulent activities.2. No.1 The acceptable audit risk is Medium. The listener would have to prove that the articles are material. No. 6 Pinnacle Manufacturing is a risky client and the auditors should backtrack and verify each account. The acceptable audit risk is assessed as low. No. 8 Management isever-changing its internal audit team. New members would learn the company and the way the audits are done. The audit risk is low because auditors would not rely on management representation. No. 9 Because the current ratio and debt-to-equity ratio are below the requirements management will constantly check to either increase or decrease current a ssets to meet criteria. Thus the audit risk is low.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Eleanor Roosevelt Essay
And strength, cour mature and confidence she possessed. cardinal yrs after Eleanor Roosevelts death yet she the former First skirt still rest an influential women in the world. She supported her husbands political career. In fact, President Franklin Roosevelt often jawed his married muliebrity his eyes and ears (Bradgon, McCutchen, and Ritchie 776). Eleanor Roosevelt played a pivotal mathematical function in the Roosevelt administration especially when paralysis realise the president (776). She used this power to counselor for civil rights, especially for the women (Goodwin 1998).The was the first woman to become the office of the ordinary people, she spoke in national conventions, held press conferences, lectured, and wrote a syndicated newspaper column (1998). She fought for the plight of the poor, the women, and the African Americans (777). She was a super woman, so to speak. Her fight for neighborly justice was perhaps what Roosevelt is famed and revered for. She help ed laid the pedestal of the civil rights and womens movement. It was her greatest achievement, one that the world will forever be grateful for.Eleanor Roosevelt was born(p) October 11, 1884 to Elliott Roosevelt and Anna Hall (Caroli 2008). Although she came from an influential family (her uncle was Theodore Roosevelt), her life story did not start out smoothly (2008). Hers was what people would call a dysfunctional family (Tindall and Shi 1266). Her father was described was an alcoholic who got servant girl pregnant small-arm her have was said to be a cold, self-absorbed kindite (Tindall and Shi 1266). Despite this, Eleanor loved her parents deeply. However, trold agedy struck the family.By age ten, both her parents died and Eleanor, together with her brother, was brought to be raised by relatives (Caroli 2008). Eleanors other brother had died a year before (2008). Eleanor was extremely close to her father and his death deeply affected the young girl (2008). The siblings were b rought to their nan Mary Hall to become their guardian (Black 2008). An introvert, Eleanor was sent to Allenswood, a girls boarding instill by age 15 (Caroli 2008). Under the wing of Mademoiselle Marie Souvestre, Eleanors intellectual curiosity was awakened.Souvestre was a confident woman who was a staunch believer in the liberal causes (Black 2008). In Eleanors three years at Allenswood, she forged friendship not just with Souvestre but with young girls her age she learned language, literature and write up expressed her opinions on political events and discovered Europe in summers (2008). She was, to say the least, transformed into a tall, willowy, trounce woman (Tindall and Shi 1266). In 1902, Eleanor went back to hot York for her coming out into society (Caroli 2008).Following her familys tradition, she immersed herself into social responsibilities, enlisting with the National Consumers League and the Junior League for the Promotion of Settlement Movements (Black 2008). She also volunteered to teach at the College Settlement on Rivington Street (2008). Her endeavors soon reached the attention of the New York reform conference (2008). One summer, on a train ride to Tivoli, she bumped into her fifth cousin Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Black 2008). A secret courtship began and on November 22, 1903, the 2 became engaged (2008). The two were different.Eleanor was often described as a serious person, someone of high ideals and principles while Franklin was a confident man, who grew with love and affection from his family (Tindall and Shi 1267). Franklins mother, Sara was against the relationship and tried in vain to appropriate the two. On March 17, 1905, Eleanor and Franklin were married in New York (2008). The wedding, wherein President Theodore Roosevelt gave the bride away, was on the front page of the New York Times (2008). In a span of 10 years, Eleanor gave turn out to six children, one of whom died after birth (Caroli 2008).In 1911, Franklin won a seat in the New York senate and the family relocated to Albany (Black 2008). Eleanor looked forward to despicable out, especially since in their old home, her mother-in-law was constantly breathing down her neck. She was said to comment that the move ignite her passion to become independent and be an individual (2008). As Franklin started to carve his political career, Eleanor took on the role of a political wife- gracing formal parties and making social calls (2008). When World War I broke in 1917, Eleanor found herself returning to volunteer urinate.She spent her free time helping the Navy- Marine Corps rest Society and the Red Cross (Caroli 2008). Her unwavering commitment opened another door in her life- that of being able to be of service to others. For some time, she was in the shadow of her political husband. The War ignited her desire to pursue other plans outside her husband. It helped boost her confidence. Ruby Black, Eleanors friend, once commented that the war beca me her first work outside her family (Black 2008). But this awakening of sorts was dampened when Eleanor found that her husband was involved romantically with another woman, Lucy Mercer.Mercer was Eleanors social secretary (Caroli 2008). This caused a dent in the couples relationship and Eleanor suggested to have a divorce, which Franklin refused (2008). Franklin end the relationship with Mercer and tried to patch things with Eleanor. Though they continued on with the marriage, it was said that they remained affectionate but no longer intimate (2008). In 1921, Franklin fell ill with polio and was paralyzed (Tindall and Shi 1267). Despite what had happened in their relationship, Eleanor did not leave her husband.She helped him in his career, attending political gatherings and speaking on his behalf (1267). According to their daughter Anna, polio was submissive in bringing their parents together (1267). While Eleanor supported her husband, she started to carve her own name. She becam e active with the Womens administer Union League and the Democratic Party of the New York state (Caroli 2008). As Chair of the League of Women Voters legislative Affairs Committee, Eleanor read the Congressional Record, talked with fractions of Congress and the State Assembly and presented a report on a monthly basis (Black 2008).She was especially concerned in non-legislative issues like primary reform, voter registration and companionship identification (2008). Eleanor also wrote for the Womens Democratic News (2008). Three years after, Eleanor was part of a group whose purpose was to inform women on participating in political and social issues. As board member of the bi-partisan Womens City Club, Eleanor led the City Planning Department, tackling issues such as housing and transportation, child labor, and the dispersion of birth control information on married people (Black 2008). She also taught at a school (2008).When Franklin was elected governor, Eleanor divided her time equally, ensuring that she pursued her personal interest and that of being a governors wife. When the Governors inner circle had disagreements with Eleanors League of Women Voters, Eleanor acted as arbitrator (Black 2008). Her political grace, no doubt, was shaping up. Following Franklins successful crack at the presidential election, the now First Lady continued with her passion. With her own staff, Eleanor carried on with her causes. She had press conferences with women correspondents, something she was keen on.She also talked to her husband about employing women in his locker (Tindall and Shi 1268). In fact, she backed the successful appointment of France Perkins as Secretary of Labor (Caroli 2008). Like the First Lady, Perkins was an advocate of minimum wage and maximum hour laws, child-labor restrictions and other reforms (Bradgon, McCutchen, and Ritchie 776). Eleanor was not afraid to speak her mind, even if it meant carp on her husbands plan regarding unemployment insurance (Caroli 2008). In 1936, she started her own daily syndicated newspaper column My Day (2008).This was her channel for expressions her opinion publicly. While some greeted her write-up with criticisms, many people admired her for taking interest in their plight. She often tackled child welfare, racial minorities, housing reform and women equality (2008). Following her husbands death in 1945, President Harry Truman her to the US delegation in the United Nations (UN) (Caroli 2008). She was responsible for the mechanical drawing and adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) (2008). The UDHR was approved on Dec. 10, 1948 at a U.N skirmish in Paris, for which the former First Lady received a standing ovation from the delegates (Gardner 1988). The UDHR is deemed the touchstone of benevolent rights (1988). It is also used to measure the performance of UN entities and NGOs (1988). Likewise, the UDHR continued to serve as inspiration for other humankind rights treaties in Europe and Latin American (1988). Based on the American Bill or Rights, the British Magna Carta, and the French Declaration of the Rights of the Man, the UDHD comprises a preamble and 30 articles on basic rights and freedoms (1988). When John F.Kennedy became president, she appointed Eleanor as chair of the Commission on the Status of Women (Caroli 2008). She continued to work and fought for the underprivileged. Even at her age, Eleanor travelled the clod to conduct meetings with world leaders (2008). She also did not stop writing books and articles. In 1962, she contacted a high-flown form of tuberculosis and succumbed. She was buried at Hyde Park.Works CitedBlack, Allida. Anna Eleanor Roosevelt. The Eleanor Roosevelt Papers Project. Jan. 31, 2008. May 7, 2008 http//www. gwu. edu/erpapers/. Bragdon, Henry, Samuel McCutchen and Donald Ritchie.History of a trim Nation. Ohio McGraw-Hill, 1996. Caroli, Betty. Eleanor Roosevelt. Britannica. com. 2008. May 7, 2008 . Gardner, Ric hard. Eleanor Roosevelts Legacy Human Rights. Dec. 10, 1988. May 7, 2008 . Goodwin, Doris. Leaders and Revolutionaries. TIME. com April 13, 1998. May 7, 2008 . Lewis, Jone. Eleanor Roosevelt Quotes. Womenhistory. about. com 2008 May 7, 2008 . Tindall, George and David Shi. America A Narrative History 5th ed. USAW. W. Norton and Company, 1999.
Law Exam Review
Or the victim choosing not to have a blood transfusion? * Court Ruling * Guilty. Thin skull rule Those who use emphasis against others must take victims as they find them Blaue had to take the victim as a Jehovahs Witness * The defendant is not responsible if the victim dies as a result of an unrelated emergence If his actions led to the event, he is still guilty R v Hummel (Stare decisis- lower coquets must follow high courts) * Summary Judge Perkins did not follow a binding decision of a higher court (contravening the doctrine of stare decisis) * Perkins struck down a section of the criminal code, in favour of the defendant * The crown appealed, and judge Clements disagreed with Perkins, allowing the appeal * Shortly after, Perkins had another ssimilar case, and refused to follow Clements judgment. He one time again adopted his own reasoning as in the previous case. * intelligent rule * Decisions of a higher court must be followed because that is what holds common faithfu lness together.Their decisions are binding decisions * It doesnt offspring that Perkins could have been more intelligent than Clements * Rulings of higher courts bind lower courts R v Ladue (Does computer error counteract mens rea? ) * Summary * Woman at a party died from drinking too much alcohol * Forensics showed that Ladue had conjure with her after he died * He couldnt be charged with sexual assault because he was nonviable * He was charged with doing an indignity to a dead body * Used the defense that he did not be intimate she was dead, so he had no mens reaR v hissing and Bolduc (Doctor allowed friend to examine patient) * Summary * mendelevium told a female patient that his friend was a medical intern * she gave consent for the friend to prise a medical examination * The fraud was as to the identity of the onlooker, not as to the act, of which she knew and understood. * Legal lead * Was consent obtained fraudulently as to the nature and quality of the act? * Court Ruling * Bolduc did exactly what the victim understood he would do.There was no fraud on his part as to what he was going to do * Victim knew that Bird was present and consented to his presence * Innocent the fraud had nothing to do with the act, but with Birds identity * If he touched her, it would have turned into an assault R v Campbell and Mlynarchuk (Stripper case, mistake of police force) * Summary * Campbell was convicted of dancing naked * Previously, Alberta supreme court made dancing naked legal * Campbell did not know that the Court of attract overruled it * Legal Principle Mistake of fact is a defense to a criminal charge, mistake of law is not * Court Ruling * Campbells mistake was one of law She coincluded that the decision of the judge correctly stated the law, which it did not * Although this is not fair, it is necessary in order to check ignorance of the law as a defense * Out of the sense of justice, (naked dancing is not a common problem), Campbell got an abs olute discharge * Mistake of fact is a defense to a criminal charge, mistake of law is not R v Keegstra (Freedom of speech vs hate speech) * Summary Keegstra was a schoolteacher who taught his sstudents anti-Semitism and anticipate them to use his teachings on exams. If they didnt, their marks suffered * A few months after a parent complained, Mr. Keegstra was dismissed * Legal Principle * S. 319 bans promoting hatred against an identifiable group * Charter protects freedom of speech * Court Ruling * Court of Appeal states it was protected under s. 319 2(b), which protects innocent and imprudent speech (people who think that their hate speech is actually true) * bulk Failed the Oakes proportionality test.Hate propaganda contributes little to the quest for truth, or the protection and fostering of a vibrant democracy The intrusion was justified R v Rabey (Automatism) * Summary * Stabbed a woman after finding out that she doesnt like him * Used the defense of non- disturbed automati sm, stating that he had a blackout due to his rage (powerful emotional shock) * Legal Principle * Was his dissociative state due to a disease of the judgment? * Court Ruling * His automatism was insane * Ordinary stresses and disappointments of life do not explain the mind alfunctioning * Rabeys emotional stress from the misfires rejection is not reasonable It was due to his psychological or emotional make-up, thus constituting disease of the mind R v Ruzic (Duress) * Summary * Ruzic landed in Pearson airport with 2 kilos of heroin and a forge passport * She used the defense of duress, because a man in Serbia would kill her mother if she didnt heed to him
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Supply Chain Management in Hospitality Sector Essay
Supply Chain Management in Hospitality Sector - Essay deterrent exampleIn a globe where products are copied approximately as soon as they are company up into the market, building and supporting spirited advantage is a main anxiety for todays CEOs. For this reason, there is a brawny link amongst how firms manage their people and the financial results achieved. Results from studies of five year staying power rates of initial public byeings studies of output and stock price in large samples of corporation from manifold industries and thorough investigate on auto, clothing, and other industries shows that substantial pisss of about 40% can be obtained by implementing high mental process management practices. An additional purpose of this paper is to increase about to happen into supply Chain major power and the factors that get better its growth. If members of a supply Chain are to flourish together they must postulate that a learning environment improves the overall efficiency o f the supply Chain as substantially as the aptitude of the entity members (Stump, R. L., 2001, 29-48).One significant management practice for lots of companies is the association that they have by content of their suppliers. Supply Chain partnerships are relationships flanked by two or more self-governing entities in a supply Chain to achieve exact objectives. Basically, these partnerships are usually created to add to the financial and operational foundation of every channel. These objectives are talented from side to side reductions in total costs, reductions in inventories, and greater than in the first place levels of shared information. Over a period of time these partnerships can develop and lead to better service, proficient novelty, and product design.LITERATURE REVIEW2.1 IntroductionThe purpose of this chapter is to contribute a summary as well as an interpretation from question findings of the secondary data, by books, journal articles, reports, electronic databases and websites in order to deluge the literature. In addition, an in-depth analysis of the roles and purpose of the SCM in compositions in general entrust be included, how SCM assists in the organization and how SCM helps the organization strategy. Moreover, the research is concentrated on the SCM in Cyprus. Finally, some information about the SCM in hotels will be given. This chapter is very helpful in increasing the knowledge relative to the studying area since the results and the findings of the first data will be related with the literature review. Therefore, the knowledge from literature review is going to provide a more professional research that will focus on the purpose of this research. Also, the purpose of this is to offer an overview of significant information published on the topic in order to narrow down the research questions to a specific, suitable form.2.2 SCM an overviewFrom an academic perspective, SCM is still a relatively new term that is struggling to gain cr edibility and sit alongside more established disciplines (Marchington and Wilkinson, 2002). Nowadays, the SCM departments are necessary for
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Disneyland Resort Paris Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Disneyland lapse genus Paris - Case Study ExampleFrom this discussion, it is clear that the target markets of Disney resorts and parks comprise of consumers of all boards since it is an hook designed to entertain and enchant guests of all ages. However, in order to focus on customers of different age and gender, in that location are designs of an outpost of creativity, discovery, and entertainment. Nevertheless, Disney resorts focus master(prenominal)ly on children below the age of fourteen, through the main campaigns direct marketing towards children. Therefore, despite attempts to stir the interests of the adult celebrity portraits series, adult demographics are broadcasted on television and other advertisements. In addition, there are the campaigns commercials, the slick publicity images that are aimed at children demographics, thus leaving incentives for children below six years to visit the parks. Disneyland in Paris was established in 2006, whereby it consisted of three p arks, which include Disney village, Disney land Paris and Disney Studio Park. In fact, the Village had stores and restraints, mend the Disneyland Paris had the main theme park and the Studio Park was focused on movie devising a theme. Nevertheless, this was a mistake, since there were numerous factors posing challenges to the establishment of Disneyland in Paris. At the beginning of the honk, there were concerns, whereby it was subjected to criticism. In fact, when the announcement was made concerning the building of the park in France, some of the citizens were not supporting the idea. The project was being referred to as the Cultural Chernobyl due to the claims that it would affect the French cultural values.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 42
Case Study - Essay ExampleConsequently, it stills identification of weaknesses and threats that may block off production of superior commodities. It is imperative for administrators to perform a comprehensive evaluation of operations in replacement Corporation based on SWOT guidelines to enable the establishment of growth oriented business policies.Haier, which is an electronic producing institution in china, has an outstanding human resource management history. The company practices conventional human governing body principles that borrow its ideals from the integrated Japanese supervision philosophy, US innovation guidelines and aspects of traditional Chinese culture. The policies are mark with an aim of building cohesive working relations and teamwork, which are crucial for institutional advancement. Indeed, Haier order has adopted noble performance management human resource (PMHR) policies that steer its growth. It sets the policies to boost interaction levels, worker reco gnition, morale advancement and employee empowerment. The critical issues that fosters PMHR that the institution tackles includesHaier in its human resource management guideline adopts motivational practices that facilitate employee satisfaction and improve performance. The company remunerates its employees well with job security that boosts performance (Donna, 2010). Consequently, it practices transparency, fairness and justice without twist discrimination. These aspects remain a major human capital administration issues that influence performance if not turn to amicably.Going global is a performance and human resource practice that expands an institutions network and employees scope of deployment. globalization signifies growth that most employees normally anticipate. Employees are motivated by growth prospects of institutions since it guarantees their job stability and advancement. Haier Company has advanced its
Monday, May 13, 2019
Employment Law for Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Employment Law for Business - Assignment ExampleThe employer should include employees and volunteers who are knowledgeable to the highest degree diversity matter in decision-making. The employer may constitute an internal equal probability and diversity note charged with advising human resources department on diversity matters. The employer should incorporate diversity as part of defecate lace training. The employer will invite resource persons who are knowledgeable about diversity matters to educate employees. Senior employees substructure be sponsored to attend diversity seminars.The employer will join university and college divers(a) caucuses to mentor young people. The mentees are outsourced from diverse backgrounds and mentored on diversity issues. The employer will engage with employees on diversity development strategy. The employer will continuously adjudicate ways to improve diversity.Mainstream diversity into all aspects of the workplace. The employer will make diver sity a core cherish of the organization. The employer will encourage the development of a corporate culture that values diversity.Scrutinize policies and practices to check if they are a hindrance to diversity. The use of an internal office of equality and diversity to engage in a unbroken recap of policies and practices to eliminate those that might hinder diversity. Where possible the employer should engage outside agencies to do periodic review policies and practices and make recommendations for correction of those that hinder diversity.Broaden the view on diversity to include white males. The employer should not tholepin to a narrow view of diversity. The employer should embrace the equal opportunity. This means the employer will recognize white males as part of diversity and with equal rights to employment. The employer should entrench diversity by creating and staffing an internal office for equal opportunity and diversity. The office will be charged with carrying out peri odic audits on diversity and making recommendations to the employer.
Sunday, May 12, 2019
An invertigation of influence of procurement methid in construction Essay
An invertigation of influence of procurance methid in construction industry in Hong Kong - Essay ExampleOn the other hand, it is negatively fit with D& B. Years of existence of the company in the industry is importantly and positively correlated with enormousness scores of the Traditional Method. On the other hand, it is negatively correlated with D&B. Turnover of the company is non significantly correlated with importance scores of the Traditional Method. However, it is negatively correlated with D&B. Companies with higher disorder tend to rate D & B importance lower. Size of projects handled (in terms of project cost) is not significantly correlated with importance scores of the traditional method. However, it is negatively correlated with D&B method. Companies who handle big projects tend to rate D &B importance lower.I would like to seize this opportunity to in person thank to the module leader, Professor David Proverbs and my supervisor, Dr. Rod Gameson. I cannot express t he extent to which their support and understanding allowed me to oscilloscope the end of this journey. His encouragement, support, understanding and, above all, his prompt, constructive and greatly appreciated criticism and feedback, were invaluable to the research, writing and apogee of this study. Once again, my sincerest thanks.Recognizing that students have an ethical and moral obligation to ensure that all work that they submit in their name is, indeed, their own and free of plagiarism, I exercised caution throughout the writing process. When writing the dissertation, I make sure that all my sources were meticulously acknowledged. Even so, there remained a fear that I might have, inadvertently, plagiarism sections of my study or paraphrased something without referencing it correctly. Therefore, following the completion of the study, I have checked it through http// The plagiarism reports original from plagiarism detection engines indicated that the work was, indeed, original
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Mini-Project (Second) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Mini-Project (Second) - Essay Example in all management projects contain insecuritys of one sort or another. These arise from interactions between the project objectives and uncertainty. A risk is an uncertain event which, should it occur, would have an effect on achieving the objectives. (APM PRAM Guide, 1997) The business, technical and project risks be listed below. The squeeze level of each risk is stated in the table, and these are given ratings and assigned priorities. Important recommendations are given on how the risks should have been managed.6. Change in production train specification made it incumbent to add another five feet to the length of the rising building (only discovered when holding down bolts for the new train were laid out on site). Similarly for catalogue descriptions and specifications for other equipment6. Manufacturing drawings for the critical long-lead equipment sat in a junior clerks in-tray awaiting approval and caused a two week detainment and con tributing to a later construction schedule conflict in tying-in the new services indecision (or probability of occurrence) is classified as either very low (1), low (2), medium (3), high (4) or very high (5). The impact level is graded and scored the same. The two figures are multiplied to give the anteriority rating.The fact that not all stakeholders roles were clearly defined and especially that the project managers were not even advised of the importance of some stakeholders until much later was a great risk. For instance, The VP Production and VP Sales and Estimating were important stakeholders who got have-to doe with in the project much later than they should have been. (Group 1) And, the local inspection authoritys latest safety standards were not taken into account for the paint disposal arrangements. This was a potential environmental risk.The unforesightful pre-planning was another great risk and an important part of this was project design, budgeting and scheduling.
Friday, May 10, 2019
Week Two Participation Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Week Two Participation Questions - Essay ExampleDue to the current economic stave companies even if they wanted could not invest their limited cash flow into renewable energy technologies. The course of study will enable companies to develop electric and hybrid cars that butt end stand out and provide the types of benefits Americans seek. A preview of the potential of the technology is already here. GM will launch in 2010 the Volt 230 model, a vehicle with the capabilities of giving 230 miles per gallon.I agree with your perspective that in order for organisational change to hap the changes have to start at the top of the food chain. The executive and managerial staff is the stakeholder group responsible for any transformational change initiative. Their leadership and guidance are essential in order to influence appearanceal changes throughout the organization. Changes in the corporate culture must occur simultaneously with organizational change. As you give tongue to sometim es this process is difficult, but in order for the changes to occur the managers have to be persistent and cease sufficient time for the employees and other stakeholder groups to accept the changes.The first sentence of your response claims that change cannot be delegated. I disagree with your statement because in order for change to occur the manager must delegate component of the responsibility to other employees that are respected leaders within the workforce. These leaders can influence the behavior of the other workers better in certain aspects than a manager because the employees view these persons as equals within the organizational hierarchy. The example you provided about change within your organization was very insightful. It showed that change is inevitable, but that it takes time to clear itself. According to your estimates you notice that noticeable change occurred every five years. A manager that thinks he/she can implement organizational change in a matter of month s is doomed to fail.Three concepts that you
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Employment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Employment - Research Paper ExampleUnemployment has various effects on the providence and on heap, which has caused substantial problems to wellbeing of the nation.According to U.S. Bureau of excavate Statistics, unemployment has serious effects on an psyches emotional and sociological condition. Employment is a shunned upon the issue in today society. Therefore, those that be inert undergo past several societal changes that may affect their sociological state of mind. The U.S society views those that argon idle as slackers and hardly empathizes with the jobless people. The unemployed persons go through the pain of knowing that, they acquire no job themselves, while on the same time, having to face the lack of ability to protect this fact, from the surround surrounding them (Strand, Novo and Hammarstrom 1). When one falls deeply in this situation the entire state of mind raft be damaged. Some even consider the unemployed as a burden to the country. However, the unemployed pe ople work as harder as the employed people to upkeep themselves only that they do not grow a recognized job. The eventual effects of being unemployed become so detrimental that the unemployed face-losing essential parts of their lives. Some lose their cars, home, and even families.Unemployment has an impact on society as a whole. The unemployed people are capable of making a significant contribution to the public, but they are incapable of doing so because of their unfortunate circumstances. This has mandated the U.S administration to disburse unemployment settlement to the unemployment leading to the straining of the government budget. The government is in turn forced to borrow from organizations such as the World Bank to have becoming budget funds to make such payments, as currently unemployment is on the increase (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics).The experience of unemployment causes long-term consequences both amplified probability of potential unemployment and lesser
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